Everything about Objects in JavaScript - A Beginner's Guide

in javascript •  2 years ago 

In this video, we cover What is objects in javascript | Syntex of describing objects | when to use objects | array vs object | What data types we can use in objects | how to get keys and values of objects | and how to target specific elements of the object.


0:00 What are objects in real life
0:36 Properties of objects
1:10 What are objects in javascript?
2:01 How to define the object in javascript?
3:00 Syntex of writing object in javascript.
3:50 What is the key-value pair in the object?
5:31 Defining an object in code editor javascript
6:41 How to print an object in the console?
8:18 Why do we need objects in javascript?
8:30 How to define a different type of object?
10:55 Practice questions of objects in javascript.
12:25 Solution of practice question of objects.
12:15 Thanks you please like share and subscribe.

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