Letter to Ghislaine Maxwell

in jcat7 •  5 years ago 

Letter to Ghislaine Maxwell


                                              I can see you. 

I feel your spinning, your fear and your rage

Your hands at my throat
just because
I can see you

                                                     I can feel you

looking at all the exits, well-scripted long ago confident in the covert plans
and promises of those who engineer futures — elections wars and global movements
yet not quite trusting those who promise in the spirit of colonial players and sometimes
do, and sometimes don’t —

Your father died and there was nothing you could do

but you still have a chance he was not given.

I am writing to you with all sincerity to tell you that
there is a way out of your prison of cross-deceptions and out
of the catacombs

We all make so much mess down here. We have this life; we could have done
so many things with it. We always had choices: to put ourselves first, or others;
to care: for the earth, for the children,
for the future of our planet on its own terms
or play for riches and promises of directors all the way up
to the one who is unknown, at least in what he wants, with but

                                                       one eye
                                           sitting atop the tower of   
                                 need       -     to    -    know       basis 
                          cascading  all  the  way                              down
            to the abuse and control of “normal" people,   rewarded by obedience
     in empty dollars   each as precious and     each as unique and each as  disposable 

                                                 as they see  your 


(dollars which, thanks to your friends from the living
abundant wealth of Earth, though we were all given to share,
got grabbed and loaded somehow onto an upward escalator)

yet if I, a simple bystander, can see, so can you
that there is another choice now
you can pay it off
and drop the heavy heavy bag you have been carrying

YOU know who prints the money to order, endless reserves. YOU know
who designs and sells wars. YOU know the headtrips echoing those
which threw so many into gas chambers. You know the deals, and the reasons
(or should I say psychoses) which killed a million in Iraq which stole oil
from every shoreline grabbed and grasped and wanted and craved more
and more and more and more and more and more

You know the scars that each child bore as a result of your handling
seeing others as less, as commodities, as products, as tools, as toys.

You knew which survived
And which didn’t
You know the
most racist of corporate Zionism which has hurt the name and lives
of so many innocent Jews, Muslims and Christians.

You know what they want; you know
what they wanted

and so do I

and so I am writing to appeal to you -

There is a door. There is a way out There is a hope, and not one of the backdoor deals
you are trusting in to keep you quietly behind but

                                                           full daylight

    back into something

you haven't had for so so so long seeming like forever

full daylight /exposure / transparency / whole and unadulterated truth

and the one
who can open that door
is closer than the ingoing and outgoing
of your breath (which could be the only thing you hear for years and years) but I am writing
to help you see that you have a life-changing choice that I do not think you have considered

If you will not continue with the protocols, or the limits of statutes and articles
and the crappy cages of aged angry self-concealing legal corruption so clearly seen
in aged pedophiles that dirty and cast ridicule and disdain on the very nature of
the constructs of law itself another mode of conduct of ethics
of conscience and of accountability;
if you will instead decide
to turn around and away from all those who “facilitate”, and choose instead to turn
to the One who is sitting beside you, sitting beside all of us — if only we have
the strength and clarity of understanding to seek and ask —
can forgive and wash away
all with just a word, a simple utterance of mercy, a wave of His hand, a single drop
of blood given in the real sacrifice of unfathomable mercy wider than the skies

yet the one those "people" ignored hiding in their satellite grids of inorganic power
hiding in their submarine meetings lining their bunkers yet knowing that
the victims you provided with lures and the flattenable hopes
will age if they do not hurry up and do as they are instructed
while inviting, promising and invoking another to replace Him with

Look, it’s like this.
All those things you have done
All the bad things they have facilitated
Imagine you died
And all those you harmed came to you one at a time
Not just directly
Those harmed by those “operations” to

And it seems to go on forever
Well that is hat comes if you suicide
Or they do

Then someone comes along
And says Child
I can take all of those from you
And pay the price for you
Take it all onto my body
All you need to do is let me lead you anew
On the way of healing these things in the world
You know how they work
You also know way more than you now know
How to undo them

Follow me
Renounce Satan

And the ways of evil

And Follow Me

And I will pay the bail forever

As long as you ask Me
Who knows all
The Way
And give every breath
Every heartbeat
Every step

To healing
And you know

The more you do
The better
You will feel

Know now, the truth of truths, the line between the sheeps and the goats, the rod
which divides on the weight of hearts and actions is not the one they want to grab at all, to hastily
build a Temple for is not the Messiah who in fact said it will go down
and it did who ripped the sky in two and its curtain apart
and who opened to sanctuary for all for me / for those you harmed

and if you just chose to turn around and say
Lord I am sorry please forgive me
I want to serve life I repent and receive the wings that have been given
to hookers, pimps, murderers, tax collectors, myriad manner of sinners
for you too and you will see that with all that you know

SHOUTED from the roof

insisted that would be heard by all, not signatories and closed doors
but all,
the very all of all
ALL of this world which sees you: you can finally choose to be of use
to the skies
and the waves to the unborn, to those seeking freedom from what you and those “people”
have done to desecrate their bodies, innocence, lives;
the winds which are pushing the hands which writes this now

are asking you to look outside
and listen to their voice for the freedom of the victims of tomorrow - should they be able to
continue their sick videotaped disgusting games which serve the pimps?
The arms dealers? Those already saturated who don't seem to explode
however many, however much they consume?

Those who buy and sell nations

and cut and define needless borders
at the expense always, just always of others, of us all, of the collective, of
the whole of our global family; those who steal whatever they can pay for with the money
they print for anyone who will receive their favours their bribes and their blackmails
or will cower to their threats through horrid examples of what they have done

but not a single hair of those who would rather die than
bow down to their lifeless games — which provide no example
no peace no health and most likely, they way they are driving things

to a global war

via hysteria about “Iran" while still sucking from the shadow
of the millions dead in Iraq, Libya, the 19 million starving in Yemen
and Syria and Venezuela and anywhere which resists their glorious global
will be lost

and what I want to tell you is this:
Jesus loves you.
He seeks only that you turn 180 degrees
to His open and endless heart
and receive His gift of cleansing,
repentance, and of rebirth
and ask the real freedom
which cages cannot touch
of He who made you.

So what do I feel is asked of you? Turn to face the crowd.
Let not a drop of the evil you have been enmeshed in go undeclared.
I want you to see that the devils you know and the one at their crown awaited
want nothing but harm for all life. And right now, if you have decided
you have a choice because I'm inviting, showing, reminding you,
whatever you want to call it, that you could stop the war they are planning
to suck all into their fire after them

Expose EVERYTHING that you know.

Do useful things Break up trafficking rings
Go tell the evangelists in ties that private jets don't fit through the eyes of needles
that Jesus is not Zionist
That the Temple they want to destroy the Sacred hope of peace for
is intended for the anti-christ, not the Messiah

That Dimona is the biggest threat to global peace and security and no aid or trade should be allowed until it has been internationally and fully and openly investigated and dismantled safely
That the one who they are waiting for doesn't care

That if our world has a chance,
Samson needs a haircut

You know, things like that

We need to world from from the sickness they have wrought into how we define this world
For so long

We need new ways of doing things
without them.

We need a chance to make our world
with all of our mistakes and weaknesses,
on our OWN terms.
Not those of people who can have ten passports at a phone call,

all while refugees starve and gasp with fear, drowning to cross borders
that should not be there, shivering with doubt

— like you now — not knowing what, if anything, lies ahead —

which you have helped to displace
with lurid deals
and all of that cross-bordered “intelligence" —
you were part of its cause, too.

International arms deals for those above Israel, USA, UK,
Switzerland, Brussels, Moscow, who knows where else? China, Korea…. India?

Who knows? You knows
Napalm wars for greedy oil. Manufactured illusions of Biblical lands ignoring all of the calls to Righteousness, similarly ignoring the cries
of those who could have been saved who could still have homes who could still have brothers
who could be living, as well as those who have survived,
with both of their arms and no missing eyes

and ignoring the fear and regret, confusion, shame , abuse of those who may, if they hadn’t
had the misfortune to be children in the wrong place and the wrong time
still have theirs to cherish the pure single heartbeat of maidenhood of unblemished
clothes the songs in the field of the flowers

and the dreams of love unblemished by you and him and them and Wexner
through whom they paid for simply everything and those who arrange
the endless supplies of money from flesh and illusions to wherever they will it to go

and all of those who came with you to those things and that place and those things

YOU can set free the cages of those above any law, above any court
who make ridicule
of all we humans have striven towards

with just one decision, just one event, just one action -

                                                            TELL IT ALL

not considered not a "hearing" Don’t care who listens don’t care who minds don’t care

what sci-fi genetically enhanced master race tech headtrips will go to the garbage they belong in they may be covered in digital alchemist tricksters’ big gold, a pixel taken from the


of each and every tracked and catalogued in databases of numbered and bound souls but they are worth far far less than the nothing left in the hands of the lowest
of those they have taken for granted, harmed to the core

yes the girls
hundreds of children
you owe this to and whose forgiveness — your freedom, will take
all you have and more to earn

what is the value of honor
what is the value of purity
and what is the value of dignity? and similarly the world has been raped
by greed, and the endless appetite for power and lust for the manipulation
of others of events and of wars

Jeffrey Epstein didn't suicide
the pacts signed in radioactive ink at the Council of Foreign Relations,
the endlessly expanding Pentagon budgets, the Trident-Lateral Commissions
and those who laugh knowing that the world is divided into countries
to fight one another for those whose planes and sales of nuclear arms
have no borders and will never, ever, ever, in any way, bring anyone
peace security or worthy allegiance and friendship but can, of course,
unilaterally destroy us all.

So you need to do it
For him if you like

We are a global community and we will not let this continue. Let Julian free to tell again
the truth: of the corruption and media-sold atrocity; of rich men's tricks; of rich men's wars
and rich men's abuses of what should have been noble responsibility, yet compromised
by apathy
and the cremation of care.

Lady Ghislaine. You can stop
their war. You can stop what they are doing to all of our holy city / you can
expose their plans and who does them and in which capacity / who sells the arms /
who prints the money for them / who meets who agrees who sells who decides and what
they will do next
they are poor creatures, yet who knows, maybe even they will join you
at the turning table and come back to life from a vampire’s sarcophagus of death by
the keys you alone have right now,

in your clenched hands

Jesus Christ
is offering you the keys
to open them wide
and in doing so, be freed by His whisper. To new life. To true life.
To organic life to non digital life to the same life as the birds sing of
to the same life as the waves you have been hiding beneath in your secret U-boat meetings
to the life which turns the tides Ghislaine turn the tides Moses just obeyed God
and the seas parted and right now you can do the very same for all life
not some more than another that is the way of those lost in themselves

for what is NOT you / for those who will come after / we will never see / for all there is to live for
outside / of ourselves / please Ghislaine / trust me, please, that /

He is more real than the movie of this world

Take His handling. There are those who would cry tears of happiness to see
the change He can call in a single drop of His innocent blood, yet that drop
carries within it the Pandora's pain of this entire world. He asks you
simply / lovingly / kindly / just one single thing / ask him /for forgiveness / and repent.

Refuse his enemy, the one slithering his way
through the back door in leather-lined black-windowed triple-guarded limousine
only black reflected back in his self-shining eyes and fight to the very end
to turn this shit around and trust me

I promise and know with absolute certainty forever
the REAL Lord of the World to which it is being handed over for ever,
by the Creator of all things will reward you and I know,
beyond each heartbeat and breath, from the one who raised the dead
and awaits the worthy, those refined by fire, that there is nothing in this world
that Jesus cannot heal.
Your life depends on it
and oceans of suffering caused
released by apology
and oceans of suffering to come
undone, foiled
by the simple choice to join those who fight for good and fight those evil people
to the very end fight their pathetic excuse for a leader with every last swordword
of truth.
Of the details of all the shit. Even if the one sitting behind you listening
is fully complicit and all of their bloodlines for generations of them just do it girl, just do it

Let the truth come out. Let the truth be told. Not the manufactured strategy of lawyers
and politicians, of aged perverts and books full of excuses but just say it as it is
to the end, to the last name, to the last meeting, to the last abuse, to the last deal, to the last
plot, to the last annexation, to the last refugee camp to the last harvesting ground
for innocent girls with desperate parents to the last bribe to the last blackmail
and for who and for why

and while we are there —

stop these games of proxy voices conniving unconvincing plea deals, earning
their amnesty, filled with way too much cake and bespectacled liars who may seem to know
the law better than the law itself, barr (fully complicit) none, blatantly discrediting its value
for all to see as much as they continue to abuse it "lower the age of consent" no sweat

We know who had you in their pocket and their "intelligent" “allies" but you know
as we all do they owned people from the east to the west, and even those where who believed
they were working for their "own" were being deceived in a borderless land where
everyone works for the one at the top

Just say it

and there will no longer be

          any top       

but slowly, stumblingly organically, without their rabid interference,
we will find our way back to that
which was intended.
A circle of life each with his own to give
into the circle of life sharing and caring offering ourselves to the whole in service
and each and every one has his needs and life secured by the health of us all together.
You must fight now. Not strategies and clauses and “friends,” not
feeding lies and public relations to the medias to silence the halls of power and caves of abuse,
of pain, of shame, and of wickedness which lie behind

but fight to be truthful and complete
each word released an amnesty a release of where you yourself have been compromised
and defiled and forsaken by people taking wrong turns and you must shout and write
and just be sure they there are somewhere in the halls of power and madness somewhere good ears which want to know listening ears ready to act

and fertile ground those releases
like blood of the moon given back to the land
cycles completed back to the growing, God given, life nourishing sacred earth
and do not stop until the last of the grids has been broken, until the last corrupted
bitter lawyer, snazzy arms dealer, slimy intelligence broker and sweaty royal
has been fully and completely disarmed by your courage bravery recompense
and perseverance and


SHOUT clearly in a voice that none can ignore
and all can understand

about how you and your family sold digital fingers for the one eyed apex of "Israel" into every diplomatic, banking and military you could touch?

and about Gates and Rockerfeller's GlobalswoopVID19.

Gotta catch 'em all!

And who knows
and how much they know
and who doesn't yet should

and now you have time to think
How you can help to bring all you know
to the service of life
"the Oceans"
our global family
has a boat for you
and truth... is the password
after which you will never need to hand out any more
and I am speaking for them

And all of the refugees and wounded and crippled
That your vampires want to drink the blood of next
And I am telling you clearly

There is a way OUT of the pit

But you have to take it

All righteously anger at you

But He doesn’t
He is looking to see if are still in any way there
if you will take the rope out
From the atomic fire
From the alientech escapeverse
Or consign all those you know
And any you have ever loved
To be simply batteries
For a dead future singing to itself

Now.. there is just you and Him

I don’t matter

They matter even less.

But .. i want you to feel understand and know
that the very least of His children matter
and that all of the refugees and dead and wounded and crippled
and all those who they plan to do the same too next
#we-own- the-whole-fuccine-world-gate


a thousand universes more than
the shits what have your back

the question is
ARE you ready for them to matter to YOU?

Your self-penned letter

unregulated and complete, with all aspects and angles and details and plans and names
and nations and the sum of the names of those who fly over borders, with guards awaiting
and no questions asked, for the world which awaits you, unredacted by fake oaths
and legal courtesies, testimony of truth ignited by the forgiveness candles of the brave victims
(the flame of which burns ALL foul contracts)

can clear your name and that of your father hanging, waiting for this offering
to set him free undoing the chains of his errors to await you at Home
the other side of the veil if you passed the test, made the offering needed
and I, while not fit to tie the laces of His righteous sandals am passing to you here
the Sword of St. George to piece and pull out the heart of the dragon to raise it to the sky
as a worthy and accepted offering for the freedom of and to the cheers of the crowds

who will never give up and neither should you
until the tower of Babel is cracked and its builders crushed
beneath the feet of the sincerity and love
of the meek and trust me, in the way you will open

for everyone else, everyone BUT them, you will truly and deeply again
have life, have hope, and finally have peace


(btw have you been baptised?)

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