welcome to your very first my blog
in Android app development now
in this blog series what I want to
do is first of all I'm going to assume
that you guys have never created an
Android app before but you guys do have
some programming experience so what I
want to do is I want to show you guys
how to develop Android apps for both the
phone and the tablet from the ground up
so that's what we're going to be doing
creating some awesome apps someone that
is totally new to Android app
development however before I begin I
want to mention this for those of you
who have been following my
bloc for a long time you probably
already notice that I have another
Android app development blog series
and the reason that I decided to make a
brand new one is because that blog
series we actually made it a couple
years ago and since then a lot of the
software and tools that use to develop
these apps have been updated actually we
have a brand new piece of software
called Android studio and I'll show you
guys how to install that and use in
everything but the software itself is a
lot different than what we use to teach
on Android development in the past so
again this is blog series is pretty
much just going to be updated new kind
of more relevant so that's why I decided
to do that so anyways I'm going to be
quiet now and let's go ahead and get
started so the very first thing we need
is, of course, the Java JDK now I'm
guessing that if you guys are a blog saw
this then you already are familiar with
java at least a little bit and you
probably already have the Java JDK
installed on your computer however just
to make sure that I cover everything
100% if you don't have the Java JDK
already installed on your computer this
is how you get it and of course I
probably should mention this why do we
need to java JDK if we're making Android
apps well all Android apps as well as a
lot of the software itself is made using
that's what language we're going to
write in primarily to make these Android
apps so, of course, the Java JDK which
stands for the Java development kit
is the core foundation that we need
before we can even think about making
any Android apps so the website always
changes but if you go to google and type
in download Java JDK then the first
thing that's always going to pop up is
the link to download this Java
development kit now if you click right
here what we want is this Java platform
JDK right there however whenever we
click here we see that we have a lot of
Java development kits that are available
for download all right so we know that
we don't want Linux because I'm not on
linux arm we know that we don't want Mac
so we have a couple options here windows
x86 and windows 64 now the difference
between these two is 64 is for the
windows 64-bit version and the 86 is for
the 32-bit version of Windows so if you
don't know what version of Windows you
have go to the Start menu and where you
see computer right here right click it
and then you're going to see a thing
called properties whenever you select
that if you look at your system type it
says ok 64-bit operating system so that
means I have windows 64-bit so whenever
I download this I'm going to choose 64
if your says 32 then click this one
right here but of course you need to
accept the agreement first and then
download it and what it's going to do is
it's going to download the executable
file and it's going to take a while so
I'll pause my video you know I won't
make you blog the whole thing and we
are back it took about a minute but now
I just download the entire executable
and of course if you're in Chrome which
you probably should be highly recommend
it then go to your downloads and you can
just click that however if you
accidentally close out of that then of
course your downloaded files if you go
to your wall to show you guys alright
you can either go to your computer from
windows explorer and kill downloads
that's probably the easiest way so just
do that
so anyways whatever file you just
double-click it and then of course
actually don't know if you can see that
I don't know if my screen recorder
showed my system little pop-ups there
but it says if you want to allow this to
you know um access to your computer yes
let me close out all this all right so
this is really self-explanatory if you
ever download anything before then it's
going to be simple just click Next Next
and it's going to do all the hard work
for you however there's there's one
thing once this is completely done that
um you guys need to follow along this so
again if you think about skipping this
entire tutorial don't do that because
you're going to miss a important step at
the end so wait for this entire thing do
lalala whatever all right and what you
want to do is you want to make sure to
leave everything in its default location
because as long as you do that and as
long as you follow along then whenever
you arm install download install Android
studio it's not going to be confused
looking at some weird location for
anything so make sure that you keep all
the default settings whenever you're
running this installer all right so now
we have the JDK installed on our
computer however before we download
Android studio what we need to do is we
need to tell our computer exactly where
it is and that's because later on when
we develop or excuse me when we download
Android studio it's going to look for
that JDK so what we need to do is we
need to explicitly say hey computer this
is where the JDK is so go to your Start
menu and then click on computer and then
make sure you're starting at your hard
drive so in order to get the path to
this as long as you kept everything at
default during installation it's going
to be in your Program Files and then if
you go down to Java double click that
and what folder you want to click on is
actually the JDK this is on the Java
Runtime environment the JRE don't worry
about that double-click the JT cut
little JDK and this is actually the path
you want so
what you can do now is you can actually
right click any of these files but um
because it's going to give you the same
path what I'm about to show you guys but
just for consistency right click this
bin and click properties so again this
is the location that you're looking for
right here the location that your Java
development kit is at so copy that right
click and copy and now once you have
that location close out of everything
because we have to tell our computer are
right this is where our jdk is so how do
we do that it's actually pretty simple
if you open your start menu again and
right-click computer and go to
properties you're going to see a link on
the left hand side that says advanced
system settings if you click that you're
going to see this little pop-up right
here click on the button that says
environment variables so I already have
this set up because actually for this
tutorial I uninstalled my Java JDK and
then I reinstalled it so you know just
to show you guys how to do it but you're
probably aren't going to have a variable
setup right here so in order to get that
click new under user variables and you
need to name the variable Java
underscore home make sure that
everything is in capital letters and
then for the variable value paste in
that location of your JDK and hit OK
so what we're essentially doing is we're
telling our computer alright whenever
you need to work with a Java JDK or the
JDK is kind of redundant what I'm saying
but whenever Android studio is looking
for it and it's going to look in your
environment variables and it's going to
say ok that's where all the crap I need
is so you know it's not literally going
to say crap but you know now that we
have everything compatible in our
computer is able to find and work with
the java jdk jdk it's probably getting
annoying that i keep saying that well
whatever we are now set up and ready to
move on to the next step so thank you
guys for watching and I also want to
mention this before I let you guys go
if you guys have any questions during
this entire tutorial series about
anything small including you know a
little bit of code or anything big like
maybe you have an error while you try to
install something then go to my forum
and under this section right here Java
Android development if you click that
you can create a new post and then you
can ask it right there and a lot of
people are always here willing to help
you can also browse some of the common
topics and there's a lot of good
information in here as well so chances
are if you have a problem someone
already asked it and they already
figured it out
but if you can't find your answer then
go ahead and create a new post again
download and install Android studio