Pohdi tätä: Jos kirjain J luotiin noin 1600-luvulla (anna tai kestää muutamia vuosia lähteesi perusteella) - niin kuinka yksilö tunnetaan Messiaaksi - KRISTUS - on kutsuttu jumalalliseksi nimeksi Jeesus yli 2000 vuotta sitten?
Tässä on kova totuus, että nykyajan kristittyjen on hyväksyttävä: Hän ei ollut! Saatana on PETOKSEN päällikkö!
Tarkkaile edellä luotua videoata, jonka @prime-cleric Richard Ruff on luonut Kristuksen ekumeenisesta järjestyksestä.
Tässä on ote kirjasta "Christ Has Returned", joka on myös laatinut / kirjoittanut rakas Prime Cleric.
"JESUS - As any scriptural scholar will tell you, Christ's name was "Yeshua", not "Jesus". Some will tell you that the name change was caused by "grammatical errors", "translation differences", or a litany of other excuses. The world was purposely confused by Satan, so that no one could invoke the authority of God, through the proper name of His Son, and a "popular name" was given to the uneducated masses, this name was "Jesus". Open almost any Bible and you will see that the proper names of Christ and his Father are replaced with: Jesus, God, Lord, etc. This was done on purpose. The letter ‘J’ did not exist in the Hebrew language or in the Greek, Latin or English languages until around the 16th century. Lord RayEl could have easily proclaimed his name to be "Jesus", if he wanted to continue the deception, and avoid the controversy, but Lord RayEl insists upon truth in all matters. RAYMOND ELWOOD is his birth name, LEAR is his surname."
IS-RA-EL also has more ancient roots than its Hebrew origins; remember Moses who wrote the Torah was raised as an Egyptian Prince.
ISis - was a goddess in ancient Egypt and means Throne, she was the mother nurturer - the High Priestess - the Goddess of creation.
RA – was a God in ancient Egypt and means 'mouth' or 'speech' - The Spoken Word.
EL - is the Hebrew God and originates from the ancient God Enlil and Ellil.
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Tarkista myös: http://lordrayel.org/
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