Give up your Intellectual Independence! {-} Cracks in the Walls of the Watchtower {-} Introduction {-} Part 3

in jehovahs-witnesses •  6 years ago  (edited)


When one decides to join the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses, you (theoretically) agree to “…adhere absolutely to the decisions and scriptural understandings of the Society….” ('The Watchtower'; May 1, 1972; p. 272)

What are the implications of that?

It entails giving up your intellectual independence, your democratic rights, and it requires your unwavering and unquestioning dedication to an oligarchically-controlled theocratic form of religious government.

This may appeal to you; but, as is soon discovered by every thinking member of the Society, it is not a practical (or spiritual) way of life, nor is it even wholly possible. It's a psychological set-up for personal failure.

Can one truly give up his or her intellectual independence? Can you truly sacrifice your rights and dedicate yourself wholeheartedly, unwaveringly and unquestioningly to the iron-willed fist of a theocratic government?

I suppose some can - and some do! A certain theocratic country comes to mind here when I think of the theocratic organization of the Society. The two are very, very similar in nature and structure.

Everything else aside, ought you not to make certain about the claims of the leaders of the Society, that they are true and valid claims - before you make the commitment to join?

Of course you should! It's the only reasonable thing to do in this day and age of lies and deception!


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