Sheep: Be Wary of Shepherds! {-} Cracks in the Walls of the Watchtower {-} Introduction {-} Part 6

in jehovahs-witnesses •  6 years ago  (edited)


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The internet did not exist back in 1987 when I became a member of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses; so, it was a huge challenge for me - or for anyone else, for that matter - to get sufficiently educated about the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in those days; however, now that the internet does exist, there is so much information about the Society - both pro and con - readily available that, in my opinion, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone to claim ignorance today. The Society can be thoroughly researched. No excuses!

I’m writing this book because I know how psychologically detrimental it is to discover that the people whom you trusted for spiritual guidance can surprisingly turn out to be liars and deceivers.

The oligarchic Governing Body of the Watchtower theocracy, composed of a few men, claims that “…God has given [them] authority over His people.” ('The Watchtower'; May 1, 1972; p. 272)

The words of the Governing Body are treated by Jehovah’s Witnesses like the words of God Himself. The Governing Body, therefore, possesses an enormous amount of power and influence over the lives of millions.

I’m sure you have heard before how power concentrated in the hands of a few men in positions of leadership – in this case, religious leadership, in the form of an oligarchically-controlled theocracy – is quite often abused and, therefore, dangerous.

Is this true of the leadership of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society? Have its leaders abused their power and position?

We will examine that question, among others, in this book and I will show you why I believe it can unequivocally be answered in the affirmative. It has!

This book is not an attack; it is a service of kindness, a labour of love, a friendly warning. In the words of the Watchtower,

“When persons are in great danger from a source that they do not suspect or are being misled by those they consider their friends, is it an unkindness to warn them? They may prefer not to believe the warning. They may even resent it. But does that free one from the moral responsibility to give that warning?” ('The Watchtower'; May 15, 1974)

What follows, then, is a friendly warning to you. It is my "moral responsibility to give that warning". You are free to take it or leave it. It’s your choice.

If someone had presented me with a warning about the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society before I had joined way back in the 1980s, I hope I had been wise enough to have taken that warning into consideration before joining.

I wish my Uncle D. had had someone to warn him, too, back then, before the internet, about the Society.

Had he heeded the warning against joining the Society, his son, my cousin might very well still be alive today.


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Great work Goose! Honored to know you and be involved in the groups we are in!!!

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement!

I just finished reading every single installment you have linked. Very nice job with putting this together. You make it easy for the reader to follow along, and keep just the right length (per installment) to limit the mental fatigue that comes with reading a long article.(In my opinion) I was impressed your writers IQ.

I've always been a bit incredulous to the unequivocal laws of religion. (In general) For my own reasons. Perhaps because it is hard for me to accept anything as the absolute truth, and a religion that doesn't allow me to question unproven truth, is no religion for me at all.

It's not likely that I ever would have been someone to join a society such as this, but I think you are providing valuable information for anyone who may be, or may have been interested.

Much love,

Thank you for your thoughtful and kind remarks my friend! I have so much more to post! And I love the idea of embedding this work into the blockchain where it will remain for as long as it exists....

My early years were influenced by the teachings of the Jevohavah's Witness's. They are mostly a very kind group of people. I dont think most of them are aware of the Mason influence in the creation of this cult. They believe blindly and therefore do not question. It has been a study of faith and mind control over the years for me. RESPECT for shedding light for those who may know NOTHING about this.

You're right. There is an early connection of old Russelite so-called "Light" to Freemasonry that I haven't really dug into that much yet. Thanks for bringing it to my attention; it might be something I'll write about in the future after I'm done posting this book!

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment


Awesome, lol!

POW you just got sniped shit spammer...

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