Unseen Terror.

in jellyfish •  6 years ago 


the sea explorers, and the sea illuminators. These creatures are in our seas and oceans everywhere.
From the Depths of the ocean to the tides of the sea they are everywhere.
They form all shape and sizes from as big as your refrigerator to as small as a marble ball.


and some of them are harmless, but most of them are harmful.
They just float around letting the tides make haste to them.

These creatures terrorize our waters that it causes death from over a hundred thousand!.
most of them are from their poisonous sting and electrocution,
people are allergic to their sting that if a person gets stung by these creatures, they will undergo a series of pain and allergic shock (Anaphylactic shock).
If not treated as soon as possible, it will cause death.
although these creatures are harmful, some of them are harmless and also helps the scientific community to understand the case of the immortal jellyfish, which if it reaches its adult stage cycle, it has the capability of reversing this aging effect.
It will go back to its infancy stage or to its child stage.
Scientist are studying this immortal creature and are trying to apply this to human genome to make us


Now the wait is on and although this might happen or not, I am certain it will happen in the near future.

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