in jerrybanfield •  8 years ago  (edited)

14171_XL-G-DC-16081025.jpgWhen I was a lad, I enjoyed sitting with my Dad on the lawn. The lawn was enveloped with fresh green grass. We used to go there in the evenings everyday to feel the freshness of the natural environment around our home. Dad would sit me down on the wooden balcony resting on the cashew tree and tell me different stories especially about his academic life as a boy; how brilliant he was. I so much loved his company. On one of the evenings, Dad engaged me in a story of how the plants and trees around sustain the life of humans. Dad clearly explained the way the green world produces and nourishes our environment with oxygen and takes the carbondioxide that we release from respiration thereby stabilizing the existence of nature. The story was so magical that I sat there glassy eyed, looking at him with rapt attention as he took me through the process. While some parts of the story were somewhat hard to comprehend I didn't mind because I had already painted a mental picture of the process. One evening after doing my homework, I walked into our mini-garden where we usually relaxed. Dad was reading a book titled "Rain Forest Conservation and Aquatic Environment", he was so engrossed in it he paid little attention to me. I began to wonder what held him enthralled. His eyes were glued to the book. I quickly inquired with a complaint in my tone; "Dad you didn't notice my presence, what did I do?" Without getting an answer to the question, I asked again; "What are you reading?" without looking up, He replied, "Chinedu, I'll take you for a walk on Saturday and if you impress me by moving from second to first position at school, I'll take you fishing". I jumped with glee and thanked him effusively. "Dad you are the best." I said in elation.

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