Supernatural Writing Contest Authors Earn $5,000+ SBD ($10,000+ USD) in One Week!

in jerrybanfield •  7 years ago  (edited)

Thank you to the hundreds of authors participating in the supernatural writing contest we launched one week ago and for making the #jerrybanfield tag show at where we can see the combined author earnings!

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Congratulations sir,

Good work is always appreciated,. more when it is for the cause of others.
You have created more than 300 new authors most of them where not knowing that they can even write a good story.
I had never written a story like this before. But the insedent was always in my mind and it used to horrify me whenever I used to think about it and see my siblings.
You make me to express my horrible and life changing though.

It's amazing what we can do with a little encouragement or challenge!

I am so happy for you @jerrbanfield. Keep up the good work. I will want to be like you someday. I am new on this platform

I am new as well. Jerry seems to be a pioneer for making money online and someone to keep an eye on.

Thank you so much for arranging such great competitions for the Steemians. You are such an inspiration for all of us. Any new competition on the cards?

that's great to hear you are doing great job i appreciate ur work keep ur efforts like this u are always good hope u will be more successful in the future @jerrybanfield

What a great initiative you've got there @jerrybanfield. Must confess that this has sharpened my writing skills. Thanks!

awesome power of congruent talents

Wow thats great

Already the SWC finished? nobody saw my inexplicable experience :(

It continues indefinitely!

It happend to a lot of us it is what it is ...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

it is just the way steemit is if good stuff gets over looked and a lot of crap or plagiarised content gets up voted. I am done fretting about it I will keep doing what I am doing and either i get traction or I don't. that being said there were hundreds of entries for this one I think.

I think there are just a whole lot of entries. A lot of people probably took the opportunity to tell stories they have never told others. Considering the type of category I was guessing there would be a lot.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am fairly new to this particular platform, so I can't speak to the demographics involved at this point, nor am I familiar with the advertizing techniques involved in this 'campaign'/project. That said, any time something involves financial matters, such as this Steemit platform does... you are going to have people with more pull that can make it an uphill struggle to get new projects and initiatives off the ground. This topic (supernatural) has been intentinally relegated to the 'fringe' for ages. Contests like this one are a chance to change that as more people become involved in story telling and sharing. 'Supernatural' is really just nature that many people (including mainstream scientists) don't understand yet due to intentional mis-direction by those who are in the know. They have relegated these topics to the fringe to disempower people. It can't stay that way forever, because those who want to hide actual reality from the masses are fighting against nature in their attempts. Truth has it's way of becoming known. If people don't give up, this thing could get pretty big on here I think. I'm just sharing my thoughts on the topic. :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

LOL. I am just trying to figure out how things are working here on the platform, is all. Mine isn't on the list either, and it seems a few others are raising concerns about theirs not being on the list. I wasn't concerened that I might have wasted my time because @jerrybanfield had made it sound in his video as if it might be a while untill they get through them all.

What I am thinking, after reading some more, is that somehow there have been missed posts in this contest. Just working out ideas outloud is all. I would like to make sure my time on the platform is well invested as I am very busy just like so many others. I do try to achieve a balanced approach, yes. Sometimes our conclusions are our own shadows.

I'm guessing you have been on here longer than I, so you may know more of the environment, and how it works.

My experience was amazing it's a shame nobody gets to see it, well I don't think dumping links will be good, so I won't, I'd take it you see it or not,

Thank you though for the contest

We have a spreadsheet at that I will link to in another post.

Hello @jerrybanfield! I am just curious what exactly the spreadsheet is... I have had a look at it and it does not clarify whether those are "winners" or if they are just the stories you have located/had time to read so far. It would be helpful to authors if you explain that when you do post about it. I am curious because I just wanted to make sure I had submitted mine correctly. (pretty sure I did) Since this is an indefinite contest (which is awesome :) I'd like to be sure for the purpose of any future post I make in the category. Thank you so much for starting this contest!I see lot's of interesting encounters to read about!

Okay thank you so much

I took time to tell my story which I wouldn't tell ordinarily ,but u haven't seen it yet despite all my efforts, 😔 Av been trying to get your attention, but it's futile.

Don't get discouraged, there's probably a ton of entries because so many people took the opportunity to tell their secret stories all at once. If your stories want to be told, tell them and allow them to live!

I've enjoyed what I've read so far.

@Haejin the last week win 22.000$ approximately... Thats crazy hahaha

You deserve it ;)

hopefully the fore is better .. i like it here .. good work @jerrybanfield

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for doing this! It really helped motivate me to try my best here on Steemit! I hope you will consider other writing prompts in the future. Maybe a charitable topic? Like “tell us the most selfless thing you’ve ever done!” It would really be inspirational to read all those stories :)

@jerrybanfield, I had hopes that you would get a chance to read mine. I really understand how hard it must be to try to get through everything when you receive so much feedback and material. No matter, I am just glad to see that so many people participated.

The Last Sage

Of course, everyone would like to see their post get picked! I feel the same way about it as you, He has to be swamped in submissions! But I think the contest is good for people whether they 'win' it or not!

I just meant I had hoped he would read it... as in just take a look at it like he said he would.

Well, I told my story, dear @jerrybanfield, and never got any reward. You probably haven't seen it yet. But it's good to see others thanking you for this initiative(they probably got rewards). I have to be happy for them.

I told my story. Reward or no reward, it will live forever. Thank you for compelling me.

That 's the "spirit" ;) 🤛

How is it that this post already already has 536 votes and yet according to the stats only 177 people have seen it. Am I missing something? Please explain.

Many of us vote on posts automatically with services like @steemvoter

Because who has time to read others' content when you're busy writing up your own excuse to get upvoted via posting, especially when you can automatically vote on the content of people you know will automatically vote for your content in a great big circle. Smaller wallets need not apply.

great post
your work is excellent
I like this @jerrybanfield

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

such patrisipation everyone hope, give spirit and support @Jerrybanfield.

i am not earn 10 sbd 😑😀

amazing sir you are really top rich steemer did alote of hard work and efforts...

Me 0 :P

Wow very good @jerrybanfield

Its really a wonderful idea. This is building human that will make a better world. Weldone @jerrybanfield

I congratulate you on this achievement.

Поздравляю Вас с этим достижением.

upvote me , com'on.

Amazing work,.. God Bless U Always. ...

I love your tips and videos

Conculation post

my post was never voted on and it meet all the requirements. Reading the comments on your original post it seems that only people that posted the same day got their posts voted on.
But it is all good I enjoyed making the post anyways.

We are behind on the posts so far check

the system makes no sense. There are people that published on 2/10 that have been upvoted while 27 people that passed the requirements and published between 2/5-2/8 are still without votes. How can you say you are behind when you clearly skipped many people.

I posted on the same day but I haven’t got the 10steem/sbd boy upvote yet. In the original post it said it may take a while

I posted on the same day and yet my post wasn't voted on

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wow nice post.your update is alwaseuseful usfull ,I always follow your post and update

supernatural? now am confused

What a great way to get everyone together.

Hey Jerry can you do another video where you talk about the 3 upcoming steem airdrops and how holding steem power is the right move moving forward for 2018-2019?

Will you link where I can learn about them because I have not heard of what your mention yet?

So I am sure you know about the airdrops for steem that is going to be given from Vice and theres another one called Social Wallet and they will be giving a massive airdrop of their WIRE token....

here is their announcement post

this is the 3rd announced airdrop for steemians and I am sure there will be many more to come

that's great to hear you are doing great job i appreciate ur work keep ur efforts like this u are always good hope u will be more successful in the future.good job.

this is very well deserved jerrybanfield we cannot wait for another engaging contest as this .

yes you are the one

Good post. My name is muhammad rizal. I'm a new member of steemit. Nice to meet you.
Please followback and upvote my post

@jerrybanfield, I am yet to earn. I am an author in the contest and one of your astute followers.

How can we participate in the contest? Will we need any special stuff for it. #jerrybanfield

That's awesome! Keep up the good work everyone. I was shocked to find out my jerrybanfield swc post is now worth over $100. My biggest post yet and a huge bump for a new minnow like me. Thank you Jerry!

Wow really cool, I have low number of followers. People barely noticed my entry. Would be nice to get a review thank you will appreciate the comment

Great initiative take by jerrybanfield, thanks alot.Anyway this type of initiative will help to bond a good relation between steemians.

Hi Jerry, thank you for putting up such a valuable contest. I believe it gave so many people the opportunity to tell stories they may never have told before. Personally, I felt a sense of relief getting mine out there but like many I believe many did not get to hear it. Which is not a problem, I am just happy you gave us the chance to do so. Great idea. I just just voted for you as my witness. Thank you for all your efforts in making Steemit the best it can be.

@jasonvme the majority of readers will find our stories over the next several years along with many others shared here through Google search, suggested posts, and word of mouth!

Sir how to participate in this contest???? need help

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@Jerry. Thank you for the big value you are adding to Steemit. I read a few of the writings from the contest and they were amazing stories. This is such great way to motivate people and add a little competition so it has to be earned. This could definitely be a great way for newcomers to get some recognition. The issue will be how all the stories get an equal chance of getting read. I wonder if you should do this only once per month and then resteem one at a time all the stories throughout the remaining month. This way everyone get's the benefit of being seen by those following you.

Super Fun contest to be a part of---thanks @jerrybanfield for suggesting it. Even though all our stories were a bit creepy--We had a blast putting it into words and on #steemit!

Wow amazing @jerrybanfield

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very very massive job Sir.
Please create time and check my swc Post, it's paying out tomorrow and it's Just few cents upvote.

10 hours precisely sir

Please encourage newbies like me sir @jerrybanfield

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Unfortunately, there are too many entries to possibly read. Many are going unnoticed. Especially by the jerrybanfield bot.

they are going out of order

Well that's a bummer :,(not even for the bot, what will be helpfull ofcourse. But to know my story was read and that I shared it, because I am very proud of what I've made written in English instead of dutch and think my paranormal story is incredible. So the experience is good in anyway. Did you participated? Greets.

Its a very good news. People are writing stories which come into lives with their unique touch . Arranging competition like this can inspire not only the elder steem members but also the new comers. its like a new hope of writer. Many Many thanx for arranging creative competition like this. Hope you will do this in future also @jerrybanfield

you deserve it !!
because you are a good writer !!

wow will check it out soon ,@jerrybanfield you really deserve all that earning,,cause your'e one of the most hardworking steemians have ever seen since my day one on steemit. i want to be like you when i grow up

A very good encouragement for writers.

It has really been a great experience!! Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of it!!

Is the contest still ongoing? Can I still participate?

Yes it runs indefinitely!

@jerrybanfield I uploaded mine but it hasnt been upvoted.. Can u pls take a look at it?

I really wished i could participate but i was really scared that people will start judging me based on my past. I had an amazing time reading other authors's work. Some of them are inspired me while others made me think outside the box. I hope more contest like this will be held because steemit is the future and the future is now!

very good post sir

is the contest still going on? thanks.

Thank you Jerry, your contents REALLY changed my thinking of the life, I love what you offering and appreciate your efforts

Congrats Authors! Thats some serious gains.

Nice hair day Jerry.

Amazing, I must say!

thank you sir @jerrybanfield for this kind of contest. Many people in the steemians community trying to write their best supernatural expierience and we know through this we can enhance our capacity and ability plus hardwork and determination and perspiration it will become a great post. we hope that you will continue to support the steemians community.. thanks and more power salute to you and mabuhay.

Thanks again for the opportunity jerry! i just uploaded my story yesterday, any feedback from anyone would be insanely appreciated! cheers! :)

How many entries can we submit?

@jerrybanfield is this contest still going on? can we participate in it?

@jerrybanfield I posted a write some days ago but I didn´t see if you read it, I think you don´t. Please read my Near the Death Experiences