Entry for the Supernatural Writing contest hosted by Jerrybanfield, My supernatural awakening. (SWC)

in jerrybanfield •  7 years ago 


Much thanks to @Jerrybanfield for giving us this platform to share this kind of personal experience.
Today I want to divulge some of what I would call the hidden truths about me and how I came to find out.
These things I'm about to write are only known by a few people. And that is my mother, my girlfriend and a few friends. But now after much hesitation to write this, I have finally decided that you all should know this too.

I was not always like this, I mean, I was not always able to read palms and tell the future. Even though, mother said I showed signs of this when I was a little child, it didn't appear to me as that, or maybe I was a bit too young to notice then.
Mother said that one afternoon, when I was about four, that I had gone outside and brought in the grains that were left in the Sun to dry. She said that she initially did not understand why I was doing this, but she watched on without asking me any questions. About two minutes later a raging storm came out of nowhere and hit hard for about an hour. It was strange because the sun was still shinning with much intensity.
She said that that was when she started to suspect I could tell the near future.

Okay, I would say I came to know about this gift or power after attending summer camp in the last year of high school. In the camp, we were made to perform new and exciting activities like yoga, meditation, fasting and other activities that helped us connect more to our inner self.
To me it felt like one of those normal routine exercise but after we left the camp something happened that made me find out that I had the gift of predicting the future with an uncanny accuracy.

It was on a weekend in November in the year 2007. A friend of mine had come back from Canada to see his parents that stayed in my country Nigeria. He was a very close friend of mine and he had deemed it fit to drop by and greet me since he was around.

That afternoon when he came to the house, we talked about a lot of things since there was obviously a lot of catching up to do. He told me of how perfect Canada was and how the white men cared little for all our superstitious beliefs. When I asked him whether he still went to church, he laughed hard, so hard that I felt annoyed.
When he stopped laughing, he looked at me and told me that it had been five years since he had last gone to church.
He said that there was no need for it since he had come to find out that everything in our universe was controlled by simple laws of nature. And there was absolutely no need to believe in a supernatural being.

I tried to talk to him but he actually made a strong case for it that would make a half witted believer question his faith.
Around evening he decided to take his leave, and when we got to the door and shook for the last time, something strange happened.

As I held his hand with no intention but to shake it and bid him farewell, I entered into what was like a mini trance.
And in that split second I saw gory images flash before my eyes. In it I saw him (my friend) lying in a pool of his own blood. He held onto his chest and all around him were bodies flung in different directions.

I pulled of my hand from his and asked him if he was intending on traveling any time soon.
He said yes, and I told him he had to cancel the trip because I had seen things that told me that there was danger on the way.

He looked at me with unbelief in his eyes and laughed till he nearly puked, then he told me that I needed some civilization to get this cavemen beliefs out of me.
I tried to convince him but he wouldn't hear of it, so after a while he left.

I would be lying if I say that I didn't have doubts about what I had just seen when I held his hand.
And Let me remind you that prior to this, I had not had this kind of convincing trance before. It was allnew to me, but it seemed so real that I could not wave it off as a figment of my imagination.

That night I lay down on my bed and wondered how I was able to see things like that.
After a moment of fruitless thinking, it then occurred to me that it might had been the meditation and yoga I had done that unlocked these untapped areas or parts of me.

The next day I went over to my friends house to try and talk him out of his decision to travel but it fell on deaf ears.
Two days later he left for Lagos and somewhere along they Benin-Lagos express road their bus got attacked by robbers. A lot of the passengers got shot. And the robbers made the driver of the luxury bus run over the passengers that could not pay a certain amount for their lifed.

I got to know about all this because he survived the ordeal, but not without a broken femur and a fractured skull.

He later came to believe in supernatural forces. And these days he always asks me how safe it is whenever he wants to travel.
I don't always see things about everybody's journeys I try to look into. I guess that nature tries to reveal things to us a little at a time and only when necessary.

Now I am fully aware that I can see into the future if I get my inner self into rhythm with nature.
And I have also come to know that we are all connected. And that those that see things before they happen are portals by which nature uses to preserve it's children.

coffee-171653_1920.jpgIn meditating, I have found that we are more spirit than human, and we can only find peace when we discover a way to act in accordance with our internal energies. We also need to feed our spirits with soul food.

Today I try to relay the message to whoever it is meant for, whenever it comes to me.

~And like they say, "Every gift comes with a price".

Sometimes when I am trying to tell someone what I had seen about them in a trance or from reading their palms they look at me like I am crazy, or totally in sane

Either ways, I always try to do my best to make them believe. And I can say that even though that I do not do this fulltime- like an established soothsayer, I still try to make an impact in my own little way, because in this way the portal that nature makes available to me does not go to waste.

Greetings to @budget
And a big Shout out to a great mentor @jerrybanfield.DQmevYZPUihjcQdKAPzq1o88WmjDE7LuDGfkphvMN5hN2oU.jpg
Thanks also to @gmichelbkk for helping in documenting and upvoting posts on this contest.

In the end all I can say is that the more we get to know the ways of the nature, then the more peace we would have in ourselves and for one another.

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This is an amazing story @kamalkennedy. I absolutely believe in what you can do and when a terrible vision comes like that I wonder how we can prevent it to happen. In that case, should we stop to travel for a lifetime? Is the event in the vision has to happen anyway because if it wasn't a vision of the future, it would have not come?

Your friend must have stopped laughing so loud when he was attacked!

Thank you for writing this story and submitting it to SWC, I really liked it. I just sent a bid to a bot for your upvote.

Thank you very much.
Glad you like it.
Yes, he does pay attention now.
He still travels and also prays now too.

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