My Spiritual Awakening - Guardian Spirit Takes The Wheel - SWC

in jerrybanfield •  7 years ago  (edited)

My Elated Episode

My experience that I'm about to share is an extremely personal event that had happened to me in 2015. The event ended with me being locked into a mental hospital.

What happened?

It all started after my return from Russia. I had crossed the pond, visited London, Switzerland, Germany, and Russia. I had worked on a gold mine over the summer as an engineer intern. Coming back, I had a feeling of a bigger purpose for myself. I had seen poverty in Russia and I was determined to begin my journey. That is exactly what was about to happen.

I returned to school that fall, I was studying business to launch some ventures my friend and I had planned. I had been learning programming languages and gaining knowledge all summer for this moment. I was fed up with school and the entire process of the system that has been hindering my species for years now. A night after class, my roommates suggested we intake some psilocybin mushrooms. This is a psychedelic drug that brings you close to nature, makes you feel empathetic, and allows you to connect with your lost spirit. The experience that night was incredible. It took about 30 minutes for it to kick in, but I could see the shimmering moonlight waving through the grass. Walking into the woods, with my friends, I could feel the trees breathing around me. I felt safe out there, for I could feel the spirits of the trees watching over me. What magnificent event this was. Later, I was on my roof looking at the stars, and it dawned on me how straight cut life really is. I had been examining the roofing, the tiles seemed to be simply tar and ground up stone. It was a mental apocalypse for me. My world had just ended, because I was stepping into a new world that I had yet to see. After the hours drifting, entering into the morning, I had done some serious reflecting. I dropped out of university that morning. I decided that I was already living, I was already surviving, so why was I participating in this wretched system that was only taking advantage of my fellow peers and I. A lot happened within the next month of my life.

Conquering the Mountain

I had announced to my father that I dropped my courses. We then proceeded to go out to California for three days to conquer the Half Dome in Yosemite National Park. We arrived later on in the first day. We nourished ourselves and got to bed early, we had to awaken at 2 a.m. the next morning. Waking up, I knew we had an 8 hour climb ahead of us, and the descent also followed. A total of 16 hours of hiking. My father and I scaled through the dark in the morning, hoping not to run into any Yogis, I wouldn't mind BooBoos. We enjoyed some chats, as my father had not been a part of my life for my teenage years. We finally arrive to the top where you must scale the last part, the dome. An 800 ft ascent with an extremely severe slope.

My father was having trouble moving up the cables, as were many others. I had been an expert climber since a young age, I would always conquer trees and even buildings sometimes. I cheered my father on, encouraging him to continue. We made it to the top.

The Energy

Here is a post on what a Shaman sees within a mental hospital. It's one of my favorite articles and it resonates with my post very well:

Shamanic beliefs say that places of great energy are gateways between the spirit and the physical worlds in a sense. I had transcended the physical desires of my life recently. I had pure intentions of rising others and giving power to others. I had become without physical desire. That is why, I believe I was given the opportunity I had.

Reading the link above will really fill you in on my beliefs toward this awakening! The next couple of days I was so high, not on marijuana, but my spirit was so high. I seemed to be protected from any negativity that could set on. On the return home, my father looked at me, his eyes asked me if I wanted to return to my mother for the night. They have been separated since I was around 10 years old. My father, being a pilot, wasn't around much anyway. My mother hated this man. I returned because I didn't want my mother to be alone for the night. I entered her room excited to tell her a little bit about my trip, but she was too sour to save. First upset, turned to yelling, and then I got a glimpse of clarity. She was yelling at me, and I was trying to get through to her. My mother couldn't hear me. I don't know if its because she didn't want to listen, but it looked as if she was so stuck in her world, she couldn't understand mine.

I didn't like upsetting my mother, I broke down in my room afterward. Furious and emotional, I started to walk into my town, four miles out. Half a mile in, I collapsed screaming into the atmosphere. I screamed to the universe, to God, the Gods, the soul of existence, for I had given my heart to the universe. From that day on, I wasn't myself. I had descended that mountain as a new man, to conquer new experiences and challenges. That night, I had asked myself what to do, how to solve these problems; how could I rid my mother of suffering? Myself. She loved me, she only cares about me, she only wants to see me be growing. I returned to my apartment at my university within the next day.

Then it happened

I was touched once again, the world around me was caving. I had been researching online very heavily into certain things that didn't make sense to me. Fluoride and its effects on the brain, the effects of sugar, the use of ear wax and mucus. It was evident that there was a load of misinformation for the public to be tainted by. My mind was lost in a spiral, for I was seeming to lose grasp on what I had known. It's as if I was a part of everything, but yet everything was me. I felt the power of the celestial bodies, and up sprouted the ideas of the universe into my mind. It came down to one thing in life. The answer was to grow. If a human is naturally growing, then I knew they were on the right path. A stagnate being can only find contentment. A growing being flourishes and strives to go further. Decay, well we know that happens there. These ideas were pouring into my mind, its as if my intuition had been turned off for years and it was returning. The return seemed to bring a load of confusion however. The feeling was not new, but it had been forgotten. I was taken back to a memory of me waking up for my later morning preschool. I hopped out of my red bunk bed, in my teddy bear wallpapered room. My feet hit the heated green carpet in front of my window. Wiggling my toes, I felt adventurous and ready to take on this world. Once again, this had returned.

Ideas were not just arising, but I was given suggestion of breathing. I was meditating, something inside me was making me inhale and exhale consciously to the point where I tapped into the knowledge behind breath. It seemed as if my natural spirit was bringing out something I was supposed to be doing that I had forgotten or never learned. I started to move in manners of Tai Chi, my hearing sensitivity was increased. Many things were changing, and it was actually changing my entire world. I could feel the energy in the world. I could feel the energy emitting from me. Feeling it emit, I directed it where I pleased, sensing the traveling waves produced from my being. I thought of how simply one air parcel can redirect a storm. I began to create big up bursts of wind sensing I could actually control the weather to a small point. I wondered if I could simulate this on a larger scale. It seemed as if maybe too many things were coming in.

It proceeded to fill all aspects of my life. I could sense vibrations off of those around me. One of my closest friends emitted a toxic vibration, one that portrayed corruption. I couldn't bear to be in the environment; the music that he listened to seemed like demonic screeching. I returned home to my home town shortly after.


My family was all coming into town for the homecoming game at my formal high school. I had returned a couple days earlier and went flying with my father, and also had a doctor's appointment. After my doctor's appointment I decided that my car was in the way of my life. I gathered my essentials and continued to run to my next location. I could feel that my possessions left behind were protected. The light seemed to guide me and I seemed to know without thinking. Some things got blurry due to my confusion as to what was happening. I had attempted to tell my formal teacher that I could heal his legs from paralysis. I was jumping the gun a little, considering I wasn't aware of what was happening. I believed I was touching into the power Jesus once used. I didn't believe I was the first, but I believed in it truly. I then ran four miles to my brothers' house. I enjoyed the nature, I felt as if I was home. I went longer ways because I wanted to witness more beauty. It seemed as if the further I got out of town the more at home I felt. I couldn't feel what felt natural to me within that man made domain.

I had been interacting heavily with my grandmother, my father's mother. She had been a big part of my childhood; she is an extremely spiritual christian. Later that evening, waiting at my brother's, I thought of my grandma and out of nowhere she showed up in the driveway. "Get in Rupert! We're going to Anissa's!" She's an old feeble, cute lady. This wasn't the first incident like this. I have had short premonitions all along. They still happen to this day. We went out to my Aunt's house and everyone went inside except me. I decided to stay outside and stretch, I also wanted fresh air. Outside was so beautiful, the lights seemed to stream into me. It was almost as if I was a star collecting energy. I had a nice slice of apple pie inside later and then grandma and I went on our way.

Arriving home, I ran from my grandmother's to the local football field to attend the homecoming game, for I knew my brothers would be there. I was in a tank top and shorts and it was about 50 degrees, but my deep breathing managed to maintain hypothalamus. My brothers managed to get me back to the brother's house from earlier. They congregated and we hung out. The oldest seemed to linger around and talk to me. I was trying to show him a book on greek mythology. I ended up passing out on a mattress and waking pretty early. I awoke around 7 a.m.. This was the day that I was captured. I woke up and had a bad conversation with my father. It frustrated me, thinking all of my family was here except my mother. It had always seemed like my mother was left out, yet she has probably sacrificed the most out of anyone. She is a difficult person, but we ought to love her good, ya know. I didn't have a car, so I started to run home. My home was about 7 miles away. It was 50 degrees out, I was shirtless and barefoot. I didn't care, I was free. I could feel the wind in my hair, the moisture from the grass on my feet. One of my brothers came to try and get me with his car. I hid and he couldn't see me. Looking at my life, its almost as if I woke up and didn't know anything about this world. I was driven by pure intuition. I felt energy and I reacted. That brother gave up and went home, another came soon after. Beforehand, my father showed up on his bike. This dude just found me. I asked him how months later and he claims he has always been able to find people. I got in the next brothers car, and we started to head toward my mother's home. This guy was driving probably 15 miles an hour. I asked to drive, but he refused; I then got out of the car and proceeded to run. He was following me, also I could see that he was on his phone. I was running straight to my mother's house, through yards, fields, anything. I came out through a yard and bam. A police officer. I immediately knew. He had his hand on his gun and asked me what my name was. I said that my name was John Cross. J.C. The initials of my uncle, and Jesus Christ. I was put into cuffs, I then saw my brother rolling around the corner in his car. I decided not to make a fuss about why I was being handcuffed, they most likely would have manipulated me somehow.

I arrived at my local hospital where I was put into a room and was being evaluated. During this time, I had gone through many feelings and thoughts. I was fearing my father to come, so I banned him from entering, for I felt bad energy off of him. My eldest brother had brought a bag to the police station in town showing them possible evidence of methamphetamines inside. I had actually brought back a rock for his children from the mountain I had scaled. The remains were in the bottom and were extremely similar to the look of meth. Imagine hearing that your brother just turned over some extreme drugs that you had possession of, but you never had them. The drug analysis came back negative, thankfully. The police officer's name that attended to me was John Cenator. J.C. once again, and my nurse's name was Mary. This was extremely comforting to me, as I was in a very sensitive state. My voice at times seemed to get extremely deep and I wasn't quite sure what was happening. What I have realized was that wasn't fully me. I was demanding things from these people in an extremely distorted voice. It was not mine. After the service people had tended to me and I was under control a little, I got a little more freedom around the wing. I wasn't allowed outside of my room most of the time, but I did get a snack of vegetables. I waited in that room from since I was caught to about 1 a.m., that's a good amount of time. The medical workers were asking me questions about my experience and what exactly I thought was going on. I was so confused, I'm sure I gave them a totally convoluted answer. At one time, I was speaking about how if Jesus was willing to sacrifice himself on the cross, then I should be willing to sacrifice myself to wake the public up a little. It was a very daring task, but I wasn't wrong. That's the thing, a lot of people said I was a little off, but none of them could deny I was absolutely wrong. It's almost as if some things I brought up were touching people subconsciously, as if they had already thought about it in their past. I was quoting bible scriptures and talking about the spiritual world. Finally they allowed me to sign a form to go to Columbus Ohio and talk to the professionals about my experiences! How wonderful I thought.

Around 1 a.m. a police officer walked in with two sets of cuffs that were connected. I was to wear both around my wrists and ankles. This was quite confusing to me, as I could not see what was happening. I got into a cop car and we started to drive to Columbus. I saw that the officer was wearing a silver wedding ring. I told him that silver was a humble material, as only men that were willing to live below means could proudly wield silver. It was an interesting journey, I could feel the vibrations in the car as we drove. The traffic was not as coordinated as the birds, that I had witnessed the day before. We arrived and I entered a beautiful building with a fountain after the walk in area. This however, was not my building. So I was escorting back into the car and driven across the street to Dublin Springs. This is a memory that will never leave me. I am certain, for if I am to live again, I will remember this.

My mother and one of my brothers drove down and hugged me as I walked in. I was put into an office with nobody around. Outside there was a hallway with three doors and another office room. I enjoyed the other office better, as the lighting was more balanced and there was a rocking chair. I explored the hallway for awhile feeling as if I was being tested in someway. Finally somebody arrived and started to ask questions and record my answers of course. After the entry evaluation, they asked me where I thought I was. Looking at the clock, I saw SUN. I wasn't aware of the time, and it was pitch dark outside. I said I was on the sun. They asked me my father's name, I said Poseidon. Of course, I knew the answers right away man!


The adventure inside this institution is for another day. They started to pump pharmaceuticals into my system until I was stabilized. If you read about the post with the shaman from Africa, maybe you can understand why stability was brought back, through my perspective.

I do believe there was a physiological factor in this event, but majorly, I believe that after returning from that mountain, I was followed by a guardian spirit. I am fortunate, as it was a holy spirit. This spirit was to teach me things, reorient my path so I was moving in the right direction, and of course he hasn't left. I have witnessed this spirit, utilized him, and even found comfort in him.

This is a personal story, and I believe many will be accepting and possibly interested. I hope that anyone who read fully, enjoyed! This experience was life changing and I have felt touched by something I had lost as a child. I have felt touched by God, the Universe, Allah. Name it whatever you'd please. Just cherish it if you've had the opportunity I have, I know I do.

Thank you so much for reading, give some love and upvote, and don't forget!

Keep Steeming you Hooligans!

Thanks @jerrybanfield for the writing opportunity. You managed to get me to do something I should have already done. You're doing a good job mate.

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Man, what a story!
I believe shamans call that spirit a Spirit Guide and you can meet and get to know it through taking a journey to it. 😊

Hey thanks @onlysonle! I believe it is something I haven't fully tapped into, but the older I grow the more keen I become toward my personal shamanistic journey. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

One of the better things I've read on these issues is Richard Castillo's book, where he points out that recovery rates are higher in non-Western cultures.

I appreciate this. Thank you.

Wow thank you so much for this post! Here is mine.

I also went through a spiritual awakening as well. After several experiences with a powerful native american healer that I describe a few instances with in my story, she connected my husband to his star nation origins which in turn connected me with mine. Its amazing how we all awaken at different points, in different ways. Like waves that wash over us, each time awakening a little bit more, understanding a little bit more. I will follow you and I am so thankful to hear your story.

It made me very emotional as I experienced very similar things in the way that no one seemed to understand what I was going through. I am thankful my husband didn't admit me though as I have 3 small children and it would have been very devastating for me. Thank you for what you did share and many blessings to you on your journey!

If you are ever able to come to the Big Island of Hawaii please let me know as you are exactly the kind of person who could greatly benefit from the healer I describe in my story. She has helped me in understanding so many things from DNA karma, to soul karma, to connecting me with my guides and she even does Ayahuasca healings. I wanted to open it up to anyone interested but I realize that may put her in harms way. Anyway happy to know you more and thank you again for this very personal story. Blessings brother.

I really appreciate the comment. I'm excited to read yours. 😬

Thank you for writing this story @varignon, which was very interesting to read. What an experience you've had! I sent 15 STEEM directly to your account for your participation in the SWC.

Thanks man! Excited to be here.

I enjoyed reading your story its funny how you answered Sun and Poseidon. Thanks for sharing, I feel I know you and pray that your light will shine brighter every day.

This post has received a 3.01 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @varignon.

This post has received a 35.73 % upvote, thanks to: @varignon.