Today is Friday june12 6 days to age 79

in jesus •  5 years ago 

Woke up and have been listing to Kenneth Hagen,as he speaks the word. Mark 11 24
About healing and rebuilding our bodies and as its Gods will to heal you. He speaks how old testament and new testament that rebuilds the bodies of today.
All you have to do is trust God and have faith in the Holy Spirit, to guide you to get well. Remember Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,and the evidence of things not yet seen.
The spirit of God is the candel of the Lord.
Gods teaching is thru the Evangelical teaching of the ministers of the past.
Today are being shared via todays media,via the internet,and placed like Now its a hard life as satan is out to robe and steal all the gifts God has provided ,All things are possible thru God,with him that belief.
All of things that Jesus did to provid healings and was the word and its peoples faith that what heals.
By his stripes we are healed.and faith is an action.Faith is an action that heals the body.
I just want to share with you,once you get healed ,you are healed and it permanently done,unless you start to allow uourself to lose it.
When you listen to the messages of Kenneth Hagan you need to fight the devil
With thr Word of God. Put on the whole armor of God.
Last but not last but not least. Dont build your house on sand but build it on the hard rock of Jesus Christ.


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