2020 Presidential Prophecy

in jesus •  4 years ago  (edited)


America is split and is under constant attempt to be torn apart since NWO and globalists started to lose their ground due to Donald Trump presidency. This struggle will only increase during this election time. But God is good and not yet done with America. He seeks to keep bringing justice, righteousness, repentance, mercy, salvation and healing in there.

God's prophet Dr. Patricia Green published prophecy related to 2020 presidential elections, future and current situation in the United States . This message starts pretty strictly and harshly. Don't forget to make your own discernment as I did mine.

NWO elites fall

Message is from May 27th 2020, released Jul 18, 2020
The Lord said:

Barack Obama will go to prison but his sentence will be commuted.
Hillary Clinton will die and go in the way of her fathers to place of perdition.
Perdition means hell or damnation.
This will end an error of corruption, deceit and lies.
There will be two prominent senators that will also die around the same time.
As you know child I have ordained Donald Trump to have the second term.
Pray against the forces that are trying to thwart my plans for your nation.


Evil forces spreading the virus

Message from Jul 14th, 2020

Child, they are spraying the virus to keep it going.
Patricia: Lord, who are they?
They are the once who are trying to stop Trump from getting re-elected.
They will stop at nothing to accomplish their plans.
Continue to pray against the forces that are trying to thwart my plans for your nation.

Obama charged

Message from May 29th 2020
The Lord said one world concerting Obama and charges against him:

And then He said:
Barack Obama has committed many crimes but extortion is the one that will stick.

Mike Pence 2024 & 2028

From dream about Mike Pence
Mike Pence whom God plans to make two terms president after Donald Trump said in the dream to prophet Patricia:

Yes, we do need to pray because they are planning on impeaching Donald Trump a second time.
And concerning my presidency, he said, there is lot of ground to cover between now and then.

Mike Pence confirmation

Message from June 8th 2020, the Lord gave me this message:

Mike Pence will get two terms as president.

These are serious messages, yet optimistic with great promises. Our job as Christians is to live holy life and pray in Jesus name against spiritual strongholds that are trying to block God's promises. Pray against these forces that are trying to stop Father's plans to get Donald Trump a second term.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
-- 2 Cronicles 7:14

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
-- Ephesians 6:12

For complete message watch the original video here



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