Message for Flat-Earthers

in jesus •  8 years ago  (edited)


I was pulled to flat earth stuff yesterday. I can see there are many honest people there who put lot of effort to find the truth and expose deceptive mainstream satanist theories and materials. That's good and pleasing God.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
-- Ephesians 5:11

You've helped to discover and expose one piece of great deception of our time. Don't worry that many don't accept it, you did your part. You know now that the world is created as it's written in Book of Genesis and you know Earth is unique special place and not just some random ball flying and rotating through space. It took centuries to roll out those deceptive theories into minds of men, even Christians. And it will be like this till the end of this age and even more deceptions will come. But you are the honest truth seekers standing firmly behind found truth regardless how strange or even shaking the findings might be.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth....And the evening and the morning were the first day
-- Genesis 1:1

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.... And the evening and the morning were the fourth day
-- Genesis 1:16

You've re-discovered and proved what was lost by the tricks of Satan and his followers. But these findings cannot themselves save you and set you free. It is only Jesus Christ who did it and your part is to accept His help. He is the only ultimate truth of God with ability to save. This kind of truth cannot be proven by scientific methods, but only by humility in your heart and by God's grace that is available for you. So if you are honest seeker and you still haven't accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, search your heart and do so. Time for lost children is almost over. If you still think you don't need a savior or you don't have sins, inspect your heart and ask God to show you the truth this time about this dangerous deception in you. This article might be also helpful for you.

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. -- John 8:36

God bless you and happy Sabbath!

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The lies go deeper than most imagine. @waykiwayki

Much appreciated post.
Its good to see posts like this
Thank you and God Bless

great post dear @jimmco I am happy to see how steemit bring us together. Take a look on this post beloved @waykiwayki @revelationquotes @paceta @flatearthrealm @libertyteeth @msg768 :
You are a all blessed in Christ

thank you for using this platform for evangelism

I have been a flat earth reasearcher for over two years ,I have a YouTube channel called rory mcfizz Flatearth please feel free to take a look ,over 100 vids. Peace

Thanks for your effort, I will take a look.

Nice! You got yourself a new follower brother :]

Thank you, I appreciate!

I've been following flat Earth for two years now, and I still find it amazing that there are people I am unable to convince. The programming runs deep!

I don't think I've convinced anyone, so far. My mom is sympathetic but doesn't really believe it; my dad is angrily against it.

This past week while on vacation, was discussing it on the porch with my brother and brother-in-law; they were asking questions, and I was providing them with the information I had studied. My sister came out, and was very rude to me, constantly interrupting and not letting me finish my thoughts.

Cognitive dissonance can do that to a person -- it causes actual physical pain! However, I don't like the way she treated me. Anyway, thanks for sharing, and blessings!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you for your testimony. Usually older people are tougher for changing their mind unless they are some really open-minded individuals, still even young people can be in denial phase for very long time. But don't worry, be patient with them and use prayers to break their blindness and wait until they are ready instead of repetitive arguing and you will see their eyes open much sooner. This mindset battle is not just factual but also very spiritual in the background and most people are really in pain before they are released to see. Be glad that you see because every exposed deception is giving you portion of freedom and is boosting your faith which is priceless.

Thanks! I agree, it is a spiritual battle. I note that we only perceive around 2% of the electromagnetic spectrum. That means that 98% of "what's out there" is stuff we cannot see!

So it's entirely possible that there are entities swirling around me right now as I'm typing this, witnessing what I'm doing and also attempting to sway me towards sin.

I like your idea of prayer, as opposed to verbal challenges. Will incorporate it. Blessings!

I'm 74 and have been convinced that we do not live on a spinning oblate spheroid, since August 2015. Provided a person is open minded, age does not matter. Of all deceptions - FE is the biggest by far!