I want to apologize first for my bad english.
I know that I am a poor sinner and always will be.
Useless Christians?
I believe that once you understand how dearly God has bought you to bring you to the light of darkness, and if you realize how many others are still standing in the darkness, then you can not do anything else than the message of Jesus To pass Christ on to the world.
I do not understand why so many Christians put their light under the bushel. I do not understand how they can talk to friends, colleagues, classmates or classmates about anything but their relationship with God. They talk about hobbies, work, children, personal problems, and so on - but they are silent about their real life content, about Christ, and what He means for them.
Jesus says, `Let your light shine on other people, so that they see what God has done in you, and honor God, the Father ''.
That is your function, that is exactly your task. You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world. If you do not want to have an effect on this world, you are useless to God like the salt that is thrown on the street. So if you hide your light because you are afraid to attract attention, then you make yourself worthless.
Do you have an effect on this world? Do others see that the most important thing in your life is to honor God? That what you want to achieve for you always comes afterwards? Do you give them direction and direction?
Jesus himself is the light that points the direction and reveals the dangers. He is the one who shines through you. Do not cover the light!