Was Jesus a Pantheist ? Maybe a Panentheist ?

in jesus •  7 years ago  (edited)

Pantheism is the view that the Universe (Nature) and God (or divinity) are identical.

Did Jesus ever say that he was God, and did he ever say that God was everything ? Did he ever say All of Nature = God ...as Baruch Spinoza did ?

It is recorded that Jesus said "I and the Father are One" John 10:30 and in John 17:21 .... that all of them may be One, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you."

Those gathered there in Jerusalem for the Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) understood him as affirming his equality with God, for they took up stones to punish him for blasphemy John 10:31, John 10:33, and they said to him that they understood him as affirming that he was God, John 10:33. From the Aramaic... They were saying to him, “It is not for excellent works that we are stoning you, but because you blaspheme, and as you are a man, you make yourself God.”

Then we read in the earlier Gospel of Yehuda Thoma (Saying 77), Jesus said, "I am the Light that is over all things. I am ALL : from me All came forth, and to me all attained.
Split a piece of wood; I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there." - Logia 77

So if he says he is God, then says that he is also Everything, that is like saying : The Universe and God are Identical. There is only God and Nothing else.... Like saying "there is Nothing Other than God" or Ein od Milvado.......

In the Christmas story why is Jesus born in Beth-leHem ? Because everything about Jesus is a symbol and a metaphor. Everything is a Parable . ... Is he the Bread of Life ?

אני לחם חיים

LeHem leHaim ? He was born in Bet-leHem (House of Bread) after all .... בית לחם

Everything is a play on Words... Jesus is the Word. The Bread of Life. Bread is Life.

Everything is One.... there is Nothing else.

Source: (my old blogger blog) http://jesuswasapantheist.blogspot.ca


Pantheism is the belief that all reality is identical with divinity, or that everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheists do not believe in a distinct personal or anthropomorphic god and hold a broad range of doctrines differing with regards to the forms of and relationships between divinity and reality.

Pantheism was popularized in Western culture as a theology and philosophy based on the work of the 17th-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza,:p.7 particularly his book Ethics, published in 1677. The term "pantheism" was coined by Joseph Raphson in 1697 and has since been used to describe the beliefs of a variety of people and organizations.

Pantheistic concepts date back thousands of years, and pantheistic elements have been identified in branches of Eastern religions such as Hinduism.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantheism


Panentheism (from the Ancient Greek expression πᾶν ἐν θεῷ, pān en theṓ, literally "all in God" is the belief that the divine pervades and interpenetrates every part of the universe and also extends beyond time and space. The term was coined by the German philosopher Karl Krause in 1828 to distinguish the ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (1775–1854) about the relation of God and the universe from the supposed pantheism of Baruch Spinoza. Unlike pantheism, which holds that the divine and the universe are identical, panentheism maintains an ontological distinction between the divine and the non-divine and the significance of both.

In panentheism, God is viewed as the soul of the universe, the universal spirit present everywhere, which at the same time "transcends" all things created. While pantheism asserts that "all is God", panentheism claims that God is greater than the universe. Some versions of panentheism suggest that the universe is nothing more than the manifestation of God. In addition, some forms indicate that the universe is contained within God, like in the Kabbalah concept of tzimtzum. Also much Hindu thought – and consequently Buddhist philosophy – is highly characterized by panentheism and pantheism.[4]The basic tradition however, on which Krause's concept was built, seems to have been Neoplatonic philosophy and its successors in Western philosophy and Orthodox theology.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panentheism

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I believe in parenthesim it true that Nature and God identical

Parentheism ? Everything in parenthesis ? (That is a new concept to me) - I Like it - . ... I understand what you are saying - And after much study I am starting to see many great mystics teach Pantheism ... since the concept of God is Infinite... which means everything.


a word, clause, or sentence inserted as an explanation or afterthought into a passage that is grammatically complete without it, in writing usually marked off by curved brackets, dashes, or commas.
a pair of round brackets ( ) used to mark off a parenthetical word or phrase

I had a close relationship also (through marriage) wit Native American religion - my father-in-law was a highly respected medicine man of the Cree Nation. Later on I took a number of courses in Native American Studies at the University of Lethbridge. The belief-systems are reconcilable with Mysticism - in the end, it all comes down to the Monomyth.

I myself am Ojibwe (Metis) from Manitoulin and Mackinaw Islands ... there is so much in common with the Ojibwe Midwiin Medicine Beliefs and the Pantheism of the great Eastern Mystics (including Jesus and his Teaching known to his Talmidim as The Way) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Midewiwin

this is great to know - and to this day, I am in close contact with one of my former professors. It is he whom I speak of here, on my website: https://www.artofthemystic.com/circle-of-the-sun.html
also, are you familiar with the book by Karen Armstrong "A History of God" - there is a video about it, but I found a PDF on-line: http://wenekan.www.dwryan.net/root/root/images/AHistoryofGod.pdf - it once was available on issuu, but it got deleted.
The chapter on Mystics is a good overview in capsule form - of course one can use it as a reference and follow up with additional research.

Thanks - I will check it out.

this is heavy stuff - the subject of Mystics.
there are many divergent views among mystics of the 3 monotheistic religions. Eventually, I wound up with German Mystics, since this is also closest to my culture.

Yes... the great German Catholic Meister Eckhart is my absolute favourite... after reading his sermons I understood that Jesus was a Pantheist.

Maybe too heavy for Steemit. I post these things and they go nowhere. Although @glitterfart seemed to really enjoy my post about the Isha Upanishad. https://steemit.com/india/@offgridlife/my-favourite-upanishad-is-the-isha-upanishad

I should follow you more closely - I do enjoy your posts - this popped up in my feed on top, otherwise I may have missed it!

My posts are very eclectic. I have many interests.... photography, painting, travel, crypto, mysticism, ancient civilizations cultures and languages ... especially @hebrew that I am trying to learn so that I can actually read the Bible as it was written .... You should also follow @hebrew who is teaching the 22 Letter Hebrew Aleph-bet here on Steemit. He posts a new letter every Friday evening (Shabbat) - we are up to letter Samekh. He upVotes all the comments - tell him @offgridlife sent you.