RE: Seek ye first the kingdom of God...

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Seek ye first the kingdom of God...

in jesus •  6 years ago 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

A Disciples Life

What does it mean to be a disciple? The dictionary defines the word "disciple" as a disciplined one. The Apostle Paul was this kind of disciple. He said, "I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified" (1 Corinthians 9:29 NKJV). That means if we want to run our race with purpose it will take a disciplined lifestyle.

An Olympic athlete disciplines him or herself for years, doing without many of the daily pleasures you and I take for granted. In many cases, once the competition begins, their particular event may be over in a few minutes. These athletes spend years of disciplined training in order to compete for just a few moments.

The athlete's prize will fade away, but our prize is eternal. "So," Paul says, "I run with purpose in every step (v. 26). The life of a true Christian is also one of self-discipline. But far too many are driven by guilt or a sense of duty instead.

It has been said the reason most leaders fail to achieve success is because they are too busy doing second things first. When unimportant things capture our attention and distract us from doing what is most important, we will fail to achieve our highest purpose.

We can logically reason that getting the little things out of the way will enable us to give our full attention to the bigger, more important ones. But our time will be consumed with the unimportant little things leaving only a small amount of time, if any, to the more important things. Consequently, the important things will never quite get the attention they deserve.

Notice what Jesus said to His friend who was distracted:

"Now as they were traveling along, He entered a certain village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. And she had a sister called Mary, who moreover was listening to the Lord's word, seated at His feet. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him, and said, 'Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.' But the Lord answered and said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only a few things are necessary, really only one, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her'" (Luke 10:38-42 NAS).

Martha's heart was right. She had a desire to serve the Lord. But it's easy to become distracted by "good" things—even serving the Lord. Jesus said she was troubled about many things. We must not allow ourselves to do what Martha did: work so much that soon we lose sight of what's most important and become troubled about many things.

1 Corinthians Chapter 9

King James Version (KJV)

9 Am I am not an apostle? am I not free? have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord? are not ye my work in the Lord?

2 If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord.

3 Mine answer to them that do examine me is this,

4 Have we not power to eat and to drink?

5 Have we not power to lead about a sister, a wife, as well as other apostles, and as the brethren of the Lord, and Cephas?

6 Or I only and Barnabas, have not we power to forbear working?

7 Who goeth a warfare any time at his own charges? who planteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth not of the milk of the flock?

8 Say I these things as a man? or saith not the law the same also?

9 For it is written in the law of Moses, thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen?

10 Or saith he it altogether for our sakes? For our sakes, no doubt, this is written: that he that ploweth should plow in hope; and that he that thresheth in hope should be partaker of his hope.

11 If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?

12 If others be partakers of this power over you, are not we rather? Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ.

13 Do ye not know that they which minister about holy things live of the things of the temple? and they which wait at the altar are partakers with the altar?

14 Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel.

15 But I have used none of these things: neither have I written these things, that it should be so done unto me: for it were better for me to die, than that any man should make my glorying void.

16 For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!

17 For if I do this thing willingly, I have a reward: but if against my will, a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me.

18 What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel.

19 For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.

20 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law;

21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.

22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

25 And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:

27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.

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