Why all the mass shootings in America? The reason is staring you in the face.

in jesus •  4 years ago 

Mass shootings seems to be an American problem

CNN reports "At least 20 mass shootings have taken place in the two weeks since the metro Atlanta spa attacks left 8 dead"

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/at-least-20-mass-shootings-have-taken-place-in-the-two-weeks-since-the-metro-atlanta-spa-attacks-left-8-dead/ar-BB1fcrys

Some say it's because of all the guns

The rebuttal to this is there are more guns per capita in Mexico, but they don't have a problem with mass shootings.

Some say it's violent video games

The rebuttal to this is Japan is home to the most violent video games in history, but they don't have a problem with mass shootings.

The real reason is darker than you may think

Mass shootings are just another indicator of the deplorable depths American spirituality has reached. America, as a whole, is deplorably wicked, shaking their angry first at the one true God while defining their own morality, truth, and ethics. America as a whole is anit-God, anti-Jesus, anti-truth, anti-science, and the list goes on.

I believe America is deeply entrenched and willfully subject to rebellious spirits that are anti-Jesus. when this happens, it should be no surprise when mass shootings are on the rise. It is a symptom of the spiritual bondage America is under.

The only hope for America is Jesus

There is no hope for the war mongering, truth defining, God hating America unless it repents. Only the grace of God will improve the situation in America. Christians need to pray, repent of their own sins, and whole heartedly follow Jesus.

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Another plausible explanation is the #fact an agenda to strip the people of their God given right to own a gun, exists. Openly admitted by leftist communist, Dian Feinstein.

So who's doing the shooting? Well, you mentioned God hating. The godless are always used to perform shooting events. Each one on pharma drugs.

Who benefitted the most from each shooting event?

The left.

Who is most likely behind every major shooting glorified on CNN?

The left.

Every event filled with more questions than answers and confusion.

Who benefits most from confusion?


Ever heard of problem, reaction solution?