My Lord, My God, My Life:
9/10th of everything I have written is to the very same souls that 9/10th of the book of the Lord is written to, to them that truly believe with all their hearts and are LITERALLY (not figuratively, what I lived was no metaphor or euphemism or allegory it was literal and it was urgent) born again, know the regeneration, that newness, that new creation, truly crucified with Christ and raised again, a new heart literally given. But to them that profess it and yet are not truly born again, or them who simply do not believe and know not the Truth, the whole Truth, it is simple; Repent, make straight the Way of the Lord. Confess and forsake, be broken, contrite, lowly, fallow the ground of thine heart, look up, believe, have faith. Had enough of sin, of being filthy, of having pleasure in what truly is vile and disgusting? sin... Then, REPENT!
It's so hard to just give a partial answer, it concerns me that a person hear the whole Truth and not parts that flatter only. In the book of absolute steel, James, we read of what Repent sounds like and looks like. In many other places through out the book of the Lord. What I experienced and express is not simple change of mind, no simple just saying I believed, no simple proclamation that I changed my mind and chose to have faith.Truly the proclamation I declare is absolutely Life and death. Nothing is more sobering then this fact and the Truth of it. Yet not to them hiding from it.
Here is the Truth of weakness by which a man is made strong. Notice what it lacks, it lacks that utter nonsense men sell, saying, in sin we are weak and made strong. Can one truly hear the perfect opposite of what is written and yet men believe the lie over the Truth. Submit thyself unto God.
James 4:7, " Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. "
One hears another Truth, like for like, eye for eye, draw nigh/close to God and He will do in kind the same to you. Draw away from Him and He will draw away from you. You cleanse your hands, you sinners, you do it for it is not done for you ever. You purify your hearts you double minded, saying one thing and doing another thing. Proclaiming love and doing the opposite of love. Calling Him Lord, Lord and yet doing not what He says. Saying you are set free indeed and yet showing that you are not set free indeed.
James 4:8, " Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. "
Repent, be afflicted, mourn, weep, let your laughter be turned to mourning and you joy to heaviness. Have enough of pleasure in unrighteousness and show forth the fruit of it. Confess forsake, beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, a garment of praise for the Spirit of heaviness. To be called Trees of Righteousness, planted by God that He might be glorified in you.
James 4:9, " Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. "
Isaiah 61:3, " To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified. "
More simple Truth, humble yourselves, obey in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up. As written all over the book of the Lord. Obey and you will soar on high like eagles. Truly lifted up high and all will see and give glory to God Almighty. Be not that false witness saying one thing but doing another. Do not buy the inability, buy the Truth and sell it not. Be ye able in the Lord, given the Spirit of Power, so say you and so do as you say. Able to do because you believe and say it, filling it, overflowing, victory indeed to them that Repent and buy not provisions. Faithfully obey from the heart, with all thine heart and you will not regret it, the increase is can not be compare to anything the world offers. Repent and Go and Sin No More.
James 4:10, " Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up. "
To all, define the Path by definition, fill the words, do not fall for the empty words so many grasp unto and become devoid of what true victory is, ability. Strive in the ability, the power to be able, to be a doer once you come to know the Truth. Define faith, define belief, define Repent, define hope, define virtue, define righteousness, define godliness, define holiness, define sobriety, define complete, define perfection, define uprightness, define love, define striving, define digging deep, define clear, define hunger, define thirst, define mortify, define obedience, define obey, define it all. Find the links in the chain, one connected to another, all one in the body of Christ, just one thing. Do not let anyone lead you astray with empty words and useless provisions. Do all you can to ESCAPE from them that sell error as the Way. Just because they smile, just because they appear, just because they do wonderful works, does not make anyone anything. DO NOT BECOME A RESPECTER OF A PERSONS PERSON. It is sin to do so, flee such things, one Truth for all, slay them all with it, sparing none. Tear down every stronghold that is built against God Almighty.
2 Peter 2:18, " For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. "
One Way, one Truth, one Lord... Seek, Repent and Sin No More.. Obey from the heart the doctrine of God. Deny thyself, take up thine own cross and follow Christ. Deny ungodliness and worldly lusts and live sober, righteous and godly lives in this present world. Be just, love mercy and walk humbly with God. Judgement, Mercy, Faith. Righteousness, Temperance and the Judgement to come. Fill the words till they overflow with virtue, that effectual operation of a fact of your state of being. What is the treasure found in your hearts, what say you? Have you heard, truly genuinely heard? then speak, be not a dumb dog, speak that they all hear you and see you. The candle lit, set out for to give light to all to see. A city set upon a hill, is set there for all to see, it can not be hidden.
Jude 1:16, " These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. "
Understand the cost, for it is NOT all paid for you, all done for you. Weigh it all in a true and honest balance, for God loveth a just, fair, and equal measure. Truly do not start to build if you do not have what it will cost, do not deceive yourselves. For many love to watch them start to build and then run out of what it truly costs. All your heart, all your soul, all your body, all your mind, all your might, all your strength. Strive for it, a bold soldier standing guard over the Word given and let none harm it with lies and deceit. Always ready to defend the true Gospel of Peace, the Gospel of Righteousness, the Gospel of Obedience, the Gospel of Faith working by love and proven by deeds. Do not be called off by the many that easily find the broad way and try to get more to follow them down it.
Luke 14:28, " For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? "
For them who truly know, it's not going to some church and feigning. It is not lip service, or them that can not cease from sin, or them that are created by God to sin and can never obey the Truth. NO, not them, but those who truly know the born again literal event, the new heart, absolutely with all their hearts know the Truth. They fight the battle to Go and Sin No More. Those who have heard and can not but speak. Fight the battle to obey from the heart, with all thine heart. You are warned of the many lies sold, that are upon every side. Are you truly in the faith that works by love and is proven by deeds? Have you taken up any of the many foul lies on sale? What is in your hand right now? What are you shopping for? What are you looking for? Ability or inability, power or powerless, Truth or a lie? Have you this day confirmed, examined, proven, affirmed to be in the faith? Can you answer what faith is without hesitation, in season or out of season? Can you define the Way so others can find it? Can you answer instantly what the Grace of God is? So answer it, what is it, say it now?! Are you truly able? Do the Commandments delight you? Are you sighing and crying over the abominations that are in the world? Do you bear the Mark, the Sign, the Ensign of God? Have you set up the Standard? What is the Standard? Is the banner being flown by you the Truth? Do you lean upon the wisdom of some man or God? Have you studied to show yourselves approved? Are you doing the WORKS meet/worthy of repentance? Are you obeying from the heart the doctrine received from God? Are you doing everything you can to stand? Will you love the appearing of the Lord? Does Ezekiel ring true in you, what is the mark you truly bear?
Ezekiel 9:4, " And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. "
DO NOT let them come out to see that broken reed, so many love the broken reed, to be that false witness, proclaiming the power but have no ability to simply obey. Showing forth the false witness, taking the Name of the Lord God in vain. So they can be confirmed in the failure teaching that all love without blushing even. They who glory in sin and say in sin "I have made the Lord worthy, needed, I have not been able through Him, but He has done it for me, for I could not but sin". Do not take His Name in vain, it is the third Commandment of the Ten Commandments. Do you really want to build upon the Rock that is Christ and obey Him; He who said Go and Sin No More? Who knows the righteous sin not because they freely choose to obey. They could choose sin unto death, for there is NOTHING given that is irresistible. Who has heard the irresistible lie?
Who knows that it is a blink of an eye, for instantly in the presence of the Lord the Truth is known? The conscience defiled can not bear the presence of the Lord and out of thine own mouth you are judged and known to whom you have truly loved and served. It is an instant, you will either love His appearing or you will desire rocks to fall upon you and hide you from Him. Who knows that NOW is the time for salvation? It is not tomorrow, or next week, or next year. Who knows and obeys? Who is faithful? Who will hear God say "well done thy faithful servant"? Who knows one has to be faithful to hear "well done thy faithful servant"? Who knows that faith is faithful and obedient to the end? Who has heard it is sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.
Who really thinks that denying themselves is doing nothing at all, turning from nothing, but living as you desire, smoking dope, getting drunk, watching filth, living in pleasure as according to the lust of the flesh. Having pleasure in them that do unrighteousness and in unrighteousness?
Do not indite God by the many lies on offer.
Warn them, warn the righteous man, that the righteous SIN NOT! That they do so by free will choice the true nature given to them by God, for God has made ALL men upright. Who knows Ecclesiastes 7? But have done what? Sought out inventions, many vain imaginations, that license to sin foulness. Liberty in corruption, inability, all done for them, all paid for them, count nothing, do nothing, not of works lies upon lies.
Ecclesiastes 7:29, " Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. "
Men of God do not sin, they are born of God and abide in the Vine and they sin not. NOT INCAPABLE of sinning, but true men of God CHOOSE TO GO AND SIN NO MORE, CHOOSE TO OBEY FROM THE HEART. The fight they fight is faithful obedience, reverence to God whom they love with all their hearts. Define reverence? Define all?
It is a sick mind, a foul heart, a liar absolutely that teaches anyone that they have a predisposition to go and sin, that a new born baby can be condemned as a sinner. A person who teaches such evil has no comprehension of what the Truth truly is. They who teach any kind of malady built into them or others as to excuse them from having freely chosen to sin, are absolutely of the devil and preaching its message.
Genesis 3:1, " Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? "
Genesis 3:4, " And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: "
Why did God destroy the whole earth?
Was it because God made man with a nature to sin, so that man would recognize God? Was it because Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil and did give to Adam to eat?
Was it because of what the book of the Lord says that it is why?
Genesis 6:5, " And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. "
Genesis 6:11, " The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.
Genesis 6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. "
Adam and Eve had already sinned and for that the curse of what was given to all mankind? DEATH! Period, nothing else is mentioned. Yet if you listen to the foolishness of man, one only hears about original sin and sin nature and inability, to the point that few have any hope in them to ever be able. Who can be able when all they hear is "no one will ever be able", even the regenerated man is not able to obey, to keep, to do, all man can ever expect is to fail, to fall and to disobey God. This filthy vile lie is taught by 99.9% of what professes to be the church. NO victory over sin death and the devil, just certain failure preached day in and day out.
How could God Almighty say anything about anyone being wicked, about anyone's imaginations being continually evil? How was the earth corrupt before God? How was the earth filled with violence? When God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt, for all flesh corrupted THEIR WAY UPON THE EARTH. How could God say anything knowing full well that because Eve at of the tree and did give to Adam to eat, because of this act, God Himself now creates all flesh to be imbued with some malady of sinfulness that no man, no not even one single soul can or could ever overcome. NOT EVEN being born again through His Son Jesus Christ could fix this original sin spoken of by man, from one end of the earth to the other. How could God destroy anyone, for making all, sinful in nature, as man proclaims upon every side?
Or is it God expected man to obey and man simply chose not to obey? The very same thing that Eve did when she ate of the tree. God had said it them and surely it stands even now, if you disobey Me and do what I have told you not to do, the wage for it is death. True death, that everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord. For it is the Law that can not be ever removed, so He had to find a Way, and that Way was Christ crucified and resurrected and man was to do likewise. One has to die and be born again or they can not enter into the Kingdom for the Law forever stands, Gods words stand forever, heaven and earth shall pass, but not one single words of God shall ever fall. Not a jot or a tittle shall be taken from it. God surely has made all man upright but because man refuses to obey, man filled the world with wickedness by doing wickedness, not because imbued them with any malady. For the whole duty God gives unto man, is not going and sinning and being unable, it is to fear Him and KEEP His Commandments. It plainly simply to a degree that is perfect. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. Do not come to Truth and turn from it, do not take for granted the death of the only begotten Son. Do not be so foolish as to trample the blood of the Lord Jesus and then try and plead His blood after knowing and rejecting it for the lie of pleasure in sin through the lust of the flesh. They who can not cease from sin, do not want to cease from it. They are empty wells who can give no Life, but like clouds that rain not and are blow about to and fro, vain, useless, of no value. Sharing lies and gossip, promising liberty as they themselves serve corruption.
God surely expected man to obey. Just as this day God surely expects those who have been given the free gift, the washing by the blood of Christ, regenerated, born again, to certainly be able to obey Him if they truly love/d Him. For they who are forgiven much, love much more, normally, but certainly not all.
It would of been a perfect spot, Genesis 6, to add in that malady of sin, that malady of inability, that malady of original sin, because Eve ate from the tree and did give to Adam to eat. God after this moment had created all mankind with sinful nature, yet nonetheless, God was going to destroy all flesh because of mans wickedness despite being made with that wickedness. This is mans idea of a just, equal and a fair God, to make man with the inability to obey and kill man for it, just to get man to be humble and rely on Him and not themselves. God even gave His only begotten Son to be tortured, hung on a cross to become a curse for all mankind, to literally free man just to continue in the inability God makes all mankind with! This is literally what men have sadly invented and what they all preach and believe in some form or another. It is insanity and yet so many love it to be so. Again, what is insanity, truly what is it absolutely? Calling evil good and good evil. If anyone truly defined the Path, they would come to know this simple Truth. It is insane to have pleasure in evil. They know not what it truly is, just how disgusting it really is. I tell you I have never known anything to awful as when I was taken out of the presence of the Lord and in the presence of evil without any measure of anything good. Pure lust, wanted absolutely without satisfaction. I was disgusted by it and it was instantly tormented, it was hell, and it burned in me. I pray no one goes there, but I know many are choosing to.
Imagine the blame being solely laid at the feet of the Lord, as man already did, and putting the Lord to death because of mans desires to sin rather than simply obey? That it is Gods fault for making man unable, just so God could be given glory. Again, such a foul invention can only be created by one spirit and that is not the Spirit of God Almighty.
Over the last six and half years I have come to understand that that all the teachings of men, the traditions, the commandments, the vain imaginations, the inventions that I whole hearted despise and speak of being the lies that they are, all stem from the disgusting, foul, vile, awful teaching of liberty as one serves corruption, you shall not surely die. That this teaching comes in many names and has spawned all the evil lies men have come to love to be so. Moral depravity, totally depraved, sin nature, born to sin, born a sinner, original sin, God made me this way, God expects me to sin, license to sin, once saved always saved, unable to keep, maintain, do, obey and every other thing they sell like to these. These awful things have been handed down by so called men of God whom almost everyone speaks well of. They have been building upon foundations of sand, of mere men and their vain babblings. It was written and all are warned of it. Taking a mans person into respect over the Truth, leaning upon princes and men. Falling for fables, entertained by them and well stocked with provisions.
They continue the same pattern to this day, speaking well of the false, loving them that sell them the so called truth. Buying their wears, their opinions, their books and fawning over mere men, over the false and they love to have it so.
Who keeps the "woes" in their hands? Who is running their own race with fear and trembling? Who is letting others run for them? The world will never speak well of the Truth... Those in the world will never love the Truth... As written it is to them that walk in the Spirit and not the flesh that there is not condemnation. They who who do walk in lust of the flesh already know they are condemned in their hearts, for it will be in a twinkle of an eye. Judgement is already at hand, for out of your own mouths you are already judged. Woe to all who do not hear the alarm and wake to righteousness and SIN NOT! Stand in awe and SIN NOT. Be angry and SIN NOT. I write all of this unto you all, so that you will know, it is sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness and that you SIN NOT. For it is required that a servant be what? FAITHFUL!
Luke 6:26, " Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets. "
Jeremiah 5:31, " The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof? "
Philippians 2:12, " Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. "
1 Corinthians 15:34, " Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. "
Psalms 4:4, " Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah. "
Ephesians 4:26, " Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: "
1 John 2:1, " My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: "
1 Corinthians 4:2, " Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. "
Listen to them that build the strongholds of some form of sin nature, license to sin. How they are always in a debate over it, always trying to work around the inditement of God they have by teaching lies, believing lies, selling lies, closing the door to them that truly desire to walk in. History is overflowing with the carcasses of opinion, idea, invention, imagination, tradition, fables, the many great swellings of words that entice and allure through the lust of the flesh. Overflowing are the arguments, the debates, the excuses, the provisions that are created to sear the conscience that knows perfectly that the blame lies only at the feet of man choosing evil, calling it good, pleasant and to be desired. One could spend days just writing the names of men who sell the same lie the serpent sold Eve in the garden. Who have built upon the same foundation as so many others, calling it good, pleasant and to be desired.
Westminster Confession, who has built upon this foundation of sand? Augustine, Luther, Wesley, Hodge and literally thousands upon thousands this very day preach the "NONE ARE ABLE". It truly wears one out, to see how many there are that have no real faith, who think Paul's teachings of the old man are speaking of that new creation found ONLY in Christ, and that HE DID bring his body into subjection and ruled over himself, over his spirit to obey Christ. What need to bring your body into subjection if it is as THEY ALL say, if you are NEVER ABLE to do what Christ simply said, " Go and Sin No More"? I have said over and over, what point would God have in commanding anyone to obey something He CREATED MEN UNABLE TO OBEY? Because of this one simple question men stumble continually, debating some form of inditement of God Almighty, as to why they can never fully reconcile the Truth and their own seared conscience with such foul imaginations of NEVER BEING ABLE but always being Cain.
"NO MAN IS ABLE", is their mantra and they all shout it from the roof tops. Buy my merchandise, you are never able to obey the Commandments of God none have. Let us not mention Enoch, Job or Zacharias and Elisabeth and I have no doubt many others through out all of time. Of course the the least of all men, Jesus Christ surely was able Amen.
Luke 1:5, " There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.
Luke 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless. "
What point, as with Paul saying, he brought his body into subjection, is there of saying one thing and doing another? What point is there to ask what one can not possibly do and be fully aware they can never do it? To require faithfulness and know it can not be done? What point is there to say I have brought my body into subjection but truly one has never done so, never been able to? What point is there to be born again just to be the very same person you have always been? What point is there to have a new heart "LITERALLY" (for this is not figuratively as so many make it to be, I know, I received the new heart) and then go about defiling it just as one did the first heart? Why confess and FORSAKE, if one never forsakes what they confess? Who truly does not understand the word forsake, or subjection, or mortify or any words like unto these? Who can not hear the double mindedness in what they teach, as these so called churches teach? Who can not hear the double mindedness in them that teach faith but are unfaithful? Again, how can God say to anyone "well done thy faithful servant" when NO ONE, EVER, NEVER, can be faithful?
1 Corinthians 9:27, " But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. "
Said it hundreds maybe thousands of times by now. Why would we be told to be perfect as the Father is perfect, if none can be? Why say be holy as the Father is holy if none can be. I say to all, is God a liar? Is He a minister of sin? God forbid indeed that anyone believe any of this nonsense. For they who do believe these lies are doing just that, calling God a liar. Did Jesus get it all wrong or are the disgusting teaching that allow for the inditement of God get it wrong?
Matthew 5:48, " Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. "
1 Peter 1:16, " Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. "
Leviticus 20:7, " Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God. "
I read, "why does God allow men the inability to keep the Law". So that we can make Christ needed, of use, of value. God NEVER ALLOWED ANYONE to not be able, in fact God DOES NOT ALLOW ANYONE to be tempted more than they can bear. But men freely choose to ignore the Commandment. Eve freely chose to ignore the Commandment. So which is it, does God allow men to be unable, as to say God truly wants us to sin, or do men chose to be unable? When God warned Cain to do well and he would absolutely be accepted, did God forget to mention to Cain that He was allowing Cain to be unable to teach Him a lesson? NO, God did not say any such thing to Cain, he told Cain to obey but if Cain would not choose to obey, sin would lie at his door and desire to rule over him and we all know what Cain chose. God gave us free will to choose, God is not looking for robots as some accuse Him of. Did God allow Cain to be tempted more than Cain was able to endure to teach him some lesson? Utterly absurd the idea is. Of course God did not allow Cain to be tempted more then He could bear, Cain simply chose not to obey by his own free will nature given by God. Free to sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. God gave men free will, men choose to exercise sin, to conceive it into the world.
And I quote, " God allows us to be unable to humble us ". No God wants us to choose to whom we truly want to obey, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. God is not looking to force anyone. Love does not force anyone to love. You either desire it or you do not. All have been given the cost of not obeying what is unable to be changed, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. The Commandments are never changing, they have been spoken by the King and there is not changing it.
So then, Christ was made humble by OBEDIENCE and that is the example He gave us. But here is a vain imagination saying what humbles us is what? Disobedience. This is doing exactly what the scriptures tell us they do. That they are delivered to commit abominations, that doing evil will save them. They will and do deny this fact but their mouths condemn them. In a blink of an eye!!! I condemn no man, they do it themselves, for out of the mouth a man speak of the treasures found in their hearts. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.
What is the quality of being humble? Submission.
To submit thyself unto God is an act of what? Faith, belief, trust, hope, all which are faithfulness, which is obedience.
Did Christ fail, fall, sin, so He could learn to be humble? All know He did not.
Christ was faithful, He is called faithful. Christ humbled Himself and became OBEDIENT, He submitted Himself unto God and not part time, but as it is written, unto death. For it is as written, they who endure till the end will be saved. So Christ set that example, for this is the righteousness we obtain through following the righteous example given. Christ was not humbled through sin, rebellion, disobedience or being unable. There is no power in inability, no gain from it but what is written, for the flesh to be destroyed, for that is the power that satan has, the destruction of the flesh. Will you be hardened or broken? Broken comes with looking up and confessing and forsaking sin, then for them who stand fast, the riches, the gain, the increase, the treasure, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. But one obey, for remaining in sin will not give anyone wisdom, knowledge or understanding. It will only separate you from the riches of God.
Philippians 2:8, " And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. "
Isaiah 28:15, " Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves: "
Ecclesiastes 8:8, " There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it. "
I quote "man is a self-exalting creature"...
No, that is what the devil did and those whom are of the devil do as they see their father do. It is not a quality of a the Holy Ghost, or the born again. God made man upright. The born again, the new heart is not given so one can continue in sin and become humbled again. It defies all understanding to think of the new creation as anything like the old creation crucified with Christ. Having to go through the same old things that were put to death. It can not be both!
Was Enoch unable or did he walk with God? He walked with God and none can walk with God in sin, in the inability lie. For sin is the separation between anyone and God. So Enoch must of obeyed what they all say none can do, no not even one. Who is lying? What about Job? Did Job when put to test fail or obey? He obeyed, even when is wife told him to just get it over with and speak evil of God so he would die. Even then Job was not moved by this so called inability expectation by God so He can teach us lessons. There is NO growth in sin, no growth disobeying God. The growth comes from obedience, the true lessons come from obeying. This is how you walk with God and receive treasures, wisdom, knowledge and understanding of Him. Job faithful till the end.
Isaiah 59:2, " But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. "
Proverbs 15:29, " The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous. "
Jeremiah 5:25, " Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you. "
Again, we must point out to divide rightly. They apply all of this to the born again saints of God, to be sinning saints and powerless is a lie. When it speaks of them that have yet to come to the Truth. To them there is no difference between the old man and the new man, from the old Paul to the new Paul. God gave men a free will and men get to chose to whom they will serve, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. They who by the spirit of error do as it is written of them. They condemn the righteous and justify the wicked. They say life when it is death. How can anyone return from their wicked ways when they are told they can never do so, ever? They can be born again saints of God but they are no matter what going to fail, be unable, of no power whatsoever. All they can expect is more sin, but that they will be instantly covered for all past, present and future sins, so hey, you surely are not going to die, right? Who is strengthened by such an idea? Does it strengthen the hands of the righteous to be told they can never obey, never be able? Or does is strengthen the hands of the wicked to never return from their wicked ways? Why fight that good fight if you believe you can never win? If winning is falling down, then why would anyone want to stand fast? If being saved in their wickedness is the best they have to hope for, then who is really their friend, sin and disobedience or is it righteousness, obeying?
Ezekiel 22:26, " Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. "
Ezekiel 13:22, " Because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life: "
Who is delivered, but continues to sin?
Jeremiah 7:10, " And come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations? "
Freed from sin for what? To be free in actions, so one can freely sin and plead that blood? Or is it freed so they can be doers of what is said to be done, Go and Sin No More? there is only one Truth and then there is the lie. Who desires to be free to be able to sin? What Spirit of God would desire such a thing? Who desires to Go and Sin No More? Them who have had enough of the mire, of working in the pig pen, they examine, look up, confess, forsake, and return to the Father. Who is sick of sin, Repents but then like a dog goes back to the vomit to eat more? Who finds that metaphor, that allegory a delight? Who hates porn but can not but watch it? Who hates lies but can not but lie? Who hates murder but can not but murder? Who is given that Spirit of Power but has no power? What good is a Spirit of Power that gives you no power?
Romans 6:18, " Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness. "
When does one serve righteousness, if they are always unable?
This is not new, but it is what I tear down every single day. It is what I was offered the very next day after literally hearing from the Lord. I was offered the license to sin, foul, vile, disgusting lie. Which is what satan sold Eve in the garden, that original lie, bought and given to Adam to eat of and sadly he ate of it. The same filthy, vile, foul lie since the beginning is still being sold right now. Still being taught, still being preached by so called men of God. As the devil said so they say likewise, for as the hear and see their father do, so they do likewise. They promise life, when it is death. Saying you surely shall not die if you disobey the Commandments of God. That you can not but disobey Him. That no one can or has obeyed Him. The Law is removed from out of the Way. Not just the parts of sacrifice and ritual that absolutely have been taken out of the Way, but all of the Law. All have some part of this lie grasped tightly and they refuse to release it. Finding security for their inability to obey, or their lack of desire to fight and obey by the provisions they hold so dear and near.
Again, they indite God Almighty, for if they can say God made me this way, then it must all be done by God to make it right. Never mind all that the book of the Lord says about men CHOOSING to sin, that THEY corrupted themselves with sin. Not one single time does it say God made any man in sin. Psalms 51 does not express this, an I have torn that stronghold down over and over. God was angry with men and destroyed the world why? Because they did wickedness by choosing to do so, not by malady, defect or inability.
Ezekiel 3:21, " Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul. "
Is it as they say, that all continue to sin even after coming to the knowledge of the Truth and when they sin, it is just swept under the rug? All future sins forgiven before you even do them, free to live as you please for God does not expect anyone to be blameless, spotless, holy, godly, without wrinkle, without blemish, without spot, to be prepared, ready, waiting, watching, standing at the door so they may open instantly upon His coming?
Who thinks they will love the appearing the Lord Jesus if they are still sinning everyday? I tell you, I warn you, you will hate the appearing of the Lord. For sin can not bear the presence of the Lord. They will desire the rocks to hide them, why? Because the spirit in them filled with sin can not bear knowing the Truth or the presence of Truth and that certain expectation of an everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord. The torment by which smoke will rise forever from you. I speak of what I know, I lived, I was shown it and felt the complete lack of the any good. It is far worse than a lake of fire.
1 John 3:9, " Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. "
Again, is it true there are none righteous, no not even one? The book of the Lord says plainly there are righteous men of God. They who do turn back who remain in sin, in that old man, of them, there IS NOT EVEN ONE righteous man among them. No not even one seeketh after God, no not one. For this reason there are none righteous, not even one of them...
Are the men of God incapable of sinning? Of course not, free will is ever the nature of all man. Free to Repent, free to repent not. Free to obey from the heart. Free to not obey from the heart the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ setting one free indeed from the bondage of sin and death. Not covering them so God sees the Son, or sees you but Christ in you, filtering out the filth of iniquity still being done. Free to come to the full knowledge of the Truth and to freely turn from it, but truly better to have never known the Way, than to have known it and turned from it.
Men of God deny sin, refuse sin, CHOOSE to Go and Sin No More. They turn people from sin. Choose to obey from the heart that doctrine, that teaching that grace teaches all men that loveth the Lord God Almighty. They freely choose to obey the teaching that says, grace is a teacher and it teaches one to DENY ungodliness and worldly lusts and to live soberly. righteously and godly lives in this present world. For now is the time for salvation, now is the time to purge, to wash thine hands ye double minded, to farrow the ground of thine heart, to be born again, receive the new heart and become a new creation. To be crucified with Christ, to mortify the members, to forsake sin, to Go and Sin No More. A man of God teaches the Truth an the Truth is you are to DENY sin, for it is not denied for you, paid for you, obeyed for you or any of the many provisions men create, invent, imagine and sell to them that have no real love for the Truth, but want the provisions laid up so they can say they love the Lord and still live like devils. Loving lies and wanting lies taught to them, and they love to have it so. Love to be lied to, love the provisions, love being able to proclaim salvation and pretend they are safe, have rest, are at peace with sinning. For God loves them just as they are.
Men of God do not excuse sin, make provisions for it, they who truly STAND in the council of God, TURN HIS PEOPLE FROM SIN. Turn them from their evil ways and evil doings by the plain simple Truth, Go and Sin No More. If you have heard, truly know the rebirth, the new heart and are not pretending, you will Go and Sin No More. For they who truly Name the Name of the Lord Go and Sin No More.
Jeremiah 23:22, " But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings. "
You CAN NOT be righteous, you CAN NOT be serving righteousness and be sinning. You are made free from sin, to Go and Sin No More. Not sinning as you desire and being automatically forgiven, the whole world wondering after this foul invention.. Again, it is remission and not permission.
Romans 6:18, " Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness. "
As it written, if they will obey and Go and Sin No More, they will live, will have life. But if they refuse to hearken and obey from the heart the Truth, they will surely die. For once you are truly set free you have a choice, serve sin and they who sin are servants to sin, not Christ. Or, sin not, go and show forth the Spirit of Power given to them that have truly Repented and turned back with all their hearts. Being a bold soldier for the Truth and showing the example, the standard that Christ gave. To be faithful, for He was truly faithful, for He truly loves the Father and He obeyed from the heart. He was perfect and we are told to be perfect and holy as the Father who art in heaven is perfect and holy.
The Truth, the standard is held up. Christ held up the standard for all to see it. The bar was raised!
Nec - Banner, ensign, something lifted up, signal, sign ,sail...
Men of God hold a standard, and there is no standard found in sin. Sin has no standard, but one thing, deny the Truth, and live as you please. Deny Christ and you can have anything you desire, as told to me. Just deny Christ, and live a filthy life freed in sin but you surely will die.
The Truth is, you are able if you choose to be. It is plainly simply. Whom will ye yield yourselves to obey, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.
This is the seventh day, the Lords day. It is a day to rest from the world, it is the day of rest. There is no other day give by God Almighty, this is the day He rested from all His work. It is a day He sanctified and made holy. It is a day He made for man and not man for it . Delight thyself in the Lord and HE will give thee the desires of thine heart.
It is remission and not permission...
Seek, Repent and Sin No More...
Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen.