in jesus •  3 years ago 

Issa was son of Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar both of whom were recognized as the living gods; his mother Cleopatra was seen as the Virgin Goddess Isis incarnated, hence his name Issa in ancient Egyptian which means son of Isis, Greek Issus, English Jesus, and his father Ceasar who was proclaimed by the Roman Senate a god.

Being the first born heir to two largest and most powerful empires of the ancient world made Issa instant superstar even before he did anything. However, the ambitious adopted son of Ceasar Octavian, shorty after the assassination of Caesar, went war on Alexandria.

After the defeat and death of Mark Anthony, Cleopatra has sent Issa, at age 13, to India with trusted family friends, Mary, means beloved in Egyptian, and Joseph of Judea aka Arimathea, before killing herself.

While in India, Issa has picked up Buddhism and being initiated into the Egyptian mysteries himself as co-regent with his mom, he quickly absorbed additional wisdom of the East before leaving to Cornwall, England where was a lot of tin that his protector Joseph was planning to trade on their way back to Egypt, and where meanwhile Issa has become a Druid Bard.

Afterwards, they went back to Alexandria, Issa was around 30, where he married his half sister Selene Cleopatra aka Mary Magdalene, the scene in the bible when Jesus turns water into wine describes their wedding, with his mother present, while Issa is described being very focused shall we say. Nervous to say the least.


Issa Caesarion aka Jesus Christ

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