in jesus •  2 years ago  (edited)

Caesarion, Greek sculpture




Jesus comes from Iesus in Latin, amongst other spellings, which is Iesous in Greek which did not come from Hebrew Yasha or Yeshua, means savoir or deliverer, but from ancient Egyptian name Issa, where Is as reference to Isis, during the Ptolemaic dynasty who were Jewish--Macedonian in origin, and Sa means son, the duck hieroglyph, meaning son of the virgin goddess Isis, who was historical Issa Caesarion, his Roman name being first born to, proclaimed by the Senate to be a god, emperor Julius Caesar and widely considered to be incarnation of the goddess Isis Pharaoh Queen Cleopatra VII, thus making little Caesarion co regent with the titles such as son of god, son of the virgin goddess, king of kings etc... as amply documented. Issa's story ends as a teenager according to Wikipedia, and the story of Jesus picks up thereafter, hence the missing years of Jesus.

He was a king, the last Pharaoh at that, famous superstar of his age. He picked up some Buddhism while in exile in India, as well as Druid wisdom from Cornwall England before returning to Alexandria in his 30s when he married his half sister Selene Cleopatra aka Mary Magdalene, from this union the notorious Merovingian dynasty claims to have its roots. The book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln is about it, also Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, also made into a Hollywood feature film.

The historical Jesus was a king robbed off his earthly kingdoms inheritance, and being initiated into the Egyptian mysteries as well as wisdom of other cultures and societies, he offered that wisdom to the public, his Good News, that we all are children of our Creator who loves as, so we should love one another as God loves us (John 15:12). His only commandment to replace the laws of Moses, that by his time blew up to 613 laws of OT bible written in Babylon, aside thousands of Hammurabi laws, thst by then were the legal base of the Greek, Roman and all other empires.

The poisoned spiritual messages and eddited into oblivion old spiritual scriptures is what Issa has confronted the Seduches and Pharisees of the Messianic Moseretic Masonic Satanic Luciferian Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Atenist heresy. Which has started in Egypt by heretic king Akhenaten aka biblical Moses

Jesus was member of the Egyptian royal House of Israel and tried to put it back into order according to the original Abrahamic tradition of the Thebes. However he was neutralized from power, by the adopted son of Caesar Octavian Augustus with the helo of the Babylonian Jews no doubt, his disciples were brutally killed and his message, see attached video, of rising of individual Christ (annointed) Consciousness is sabotaged, defiled, corrupted into a dead Christ with an unbelieving fairytale of miracles, in order to bind minds under the Roman rule and control, and by extension all world power elites. The relugion is created for the slaves, not to liberate them. The food parts were mostly borrowed from the Egyptian so called Book of the Dead, the Kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21), that we are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), that we all are gods and children of Most High (Psalms 82:6). etc.

The Whore of Babylon, the Vatican Church and Synagogues of Satan, have taken over the original Abrahamic Covenant Judaism and replaced it with Satanic Saturn light worship heresy, then they did the same with Issa's messages and teachings, replacing him with the Sun and same JESUS < IESUS < IESOUS < ISSA < SON OF ISIS


Jesus comes from Iesus in Latin, amongst other spellings, which is Iesous in Greek which did not come from Hebrew Yasha or Yeshua, means savoir or deliverer, but from ancient Egyptian name Issa, where Is as reference to Isis, during the Ptolemaic dynasty who were Jewish--Macedonian in origin, and Sa means son, the duck hieroglyph, meaning son of the virgin goddess Isis, who was historical Issa Caesarion, his Roman name being first born to, proclaimed by the Senate to be a god, emperor Julius Caesar and widely considered to be incarnation of the goddess Isis Pharaoh Queen Cleopatra VII, thus making little Caesarion co regent with the titles such as son of god, son of the virgin goddess, king of kings etc... as amply documented. Issa's story ends as a teenager according to Wikipedia, and the story of Jesus picks up thereafter, hence the missing years of Jesus.

He was a king, the last Pharaoh at that, famous superstar of his age. He picked up some Buddhism while in exile in India, as well as Druid wisdom from Cornwall England before returning to Alexandria in his 30s when he married his half sister Selene Cleopatra aka Mary Magdalene, from this union the notorious Merovingian dynasty claims to have its roots. The book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln is about it, then Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, also made into a Hollywood feature film.

The historical Jesus was a king robbed off his earthly kingdoms inheritance, and being initiated into the Egyptian mysteries as well as wisdom of other cultures and societies, he offered that wisdom to the public, his Good News, that we all are children of our Creator who loves as, so we should love one another as God loves us (John 15:12). His only commandment to replace the laws of Moses, that by his time blew up to 613 laws of OT bible written in Babylon, aside thousands of Hammurabi laws, thst by then were the legal base of the Greek, Roman and all other empires.

The poisoned spiritual messages and eddited into oblivion old spiritual scriptures is what Issa has confronted the Seduches and Pharisees of the Messianic Moseretic Masonic Satanic Luciferian Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Atenist heresy. Which has started in Egypt by heretic king Akhenaten aka biblical Moses

Jesus was member of the Egyptian royal House of Israel and tried to put it back into order according to the original Abrahamic tradition of the Thebes. However he was neutralized from power, by the adopted son of Caesar Octavian Augustus with the helo of the Babylonian Jews no doubt, his disciples were brutally killed and his message, see attached video, of rising of individual Christ (annointed) Consciousness is sabotaged, defiled, corrupted into a dead Christ with an unbelieving fairytale of miracles, in order to bind minds under the Roman rule and control, and by extension all world power elites. The relugion is created for the slaves, not to liberate them. The good parts were mostly borrowed from the Egyptian so called Book of the Dead, the Kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21), that we are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), that we all are gods and children of Most High (Psalms 82:6). etc.

The Whore of Babylon, the Vatican Church and Synagogues of Satan, have taken over the original Abrahamic Covenant Judaism and replaced it with the Satanic Saturn light worship heresy, then they did the same with Issa's messages and teachings, replacing him with the Sun and same Jehovah Satanic Luciferian light cult. The Islam was created by Vatican already corrupted. No wonder that their trees yield rotten fruits. Because they are crazy to believe that load of crap, and actually know nothing themselves about the true spirituality and wisdom of the ages.

Cleopatra VII with Julius Caesar ♡

The real parents of historical Jesus aka Caesarion as he was known in Rome or Issa in Egypt. The assassination of Caesar ended the greatest love story of that time and with it the end of the Egyptian civilization of which Issa became the last Pharaoh. RIP Issa with all your family and friends, forever and ever. Amen. ♡

Mary (means beloved in ancient Egyptian) Christ (being annointed as the King), mas (means ceremony, celebration or festival).



Issa / Caesarion


Issa was born, according to Wikipedia, 23 June 47 BCE, left Alexandria at 16, after Mark Antoni lost the battle of Actium in 31 BCE, then according to the official version Caesarion was killed by Octavian Augustus after luring him back to Alexandria with the promise to restore him to power, however the alternative story has it that he has escaped to India where he has spent considerable time, as recorded by the Buddhist monks, then travelled to Cornwall England to secure tin trade before returning to Alexandria where he married his half sister Selene Cleopatra aka Mary Magdalene and started his Ministry of the Gospels, sharing the esoteric wisdom and secrets which were only privy to the Pharaohs, around 30s until his supposed death at 33, albeit another theory is that his death was faked by his Masonic friends and he with his wife were sent to France where he died from old age as the Patriarch of the Meravingian dynasty. Incidentally, as far as I remember, Selene's / Mary's birthday is 25 December.


Yeshuah means God saves, and was attributed to Issa Caesarion aka Jesus Christ after his death by the very Babylonian Talmudic rabbinical apostate heretics who have persecuted him and perverted his teachings and biography.

"Yeshua in Hebrew is a verbal derivative from "to rescue", "to deliver". Among the Jews of the Second Temple Period, the Biblical Aramaic/Hebrew name יֵשׁוּעַ Yeshua‘ was common: the Hebrew Bible mentions several individuals with this name – while also using their full name Joshua. This name is a feature of biblical books written in the post-Exilic period (Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles) and was found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, though Haggai and Zechariah prefer the spelling Joshua. Strong's Concordance connects the name יֵשׁוּעַ Yeshua`, in the English form Jeshua (as used in multiple instances in Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1 and 2 Chronicles), with the verb "to deliver" (or, "to rescue"). It is often translated as "He saves," to conform with Matthew 1:21: "She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" (NASB)." Wikipedia

So, no, his name is not Yeshuah, never was, that is the name the Talmudic rabbis gave him in their description of Christ being in hell boiling in putrid waters. Calling Christ that name is complete and utter disrespect even though it means to rescue. His real name is Issa in Egyptian, Issus in Greek, Jesus in English and was knowns as Caesarion in Italian. No heretic Jewish titles for the name of Christ, since their Christ is dead on the cross and in hell.

His original name is Issa, meaning son of Isis, the Hebrew name came way after his death. The Hebrew alphabet has nothing to do with Jesus. Most Jews were on the side of the pharasees (priesthood) and seduchees (nobility) who were against him and his teachings, that is why St. Paul left Judea to preach to the gentiles.

Later the rabbis added to Talmud gross description of how Yeshua ben Pandera, implying he was son of the Roman soldier Pandera and not Caesar, since Jesus, Issa, is son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar, whose parents were killed by the same Babylonian conspiracy, how he was in hell boiling in putrid waters. So to use that name to address Jesus is in poor taste and reason.

Yahu (Egyptian), Yahweh (Hebrew), Jehovah (English) means light, light of Saturn, Lucifer, and the rest of the Elohim. God said, Let there be light. God is not light. Light is light. God is God. Jesus is not God. Elohim are not God. Jehovah is not God. You are confused due to ignorance and ego, the idea of I AM. Your attachment to the bible and wrong knowledge is what prevents you to see God beyond light. The worship of light is not becoming enlightened. You are missing the whole point of Jesus, Buddha, and all sages, the enlightenment comes from within to illuminate the Way towards the Glory of God.

To worship light external is to ignore light internal and not following it to its Source. So do not preach me the bible that none of you understand correctly since it was written and edited by the Babylonian Talmudic rabbinical apostate heretics and Jesuits for the gullible sheeple.

The Catholics believe Jesus, the Father, and the holy spirit are one and the same entity. Which is wrong. However if one understands that their Father is Jehovah and their Jesus is also Jehovah then it makes perfect sense. They worship God as Jehovah and Jesus as Jehovah. They have a dead Ghost instead of the living Spirit, and they only pay lip service to Mother Mary while Mary Magdalene is portrayed a prostitute, which makes sense if it is sex obsessed Satanic worship of Babylon.

The Catholic Church is not the Church of Jesus but is a synagogue, as most Churches are, synagogues disguised as Churches, Cathedrals rather if you know the difference, and are not part of Christianity but are part of Moseretic Judaism worship of god Saturn aka Jehovah i.e. light. Light is good, God said so, after creating it out of infinity, darkness, abyss, and void.

"Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? (John 14:9 NKJV)"

Here Jesus is referring to his higher Consciousness in which one is to see his Father, hence if one to ask show us the Father is not being Conscious as Jesus is, for Consciousness of the heart is the child of God, not God.

By way of that Christ (anointed holy) Consciousness the soul can find its way back to the Source of light and all life, God/Goddess, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth and all luminaries and all life. The attitude of trying to equate Jesus with God and both with Jehovah is not helping to the process of actual enlightenment and ascension.

Jesus from two thousand years ago is not coming to save anyone, it means that we have to attain the Christ Consciousness on our own merits and good works, raising our vibrational frequency to that of Christ in our heart and mind, with the opening of the third eye when we can consciously connect with Mother, Father, and Holy Spirit.

Most of the organized religions, all the major ones, are worship of Jehovah who is Saturn or Satan, the adversary, with their master Ba'al king of the world who is Mars god of war. That is why you all are so blood thirsty, waiting for the end times of mass slaughter, it appeals to you such thinking. You love war and willing to die for it. It is your choice, make it wisely.

Are you sure Jesus came to tell us that he is the word, the light, the truth, the life, and the Savior and God of the world so all must worship him? You are relying on the bible written by the very people who have persecuted him, how can you trust anything it says about Jesus?

Yes, Jesus lived and taught his gospels however it is not what the bible describes. The truth is that Jesus would not have approved of the bible and Christianity as it is. The religion is used to bind minds to false concepts in order to control them by the ruling elites. It has nothing to do with individual enlightenment of attaining the Christ Consciousness.

That would involve more than just blind worship and repeating of Hail Marries and Lord's prayers. The spiritual growth comes not from neglecting it. There is no external to you Jesus God coming to rescue anyone. One has to be awaken, reborn in Christ Consciousness in order to be saved, not waiting for it from the outside to come from someone other than themselves. As above so is below, as within so without.

Merry Christmas! ♡




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