in jesus •  2 years ago  (edited)

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Historical Jesus was son of Ptolemaic Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar, his Roman name is Caesarion while in Egypt he was known as Issa, son of Isis, as his mom was believed to be incarnation of, hence Greek Iesous from which English Jesus is derived. Yeshua is an epithet means Savior or Deliverer, Yasha at the root of it. So he was pretty white, however he was preaching against white Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical fake spirituality exposing their lies and deception, calling them fake Jews which they are (Revelation 3:9), throwing money changers out of the Temple of AmunRa built by Solomon (Amenhotep III), and teaching about the inner Christ as the Way of ascension to the Kingdom of God within, very much original black Abrahamic Covenant and House of Israel theology based on Thebes style spiritual tradition.

The New Covenant was in fact resurected original Abrahamic Covenant that was abandoned by the followers of Moses (Akhenaten) who went war on Supreme God AmunRa, Egyptian equivalent of Canaanite El Elyon (Most High), in favor of worshipping Aten (disk) of Yahw (light) which became biblical tetragrammaton YHVH translated as Lord God and paraphrased as Yahweh in Hebrew and Jehovah in English, and is reference to the lower light of our root chakra and self awareness, I am that I am, who is Egyptian Nuk pu Nuk, and is Sumerian narrative known as Shatan aka Enlil (administrator) who later became the adversary in Hebrew interpretations as Satan, an aspect of Saturn, god of harvests, boundaries and separation, Greek Cronus who was later merged with older primordial god of time Chronos.

Thus while in Babylon the Satanic Canaanites have adopted Babylonian religion as their own, with slavery and human sacrifices, war and conquest, as well took upon themselves the mantle of the black House of Israel, based at mainland Ameruka and at Khemet of North Africa as their colony there with the representatives of the House of Israel ruling it until the revolt of king Akhenaten who was quarter Canaanite Semite on his mother's side, Queen Tie who was daughter of Vizier Yuya, which is another way of saying Yahweh or Yahw, and was biblical Joseph who got sold to slavery by his brother, endup in Egypt where he rose to become Vizier to king Amenhotep II and his son Amenhotep III who has married Yuya's daughter, making her Great Royal Wife and mother to future heretic king Akhenaten aka Moses.

Akhenaten has learned about Yahw cult from his mom and grandfather no doubt, and when being confronted by the powers of Amun priests, Supreme deity of his family's patriarch Abraham (Amenemhat / Amen/Amun is first) of 12th dynasty, he has decided to outlaw all old gods and whole pantheon to be replaced with single worship of Aten's light. Needless to say that didn't go well at all amidst population and the army, thus a civil war ensues prompting the biblical Exodus.

The Atenists ventured to the Phoenician coadt where they have split in different groups, forming vikings, Macedonians, and the main party sailing across the Atlantic to march into mainland Mizraim (Egypt) where Akhenaten has confronted the sitting black Pharaoh, scene of the stuff turned into snakes and water into blood that Moses has exhibited at the court and was equally matched by the Pharoah's priests. After not seeing eye to eye, Akhenaten has marched to the "promised" land of Utah, where he fought Utahy tribes, forming biblical kingdoms of Judah (Utah) and Northern kingdom of Israel (under Akhenaten's following since Moses never made it there according to the bible narrative).

The Utahy language has thousands of parallels with Hebrew indicating that it was Utahy language used along with Phoenician alphabet, Greek gematria and Babylonian theology to concoct so called Hebrew language, the word Hebrew comes from Egyptian Hapiru meaning workers, a fair number of foreign workers and slaves have followed Akhenaten in his journeys.

The whole period of heretic Akhenaten's rule is called the Amarna period, as he has moved the capital from Memphis to the desert calling it Amarna and closed all temples at Thebes and elsewhere, disbanding all the priests. This is the period that his followers were enslaved to make bricks out of mud to build new capital, departing from traditional monolithic stone works, and has lasted for about a decade before being abandoned and lost back to the desert. There is Akhenaten city ruins in modern day Israel, I have seen archeological reports on it, however I couldn't find any trace of it since. That was perhaps Akhenaten's another attempt at establishing his kingdom there, however for whatever reasons it didn't last. This is when he has decided to cross the Atlantic and go for the mainland.

This is why it took him with entourage forty years to get to the promised land, and that is what the Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Messianic Moseretic Masonic Satanic Luciferian Apostates have documented, while distoeting, obfuscating and hiding the whole truth, however keeping the narrative based on secret knowledge of their crimes against original House of Israel and mankind at large with their Satanic replacement of our true Creator Mother of Peace, Father of Truth and their love for one another as the Holy Spirit, Great Spirit of Creator that NA natives talk about in their legends.


I am he... and have the KEYS OF HELL and of death. REVELATION 1:18

                Revelation 22:16

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony FOR THE CHURCHES.
I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright MORNING STAR."

                   Isaiah 14:12-14

12 How you have FALLEN FROM HEAVEN,
O MORNING STAR, son of the dawn!
You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
13 You said in your heart,
I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain.
14:14 I WILL ASCEND above the tops of the clouds;

                      2 Peter 1:19

And we have the WORD OF THE PROPHETS made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to A LIGHT SHINING IN A DARK PLACE, until the day dawns and the MORNING STAR RISES IN YOUR HEARTS.


Black Khemetic Bible & 42 Laws of Ma'at (Truth) Great Lecture ♡


The true black House of Israel was enslaved and its identity was stolen by their enemies who are self proclaimed Satanists as adversaries to Creator.

Greek / Ptolemaic invasion and rule of ancient Khemet (Egypt) Great Lecture!


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