Awake Souls
Published on Feb 8, 2018
Jet Fuel Hoax Airbus A380 Exposed - free energy - truth
Petroleum/"fossil fuels" are a HOAX. Stop buying the black goo. Invest in clean perpetual motion machines!
Air travel will bring the end of the petroleum hoax. The 2nd Lie of Thermal dynamics BUSTED!
Air travel will bring the end of the petroleum hoax. Free energy, HHO, Over Unity, #TEAMYAHAWASHI
Water is the best fuel we have on earth. Hydrogen does NOT explode! It IMPLODES!!! Safe free energy with fusion that anyone can do at home...
Proof! The Jet Fuel Hoax Airbus A380 Exposed and the chemtrail Hoax
The 3rd dispensation begins with FREE ENERGY Over Unity and hydrogen implosions explained.
Jet Fuel Hoax Airbus A380 Exposed - free energy - truth
The main things I teach on my Youtube channel are:
- Being a Christian is the only way to be saved
- Earth is a flat motionless plane just as the bible describes
- We are in a simulation
- The TRUE name of the Creator is YAHAWAH and the Christ is YAHAWASHI (there was no letter "J" until 500 years ago, so it is obvious that the names can not be Jehovah or Jesus)
WE ARE THE REAL GLOBEBUSTERS, Beyond Flat Earth live 8 pm wed Topics.....
Your best community for top news and information regarding Christianity, simulation reality and flat earth proofs
All Seeing Heart
Published on Mar 12, 2018
AP- Latvia/Ireland
Published on Mar 6, 2018
Life Matrix
Streamed live on Mar 12, 2018