Prayer & Wisdom

in jews •  6 years ago 

A fan of the Babylonian tradition Jew asked me at the Synagogue today how would I run my service if I was in charge of the congregation, to which I have replied, paraphrasing Dalai Lama, that the root of all evil is ignorance, as the Tibetan Buddhists explain, the ignorance is three-pronged: too much, too little, and done in the wrong way, thus to get rid off the ignorance one has to use the reason to get to the wisdom, and with the wisdom the ignorance is destroyed, not through a prayer or meditation but only through wisdom. I told him that if I am to run the congregation the first thing I would do is to get rid off all Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical prescriptions and customs -- all of it -- as it is sheer pagan gibberish that has nothing to do with the spirituality or how to make tomatoes cheaper -- nada! I would do it completely differently, and would run my service in the ancient Egyptian language for starters. Anyway, Shabbat Shalom. <3

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