Are Jews White or Semetic?

in jews •  7 years ago 

I have always been confused as to how the Jews lay a claim to the Middle East when the majority of Jews descend from Eastern Europe in places like Poland and Russia. This easily be verified as many Ashkenazim Jews look indistinguishable from other non-Jewish white people. Their ancestors probably converted to Judaism hundred of years ago. It seems that they use their victim status from the Holocaust as an excuse to take land from the Arabs, who are clearly the native inhabitants of that land. If they really are mostly a European people, then it is only their religious belief that gives them a claim to Israel and the region.
We must be skeptical of these religious arguments that are void from logic and filled with emotions. Out country has been propping up Israel for decades and gives them billions of dollars a year in aid. I think it is time we muster the political willpower to break ties with the Jewish State and hopefully bring a lasting peace to the Middle Eastern people. We should be using our money to build our own country, not to fund religious fanatics and land grabbers.

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People confuse religion with ethnicity all the time. But somehow most people don't assume Roman Catholics are all Italian, I mean Romans were Italians so... Anyway, legend has it the twelve tribes of Israel each had distinct features , I don't know because I wasn't there. There are 2 points I find funny about the topic of Jews and Semites. First the children of Israel if they ever existed didn't call themselves Jews, generically they would be described as the children of Israel. Specifically by their tribal name Children of Dan or of the tribe of Judah or of Shabaz. So it was Shakespeare who popularized the word Jew.
Now for the other funny part the word Semitic all definitions say Semites are a broad group of people, which include geographical origin and languages. These include not only the Palestine area but Arabia, Syria and others, the languages considered Semitic are Arabic, Aramaic/Syriac, Hebrew, and others. The person who coined the term Anti-Semitic was a German who hated Jews. This is funny on many levels, first as you point out the likelihood of ancestral children of Israel surviving centuries after the diaspora is slim. That these Caucasoid European people most likely remnants of Roman outposts could in any way be related to the 12 tribes is also very slim. So are they Jews? Yes they are Jews, however saying Jews are Hebrews is another thing altogether. As far as the political aspect of your question, good luck with that. As long as the majority of people on this pale blue dot believe in invisible sky giants they aren't going to stop killing each other over who they think god's favorite children are. They will always think they are it, and will kill those who do not agree.

Right on point, good post.