demonic spirit of jezebel

in jezebel •  5 years ago 

I am going to share part of my story. I know an individual that rarely misses church. That person holds positions of leadership in the church that they attend. The person prays and reads their bible almost daily. The problem is that the person is demon possessed. In my experience this person is not a raving lunitic 100% of the time. If I was to explain the demon possession that the person experiences I would say that the person's personality is normally active, but if this person is placed in certain situations then the demonic personality comes out. The name of the demon is the spirit of jezebel, and what the demon wants is to be in control. Some people might not understand what I am saying so I will be more clear (not trying to be vulgar) But the demon seeks to cut the balls off of men and wear them (not physicaly of course) But jezebel wants to dominate. In my experience jezebel enters the host and tag-teams with the hosts personality. As long as jezebel is in control of things (i.e. knows every movement that is taken) then mean jezebel sleeps in the back room, but as soon as her victim tries to be independent from her, then mean jezebel wakes up, and she will lie and twist things so that the victim will think that 'if you deviate from the planned schedual then the world will come crashing down.

In my oppinion the demonic jezebel spirit is a little more than just dealing with a controling person

the demon jezebel flips its lid when it does not get its way!

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