JFK and the inconsistencies of the media's story compared to witnesses who Actually Saw and Heard Shots. Lone Assassin Lie and Wrong Angles. Closer look at the knoll, tracks and overpass.

in jfk •  6 years ago 

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  • Covers the wrong angle for the story being spun by the media concerning location of the shooter.

  • Witness testimony of Oswald eating lunch during assassination.

  • More officers searching the Grassy Knoll where many witnesses including motorcycle officers heard shots coming from and behind near railroad tracks and a parking lot.

  • How a book cropped the famous Altgen's photograph to exclude how only Johnson's secret service rushed to protect him as Kennedy's did nothing.

  • See some overhead photos and angles close up that show access for the possible shooters from the shots people heard in relation to the Grassy Knoll, Railroad Tracks and Parking lot just behind the knoll. What you can see from the concrete structure and inside the overpass.

These Photo's are taken from scans of the 1963 Post article on JFK's assassination.

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This photograph appears on page 22. The caption reads,"From the same building where Oswald lay in ambush, a telescopic lens reconstructs an approximation of what the killer saw at the moment of tragedy". The photograph does appear to support the idea that a single shot could have hit both Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally. However, the photograph, despite the caption, was not taken from the schoolbook depository. The distinctive brickwork of the schoolbook depository (see photo from pages 24-25 below) is clearly seen on the right hand side of the photograph, proving that the photograph was actually staged from the Daltex building. The traffic signs clearly in view indicate a much lower angle than would be seen from 6 floors up.

Notice how they put "The Assassin" likely hoping the print will distract from the Obvious. . .the brick work from the Texas Book suppository in the right corner. How is that possible from the angle of the window where they claim Oswald was?

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If you compare the view of the street with the photo looking out the window from the 6th floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository, where they claim Oswald fired from, there is a big difference. Their own photo clearly at street level.

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Just on angles alone and what is seen is clearly closer to a street level, than an upper level floor.

This photograph appears on pages 24 and 25. Taken by AP Photographer James Altgens, it clearly captures the moment when John Kennedy clutches his throat. Note the following.

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John Connally is clearly turned to his right. Had he indeed been hit by the same bullet which has just exited Kennedy's throat, his wounds would have traversed his body from right to left. Connally's wounds were from back to front. NOTE: The claim has been made that Connally was facing forward when JFK was shot in the neck, before the photo was taken, but in order to then see the view in this photo, Connally would have had to twist to his right after being shot!

Note the turned heads of some of the policemen and Secret Service agents. Clearly, they have heard and are responding to the sound of gunshots.

Note the fourth car back, which contains Vice President Johnson's Secret Service detail. The car doors are open as the agents rush to protect Johnson from the threat. Compare this with Kennedy's Secret Service detail, who have not moved at all. Also note the man within Kennedy's Secret Service car who is grinning ear to ear (tentatively identified as Dave Powers). It is interesting to note that in the book "Mortal Error" this photograph is deliberately cropped to hide the open doors of the car carrying V.P. Johnson's Secret Service detail.

Most importantly, note the man standing in the ground level doorway of the Texas Schoolbook Depository (which is where he reportedly told the Dallas PD he was at the time).

Here is the Altgen's photograph in the book 'Mortal Error' and it crops at the part of the photo where you can see only Johnson's security detail rushing into action.

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Here is the man in the photo at the book depository compared to a photo of Oswald when they arrested him.

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Note the clear similarity in both appearance and dress to the man in the schoolbook depository doorway in the Altgen's photo.

The Warren Commission "identified" the individual as Billy Lovelady, a fellow Book Depository employee. But while Lovelady claimed the person in the Altgens' photo was himself, he also stated that he'd worn a red and white vertically striped shirt on the day of the assassination, which was confirmed by photos of Lovelady taken at the time of the assassination!

See what a motorcycle officer had to say about this from Grandsubversion,

Motorcycle Officer, Clyde A. Haygood, ran up the incline on the north side of Elm Street. and saw no one running from the railroad yards.

Joe Marshall Smith A Dallas Police Officer who was stationed on the corner of Elm and Huston Streets, Would say that he ran into someone on the Grassy Knoll who clamed to be a Secret Service agent:

< Warren Report >

Mr. Liebeler Did you turn to watch the motorcade? Did you turn to watch the President as the motorcade went by?
Mr. Smith. Yes, sir; I glanced around and was watching the crowd to make sure they stayed back out of the way of the motorcade, and also to make sure none of the cars started up or anything. Then I heard the shots, and I immediately proceeded from this point.
Mr. Liebeler. Point 4 on Commission Exhibit No. 354?
Mr. Smith. I started up toward this Book Depository after I heard the shots, and I didn't know where the shots came from. I had no idea, because it was such a ricochet.
Mr. Liebeler. An echo effect?
Mr. Smith. Yes, sir.; and this woman came up to me and she was just in hysterics. She told me, "They are shooting the President from the bushes." So I immediately proceeded up here.
Mr. Liebeler. You proceeded up to an area immediately behind the concrete structure here that is described by Elm Street and the street that runs immediately in front of the Texas School Book Depository, is that right?
Mr. Smith. I was checking all the bushes and I checked all the cars in the parking lot.
Mr. Liebeler. There is a parking lot in behind this grassy area back from Elm Street toward the railroad tracks, and you went down to the parking lot and looked around?
Mr. Smith. Yes, sir; I checked all the cars. I looked into all the cars and checked around the bushes. Of course, I wasn't alone. There was some deputy sheriff with me, and I believe one Secret Service man when I got there.
I got to make this statement, too. I felt awfully silly, but after the shot and this woman, I pulled my pistol from my holster, and I thought, this is silly, I don't know who I am looking for, and I put it back. Just as I did, he showed me that he was a Secret Service agent.
Mr. Liebeler. Did you accost this man?
Mr. Smith. Well, he saw me coming with my pistol and right away he showed me who he was.
Mr. Liebeler. Do you remember who it was?
Mr. Smith. No, sir; I don't--because then we started checking the cars. In fact, I was checking the bushes, and I went through the cars, and I started over here in this particular section.
Mr. Liebeler. Down toward the railroad tracks where they go over the triple underpass?
Mr. Smith. Yes.
Mr. Liebeler. Did you have any basis for believing where the shots came from, or where to look for somebody, other than what the lady told you?
Mr. Smith. No, sir; except that maybe it was a power of suggestion. But it sounded to me like they may have came from this vicinity here.
Mr. Liebeler. Down around the---let's put a No. 5 there at the corner here behind this concrete structure where the bushes were down toward the railroad tracks from the Texas School Book Depository Building on the little street that runs down in front of the Texas School Book Depository Building.
Mr. Smith. Yes.
Mr. Liebeler. Now you say that you had the idea that the shots may have come from up in that area?
Mr. Smith. Yes, sir; that is just what, well, like I say, the sound of it. That was the most helpless and hopeless feeling I ever had.

Mr. LIEBELER. Now did you at any time have occasion to look up to the railroad tracks that went across the triple underpass?

Mr. SMITH. Yes, sir; I looked up there after I was going up to check there.
Mr. Liebeler. Did you see anybody up there?
Mr. Smith. Yes, sir; there was two other officers there, I know.
Mr. Liebeler. Were there any other people up there, that you can remember?
Mr. Smith. No, sir; none that I remember.
Mr. Liebeler. But you remember that there were two police officers up there?
Mr. Smith. Yes, sir
< END. >


Mr. Smith would also recall the smell of gunpowder near the grassy knoll.

Here is more compelling testimony from another motorcycle officer.

Marrion L. Baker, motorcycle Officer, was just turning the corner of Main and Houston when he heard the first shot and recognized them as shots, he also noticed pigeons flying off of the Depository Building. He drove to the corner there and parked his bike, and noted that people were " falling, and they were rolling around down there grabbing their children." A woman screamed, "oh, they have shot that man, they have shot that man." Baker "had it in mind that the shots came from the top of this building here," So he ran straight to the entrance of the Texas School Book Depository Building.

After the shots Officer Baker entered the main lobby of the Book Depository Building, and asked where the stairs or elevator was, he was then met by Roy Truly the Superintendent of the Building. The two men went through one set of doors, then a second set of swinging doors at "a good trot" to the northwest corner of the floor where Truly hoped to find one of the two freight elevators. But neither elevator was there, Truly pushed the button for the west elevator which operates automatically if the gate is closed, the elevator failed to move so Baker decided to use the stairway witch was also located in the northwest corner of the Building.

Baker rushed up the stairs behind Truly; he had reached the second floor when he noticed through a door-window that a man was walking in the ( vestibule or lunchroom ) near the staircase.

The man was Lee Oswald.

< Warren Report > Officer Baker.
Q: And did you go all the way up to the top of the stairs right away.
A: No sir, we didn’t
Q: What happened.
A: As I came out to the second floor there, Mr. Truly was ahead of me, and as I come out I was kind of scanning, you know, the rooms, and I caught a glimpse of this man walking away from this - -I happened to see him through this window in this door. I don’t know how come I saw him, but I had a glimpse of him coming down there.
Q: Where was he coming from, do you know.
A: No sir, All I seen of him was a glimpse of him go away from me.
< END. >

Baker entered the vestibule and at the lunchroom door with gun in hand he called "come here." Oswald turned and walked back toward Baker. Meanwhile Truly, missing Baker, had turned back down the stairs and found Baker in the doorway to the lunchroom "facing Lee Harvey Oswald." Baker turned to Truly and said, "Do you know this man, does he work here." Truly replied, "Yes."

Later Baker would recall, the man did not seem to be out of breath; he seemed calm. "He never did say a word or nothing. In fact, he didn’t change his expression one bit."

Later Truly would recall, "He didn’t seem to be excited or overly afraid or anything. He might have been a bit startled, like I might have been if somebody confronted me. But I cannot recall any change in expression of any kind on his face." Truly thought that the officer’s gun at that time appeared to be almost touching the middle portion of Oswald’s body.

It would also be determined that from the time of the last shots. To the time of this encounter was approximately ( 75 – 90 ) seconds.

Oswald would later claim that he was in the lunchroom at the time of the shooting, eating his lunch and drinking a coke.

Truly and officer Baker continued to the roof of the Building.

This photo taken shortly after where you Can see the bag and coke.
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More testimony from Lovelady about the shots coming from between the underpass and the building right on the knoll.

< Warren Report > Billy Lovelady:
Mr. BALL. You ate your lunch on the steps?
Mr. LOVELADY. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. Who was with you?
Mr. LOVELADY. Bill Shelley and Sarah Stanton, and right behind me

Mr. BALL. Were you there when the President's motorcade went by
Mr. LOVELADY. Right.
Mr. BALL. Did you hear anything?
Mr. LOVELADY. Yes, sir; sure did.
Mr. BALL What did you hear?
Mr. LOVELADY. I thought it was firecrackers or somebody celebrating the arrival of the President. It didn't occur to me at first what had happened until this Gloria came running up to us and told us the President had been shot.

Mr. BALL. Where was the direction of the sound?
Mr. LOVELADY. Right there around that concrete little deal on that knoll.
Mr. BALL. That's where it sounded to you?
Mr. LOVELADY. Yes, sir; to my right. I was standing as you are going down the steps, I was standing on the right, sounded like it was in that area.
Mr. BALL. From the underpass area?
Mr. LOVELADY. Between the underpass and the building right on that knoll.
< END. >

This is a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald taken shortly after his arrest. Note the clear similarity in both appearance and dress to the man in the schoolbook depository doorway in the Altgen's photo.

The Warren Commission "identified" the individual as Billy Lovelady, a fellow Book Depository employee. But while Lovelady claimed the person in the Altgens' photo was himself, he also stated that he'd worn a red and white vertically striped shirt on the day of the assassination, which was confirmed by photos of Lovelady taken at the time of the assassination!

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The man in the doorway's shirt in not striped and is open in front, exposing the tee shirt underneath.

In color films taken from another angle, the color of the shirt worn by the man in the doorway was revealed to be orange-brown. When Oswald was arrested, he was wearing the identical shirt- an orange-brown tweed with missing buttons and tee-shirt underneath.

According to What really happened,

Other films taken on November 22, 1963 confirmed that Lovelady was in fact wearing a red and blue plaid shirt.

Hence, the figure in the doorway is NOT Lovelady.

(Billy Lovelady died of a heart attack Jan 1979).

Here are some higher resolution photos of the Altgen photographs,

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Now let's take a look at some maps of the area.

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Dealey Plaza is a city park in the West End district of downtown Dallas, Texas. It is sometimes called the "birthplace of Dallas". It also was the location of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, on November 22, 1963. The Dealey Plaza Historic District was named a National Historic Landmark in 1993 to preserve Dealey Plaza, street rights-of-way, and buildings and structures by the plaza visible from the assassination site, that have been identified as witness locations or as possible locations for assassins.

Inside grassy knoll area,

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Many witnesses have talked about the Grassy Knoll, bushes (seems like a play on words doesn't it), railroad tracks and overpass.

Here is an over head shot.

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Under overpass,

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Lay out of grassy knoll area, parking lot, buses and bordering RR tracks with overpass.

Grassy Knoll area where many said they heard the shots coming from,

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Close up of bush, center of grassy knoll, parking lot behind,

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Vantage point of bushes behind Grassy Knoll,

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Plaque on Grassy Knoll,

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You can see this if you get inside the bushes behind the concrete structure and peer out.

Concrete structure, plaque on right street view ahead, parking lot behind.

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Close up shot of parking lot behind concrete structure on grassy knoll which would have been to JFK's right and up ahead.

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I will follow this up with more interesting reports of onlookers. One who took photos and was arrested who heard shots from this grassy knoll and even ran up to the fence to see who the shooter was. Many heard the shots from this area. A few minutes later there were over 50 policemen searching the grassy knoll area and the railroad parking lot that was situated just behind it. This was a far larger number than went into the Texas Book Depository.

Part 2 coming soon.

Stay safe, keep searching for truth and never, ever forget. . .WWG1WGA . Godspeed Fine Patriots!


See some of the photos from the Saturday Evening Post on Dec. 14, 1963


Some Testimony of witnesses

The media helped sell the lie of the lone assassin.



Live footage Dealey Plaza


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