A Discordian Looks at the JKF Assassination

in jfk •  9 years ago  (edited)

Discordians are eternally tethered to the JFK assassination thanks to the bizarre life of Discordian founding father Kerry Thornley (see http://disinfo.com/2013/11/kerry-thornley-discordianism-jfk-assassination/ for more information on Thornley). As a devoted Discordian, I admittedly have a passing interest in the assorted conspiracy theories surrounding JFK but here is one that I haven't seen elsewhere:

What if Chevy Chase's SNL portrayal of President Gerald Ford as a clumsy fool was merely cover? What if Gerald Ford is really a lynch-pin that holds many POTUS conspiracies together?

Well, let's review some information that suggests that, in fact, President Gerald Ford surreptitiously and profoundly affected the course of American politics in ways that very few people know. For example, did you know that Gerald Ford was the only American President (AND the only Vice President) that was never actually elected to office? You see, Ford was appointed by Nixon to the Vice Presidency (under the terms of the 25th amendment) when Spiro Agnew resigned. Then Ford then became President upon Nixon’s subsequent resignation.

Such proximity to the Office of the President wasn't unusual for Ford, though; a few years earlier, President Lyndon B. Johnson assigned Ford to prepare a biography of Lee Harvey Oswald for the Warren Commission (which investigated the Kennedy assassination). Interestingly enough, The Assassination Records Review Board was created in 1992 by the U.S. Congress and in 1997 they revealed that Ford physically altered the autopsy to make it appear that the "bullet had entered the base of the back of [Kennedy's] neck slightly to the right of the spine" (please fast forward to the 2:43 mark)

With Oswald as the fall-guy, it certainly was easier to misdirect blame for Kennedy's assassination away from American intelligence agencies and toward the "patsy" narrative. Again and again, we see in Ford's choices crucial decisions that lay the framework for the political world we know today. For his Vice Presidency appointment, Ford’s choice came down to either Nelson Rockefeller or George Herbert Walker Bush. Ford nominated Nelson Rockefeller to serve as his Vice President and to manage his "investigation" of the CIA (specifically the head snap as seen in the Zapruder film http://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/contents/church/contents_church_reports_rockcomm.htm). In 1975, Ford then appointed Bush to become Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a position he held until 1977 when he left to become Director of the Council on Foreign Relations (which, at the time, was chaired by David Rockefeller).

In another tie to the oil industry, prior to his involvement with the CFR, George Herbert Walker Bush was president of the Zapata Oil Company. Zapata was interested in off-shore drilling near Cuba and was likely a CIA front (http://whowhatwhy.org/2007/01/07/cia-bush-senior-oil-venture/). Zapata's filing records with SEC for the years 1960–1966 are missing. According to Wikipedia:

"The commission's records officer stated that the records were inadvertently placed in a session file to be destroyed by a federal warehouse, and that a total of 1,000 boxes were pulped in this procedure. The destruction of records occurred either in October 1983 (according to the records officer), or in 1981 shortly after Bush became Vice President of the United States (according to, Wilson Carpenter, a record analyst with the commission)." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HRG_Group

Also, very shortly after Bush became Vice President of the United States, another Presidential assassination attempt occurred at the hands of Bush family friend, John Hinckley, Jr. (fast forward to the 3:20 mark):

Remember, George H.W. Bush’s great-grandfather-in-law was William Averell Harriman (yes, the son of wealthy eugenicist Mrs. E.H. Harriman). Averell Harriman served as Senior Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. when the Harriman Bank was the primary Wall Street home for an early financial backer of the Nazi party named Fritz Thyssen. In 1942, the Harriman business interests were seized under the Trading with the Enemies Act. This set back, however, didn’t stop Harriman from becoming the Secretary of Commerce under Truman and then the Governor of New York, a seat he eventually lost to (yep, you guessed it) future VP of the United States, Nelson Rockefeller.

As the son-in-law of the wealthy Averell Harriman, Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the 41st and 43rd Presidents of the United States, would also become a United States Senator. As a senator, Prescott Bush advised both Presidents Eisenhower (the same “fella” that Truman felt “never paid any attention to it [the CIA], and it got out of hand”) and Richard Nixon. In fact, Prescott Bush was a major financier of Nixon's presidential campaign against Kennedy (this is during the same time period that the SEC records from GHWB's Cuba-based Zapata company went missing).

The Rockefeller influence within Arkansas politics is also worth noting here. Another Rockefeller Oil heir, Winthrop Rockefeller, was the 37th Governor of Arkansas (he was also the brother of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and the father of Winthrop Paul Rockefeller, who under Governor Mike Huckabee, would become Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas).

Did you know this about President Ford? Do you think this conspiracy has any relevancy for the 2016 elections? Why or why not?

(This article was originally posted at FnordU.com)

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