5 Reasons Why Mothers Always Become Special and Inspiring Figures

in jjangjjangman •  6 years ago 

As long as you go to happiness, mother is the best place to go home

If someone asks me who is the most inspiring figure in my life? Trust me, guys . My answer will never change and I will always answer with full confidence that 'my mother' is my inspiration to the end of my life. Inspiration that always comes from the heart, which changes the world of his daughter with essential love and sincerity.

Talking about the figure of the mother, there is nothing more special than her in my life, No one has the same love as mother, as good and as big as the mother to her children. There is even nothing more comfortable than being 'smacked in the mother's arms'. The smell is different, guys . Aroma of affection.

As far as whatever you go for happiness, mother is the best place to go home, anchoring her complaints all day long and her figure is a source of simple happiness that always keeps calm.

My mother is a very special and irreplaceable figure. His figure has always been my inspiration in my every step. And his advice is always a reminder for me. This is the reason why my mother is my inspiration. My mother is a source of relentless inspiration.

1. Mother as an Inspiration That Makes Me Understand the Meaning of Patience

My mother is a person who has a high level of patience. He still struggled and tried to live a very hard life. At that time I was 6 years old, but my mother had a long distance marriage.

Even when we had gathered together with my father, there was a matter that rocked my parents' marriage. Even in the phase where I was in college, my mother tried hard enough to pay for my tuition even though my father was there.

Even in the midst of the tempest of his marriage to my father, my mother tried hard enough to always smile and laugh in front of me as if there was nothing even though I knew that my mother had her heart injured. For almost 6 years my mother had to live a life that was so hard.

But thanks to the high patience that the mother has, she perseveres and tries even though she is twisted in a very difficult family condition. There is no word to complain in him. For him, being patient, sincere and continuing to work is the best way to live this very hard life.

2. Mother as an Inspiration That Makes Me Understand About the Meaning of Responsibility

My mother never demanded anything from my father, or from me. My mother always frees me to choose. However, even though the mother gave me freedom, she still demanded that I be able to account for my choices.

At that time I was still sitting in my second high school, I insisted I wanted to audition for a radio announcer on one of the famous private radios in my city, Jember at that time. I whined crying for my mother to bless me, and my mother blessed and supported me. Until finally I was chosen to be a broadcaster, and my life began to change. I began to recognize curfews, because often I received MC jobs until I came home late at night.

My mother did not scold me, my mother kept smiling at me and occasionally gave me input that it was not too good a woman often came home late at night even though I was having an event. My mother knew that sometimes I complained tired but repeatedly reminded me that I must be responsible for what I have chosen.

My mother only hopes that my wishes will be able to benefit me and my mother. I experienced this condition for quite a long time and this made me believe in myself, not feeling compelled to do something and always trying to give my best as a form of my responsibility for what was my choice. Thank you mom.

3. Mother as an Inspiration That Makes Me Understand About the Meaning of Obedience to Worship

One thing that made my mother remain strong in facing all her difficulties was because my mother always believed that everything she did in the world was a form of worship to God. Therefore my mother is always sincere in living life.

My mother is always aware that God always monitors and knows every detail of what we do in this world. Therefore my mother always obeys worship. Somehow he had worked all day as a housewife, but my mother never forgot to wake up in the middle of the night and say a prayer.

4. Mother as an Inspiration That Makes Me Understand About the Importance of the Meaning of Help

My mother always taught me to always help those who are more in need of us, even if we are in no more situations. My mother always taught me to help anyone and in any form.

It does not have to be in material form. Helping can be in the form of energy, ideas, thoughts and so on. And this doesn't just stop in speech. My mother always shows the meaning of helping refuse in everyday life. Even though I knew that my mother was not in good condition at that time.

I still remember very well when I was in the #SMP position, there was a neighbor's child who at that time was unable to pay the tuition fee, and the uniform was worn out. Even my neighbor's child was working part time as a garbage dumper in the area where we lived.

At that time my mother was troubled, then my mother helped my neighbor's child to help him keep the school going. Even from then on, my mother had considered her like a child herself. Not infrequently my mother also invited her to eat together with our family, with me and my father. Even my mother had cared for her sister-in-law who had harmed her, taking care of her without asking for a penny.

Which in the end I knew, that even my mother's thank you didn't get the less pleasant treatment she got. From here I know that my mother really teaches me what it means to help without asking for a penny. He is willing and sincere because he knows that this is his way of helping others. My mother always says that helping others is a savings for yourself in the future.

5. Mother as an Inspiration That Makes Me Understand About the Meaning of Firm, Tough and Strong, Independent as a Woman

My mother, is a woman who is so strong, tough and tough. For every problem of life he experienced, he never blamed God at all. And never once did he ask "why should he?" Not. From him I learned that what happened was the tightness of God, from which I learned that life is not just sincere in living this life.

And from him I learned to be strong and strong from every problem he faced especially in marriage. From him I learned that to be strong and strong in life does not have to be like a man. And to be independent does not have to run away from the reality of life.

How amazing I was, my mother, thank you for being a source of relentless inspiration. From your only daughter.

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