Benefits of Stone Fruit for Health

in jjangjjangman •  6 years ago 

buah kawista.jpg

1.* Herbal medicine for cough

For this purpose, you just need to eat syrup or fruit that has been cooked. The cola content in this fruit can be very effective for healing coughs in a healthy and natural way.

2.* Energy Enhancer

The abundant glucose content in kawista fruit makes this fruit a mainstay for increasing energy. Kawista is also widely consumed and processed to become a tonic which is to return a lot of energy out after doing heavy work, overtime, exercise or other extra work.

3.* Strengthen the body's endurance

Kawista is also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C so it can counteract free radicals and strengthen the immune system. Therefore, you can enjoy the sweet, sweet taste and delicious fruit while taking advantage of your health.

4.* Treating Diarrhea and Dysentery

The benefits of kawista fruit for the human body are then for diarrhea. Consumption of kawista fruits that are young or raw with a thick taste is believed to be able to treat diarrhea and dysentery.

5.* Cure Excessive and Irregular Haidl

Menstrual complaints that are excessive or irregular are also treated with many fruits, although this practice is hereditary and not based on medical research. For this purpose, you can use the bark of the tree which is mixed in herbal ingredients.

6.* Reducing Fever

Although there is no research that shows this, the habits of Asian people who consume kawista when they have a fever are enough to confirm that one of these benefits is to reduce fever.

7.* Cure Stomach Pain, Overcome Nausea, Healthy Heart and Treat Insect Bite Wounds.

For these properties, you can use the bark of a Kawista tree mixed in herbal ingredients.

The benefits that Kawista has in accordance with the richness of the content he has, ranging from fiber, fe, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, water and ash. Black seeds can even be eaten and also have the same content. While the meat contains calcium, iron, nitric acid and various other types of acids. In addition to the health benefits above, kawista fruit is also often used as a syrup and a mixture of herbs. Or if not, you can go back to the simplest way of eating, which is to slam it until the skin is split, dredge the meat, mix it with a little sugar and then eat it.

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