Report interval:
from | 10. January 2020 00:00:00 UTC - Block 39791040 |
to | 10. January 2020 23:59:57 UTC - Block 39819787 |
most active Steem Monsters accounts
# | account | actions |
1. | aaronli | 1764 |
2. | teamcn-shop | 1648 |
3. | aasm | 1210 |
4. | trevorlp97 | 1102 |
5. | bishopblock | 1082 |
6. | bertoben | 1073 |
7. | trevormomo | 930 |
8. | tm1981 | 880 |
total active accounts | 3637 | |
total actions | 261369 |
most submitted teams for battle
# | account | submitted teams |
1. | aaronli | 881 |
2. | teamcn-shop | 820 |
3. | aasm | 593 |
4. | trevorlp97 | 547 |
5. | bishopblock | 536 |
6. | trevormomo | 458 |
7. | tm1981 | 438 |
8. | cherrylp147 | 432 |
9. | shuxuan | 416 |
10. | hkphotography | 405 |
total submitted teams | 99635 |
most entered match queues
# | account | entered match queues |
1. | aaronli | 881 |
2. | teamcn-shop | 822 |
3. | aasm | 615 |
4. | trevorlp97 | 547 |
5. | bishopblock | 542 |
6. | trevormomo | 461 |
7. | tm1981 | 438 |
8. | cherrylp147 | 432 |
9. | hkphotography | 419 |
10. | shuxuan | 415 |
total entered match queues | 105292 |
most teams revealed for battle
# | account | revealed teams |
1. | allanbeh | 233 |
2. | smoner | 211 |
3. | dnflsms | 210 |
4. | smon-fan | 209 |
5. | keepit2 | 172 |
6. | jjangjjanggirl | 157 |
7. | smon-joa | 154 |
8. | smonia | 139 |
9. | ssc-token | 133 |
10. | jewel-lover | 132 |
total revealed teams | 28753 |
most cards listed for sale on the market
# | account | cards listed for sale |
1. | didyourmom | 800 |
2. | jonnyla08 | 482 |
3. | curacionbot | 416 |
4. | cjturtleman | 392 |
5. | cjbetaman | 243 |
6. | smseller | 189 |
7. | mendelian | 172 |
8. | ericet | 166 |
9. | crocs-and-socks | 157 |
10. | joeargentino1 | 125 |
total cards listed for sale | 5872 |
most surrenders
# | account | surrenders |
1. | natalis | 38 |
2. | filavandrel | 30 |
3. | schy | 29 |
4. | reddish-egret | 27 |
5. | ashikstd | 26 |
6. | keyunebku | 24 |
7. | steemix-io | 22 |
8. | zhanuvek | 22 |
9. | abcor | 19 |
10. | breacc | 17 |
total surrenders | 1792 |