RE: ONE: Print your language below TWO: Hang it somewhere public THREE: Make a pic with you and the flyer FOUR. Post pic in comments and earn 1 SBD

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ONE: Print your language below TWO: Hang it somewhere public THREE: Make a pic with you and the flyer FOUR. Post pic in comments and earn 1 SBD

in job •  8 years ago 

Makes no sense in Spanish, and probably Google Translate butchered many others too. Good idea, but it could use some polishing.

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It is not a sentence but individual words.



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which word got translated wrong?
Edit: You didn't reply so
i take this as an attack against my work. P.S.: Don't come here anymore, thanks

"Don't come here anymore, thanks." I'm pretty sure I can do and "go" wherever I want. I was trying to help you. Good luck.