Government jobs appeal to many as they tend to have good benefits, union protection, decent pay and, stability once you get past the probationary period.
I have performed government work in three different states and also use to be in the Army National Guard.
The pre-eminent site for federal job listings is USAJOBS at www.usajobs.com. The federal government is huge, has many, many thousands of employees and, is always hiring. Not all federal jobs are listed there but the majority are. Post office jobs, for example, are listed elsewhere...see the link offered below.
You can just look around usajobs.com if you want to. If you decide you want to apply for a job you will need to create an account. Don't worry; it is easy and free. There is a link on the home page for first time visitors.
As you create your account you will see where to go to create your resume. So now, work on getting your resume put together and input. Creating your resume is a little bit of a pain but once created you will just need to tweak it from time to time. Perhaps you already have one put together on another site and can do some cutting and pasting or can type it in by looking at a hard copy you have in front of you. You will need your personal contact info., educational history, work history, references, etc. You can have multiple resumes saved on the site but most people just have one.
Now you are free to apply for jobs. You can browse according to keyword, job title, agency/department, salary, location, jobs listed within x number of days, etc. Some applications are easy and some a headache. The ones that are a headache you can complete two pages today, two tomorrow, and so on.
Before you know it, you will be a pro at using and navigating the site.
Best wishes with your job search!
Here is the USAJobs Website:
Post Office Jobs Are Here:
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