I got blocked by Joe Pags on Minds.com.

in joepags •  8 years ago  (edited)

I don't know how to take that.

I mean, if he wasn't interested in being social why would he join a site dedicated to being social?

There is no doubt that the community there is strongly biased towards the anonymous crowd.

They may down play it now, but when I got there in '15 it was all the folks could talk about.

They finally had a site that wouldn't block them for being alternative.

I was just trying to see how open his mind was to alternative economics, and he blocked me.

You can't know that you got something wrong unless you entertain ideas that disagree with what you believe is true.

If you never knew that an option to Satanism was available, how would you ever escape a world view colored by this perspective?

How can you know that crapitalism is not the only way to do things if you never examine alternatives to it?

Well, Joe, I guess you will just have to continue building your echo chamber, because you will never know the truth unless you let it in to shine light on what you have been misled to believe.

Have a perfectly peaceful day.

Keep working, stop paying.   No war, but the class war!!

Viva!   Tradeqwik, the exchange that pays you!


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Can you delete stuff in Medium or just block people? I no longer feel like commenting in places where the OP or mods can delete comments, people using sites like that don't have accountability in their minds when contributing.

I don't know about Medium, I have never used it.

On Minds you can delete comments that folks make on your posts if you don't like them.

They won't censor you unless you violate the united snakes' laws.

They have a pretty welcoming community, too.

Not many trolls.

Haha. For some reason I thought I read Medium instead of Minds.
Didn't they want to integrate BTC? It's been a while since I heard about that desire.

Also, how would you say Minds compares to Steemit based on the amount of users?

I think Medium was thinking of becoming a tipping platform, but we know that only works for patreon, for some reason.

I found lots of interaction on minds, but the platform was sandbagging my view count to keep me off the trending page, so I've lost a lot of interest.

I pretty much only share Steemit content on it now.
Just as I will leave here when somebody else gets social media more right than Steemit, I'm tired of my shadow ban here.
I haven't had but one whale vote in months.

It was made clear to me that my content would be disfavored when I first got here, and that has been proven to be the case.
Only corporate speech, ie benign, will be allowed to hit trending, or hot, unless an insider posts it.

But that is pretty much the case everywhere, either you conform to the herd, or you get cast aside in favor of those that sell their souls to fit in.

C'est La Vie.

you don't make money if you don't believe in money, you communist.

Spoken like a true crapitalust, baah.
Thanks for your humanity.
And ignorance.
For it is truly your level of those that keep me needing to have money, at all.

If it was up to me, as you well know, we'd all be 'rich', probably work a lot less, too.
Have time to raise the next generation for something other than slavery to a system out of their control.
You know, things that humans value over money.


I like to think that by posting in Steemit the information is at least a bit more protected, after all messing with the information would mean the security of the blockchain would come under questioning. Though I do get what you are saying, but as you're aware of this is a problem everywhere.

I would start posting in other places if they worked out a better system than Steemit but I haven't seen anyone pull it off yet. I don't think I'd stop posting on Steemit completely though, they'd have to fuck up real back for me to sell everything.

They are open source, and on GitHub, but I don't code.

Steemit is here to stay, but were a company to try a little harder than what stinc has to make the customers happy, and not continuously make 'mistakes' that favor the insiders, I would think they would have no problem poaching users.

You can post on minds without fear of moderators, provided you don't troll folks, too much, or post something illegal.
IF you want to talk to the ceo, or his dad, you just tag @ottman or @john, and they always answer me the same day, if not right away.

You should get a welcome comment from the girl that handles that when you start posting, if you don't just tag me and I'll will nudge her.

I've got a referral link in my signature, if you use it I will send you some points.

TY freebornangel - that has been my experience, too (or how I perceive it). Problem is, I'm not technical so I just keep failing (not trying to involve you in this but I've found hardcore P-gate evidence - so hardcore it's being suppressed, even here - feels like I'm destroying all chances I have on this platform, which does in fact appear to be very censored by people earning huge amounts on Steem).

Yeah, when I confronted them on sandbagging my views to keep me off the trending page and they didn't deny it, that was enough for me.
Until I can monetize their points I just repost from here.

If you link me in over there, I'll give my two cents, for sure.

Thanks for the Gaming Community invite. I'm waiting for Ratafire to get up and running because the initiation topic can be totally gaming-relevant. There has to be all sorts of inspiration for gamers and coders.

Lol, if all I had was a video game i'd have to poke out my eye!