Newsies - Disney - 1992 - came out in the spring when I was seven; mom took me & my siblings to Forest Theater to see this: I've been singing Newsies songs ever since. We also saw Home Alone 2. I was making and eating a lot of peanut butter and jelly (PB&J) sandwiches this year, in 1992. Played with neighbor Brian at 164. His father, also named Brian, built a play set with swings & a slide. Probably went to my first church slumber party around Halloween maybe. We played Aladdin on the SNES at a house in maybe Cornelius. I told the adults at the party I could not have candy. They make holes in our brain. I didn't eat lot of candy, cake, ice cream, junk food, fast food, my first 12 or so years of my life and that helped me a lot.
1992-01 - January -
1992-02 - February -
1992-03 - March -
1992-04 - April -
1992-05 - May -
Newsies - maybe in May or June
1992-06 - June -
1992-07 - July -
1992-08 - August -
1992-09 - September -
1992-10 - October -
Church Halloween Slumber Party - maybe
Not sure when this party was, but it was probably in 1992
I remember candy at the party
Therefore, must have been Halloween 1992
1992-11 - November -
Family Reunion - Morehead - Oregon
Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York
1992-12 - December -
Family Reunion - Rasp - California
Disney Land
My Life -
- 1980s - Oregon, Seattle, Car Crash
- 1990s - Disney Land, Crater Lake, WCC - 1996 - Rangers
- 2000s - FGHS, WOLBI, New York, ABC, Hawaii
- 2010s - Metal Gear, Walking Dead, Kurtz, Vietnam
- 2020s - Help Trump Win Again, Buy a Mountain
@ JoeyArnoldVN -
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