Are we real? Are we Data androids like in Blade Runner, Star Trek Next Generation, Matrix, Wall-E. Are we in parallel universes like in Fringe, Rick & Morty? Are we clones like Echo in Dollhouse? In 2006, I was a counselor at Snow Camp, the Ranch. Worked with CMT. Attended WOLBI NY. Graduated. Quebec mission trip. Went to West Virginia, South Carolina. Started ABC.
2006-01 - January -
Snow Camp
2006-02 - February -
Snow Camp
2006-03 - March -
Snow Camp
Quebec Mission Reality trip
2006-04 - April -
2006-05 - May -
2006-06 - June -
Ranch Counselor
2006-07 - July -
Ranch Counselor
2006-08 - August -
Ranch Counselor
Graduated from WOLBI NY 2nd Year
Moved from WOLBI to ABC
Traveled with a family
ABC is in Bradley, West Virginia, USA
ABC is Appalachian Bible College
2006-09 - September -
ABC classes started
Met Sawyer Frye
2006-10 - October -
Flushed Away - but saw it maybe in 2007
2006-11 - November -
South Carolina - Thanksgiving
Matrix trilogy - first time: went with Jasper to his house in South Carlina for Thanksgiving 2006. Saw red ants. Watched Matrix trilogy for the 1st time: saw other films. Was studying the films. Watched the movies with subtitles. Was alone at their house a lot just watching movies. I wrote about them in some of my logs, diaries.
2006-12 - December -
My Life - 2006 -
2017-10-17 Tuesday 04:10 PM MDNH Q1 HCM
My Life - 1900s - 2000s
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@ JoeyArnoldVN -
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