A blog about Casco Peak comprising 5,000 words, 0.527 picture, and 1 very bad joke

in joke •  7 years ago 

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I shall begin this blog with an exquisite photograph of the north ridge of Casco Peak, a 13,908-foot mountain in Colorado's Sawatch Range and San Isabel National Forest. A most lovely and inspiring view, is it not?

Now, it is my usual custom to begin my blogs with photographs from earlier in a hike, at lower elevation, and then to proceed in logical order to a photograph such as the one provided above; in such fashion, you, my dear reader, can more easily imagine the climb as it occurred and as I experienced it. However, I neglected to take any such earlier photographs, so I will have to ask you to simply imagine everything up to this point. This was a gross error on my part, and I would like to offer my sincere apology for it.

I would also like to offer my sincere apology for writing a blog that is, in fact, nothing more than one supremely bad joke.

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Ah! In this photograph, we have progressed from ridge to summit and are facing southeast, looking down the serrated ridgeline that leads to Bull Hill, which has been officially recorded at 13,761 feet above sea level. From there, you can see that the ridge turns to the northeast, and eventually meets the great Mt. Elbert standing proudly at 14,440 feet — the highest peak in all of Colorado.

Come to think of it, Elbert may be the highest peak in all of Colorado, but I was most certainly the highest man in Colorado when I decided to compose an entire blog that is without question the worst extended joke in the history of blogs and jokes.

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I suddenly do not feel well at all.

Perhaps it is the altitude affecting me, even now, after returning from my excursion; for I am still at two miles above sea level, resting here at my accommodations in Leadville — which, incidentally, you can glimpse far off in the valley in the photograph above, which looks directly to the northeast from Casco's summit.

Or, perhaps it is bitter remorse already at work eating me from the inside; remorse at inflicting upon you, dear reader, this undeniably enormous blunder of a blog, a blog which exists soley to deliver a joke so terrible that the very Earth beneath me is likely preparing to crack open its maw at any time and swallow me whole, never to be seen again.

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My dear reader, I must confess that words are failing me now as the gravity of my offense settles in like so much sand at the bottom of an hourglass. And I fear that my sin of attempting to tell a joke of such inherent badness could very well be the sin upardonable of which the Lord speaks in the good book.

Allow me to take my leave now. You have my word that I will pester you no further. Nay, what good are words? Instead, I give you one final photograph as a gesture of goodwill. Go in peace now, and let the thought of me and my ghastly, severely misguided, and very, very bad joke fade from your memory forever.


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Nobody's going to get it, man. It's really bad.

Someone's gonna get it.

I don't know, man.

Just trust me on this one.

Besides, it's really not even all that fu —


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Hello from the high Rockies of Colorado. My name is Brandt, pleased to meet you. I’m a marketing copywriter. I live in a little ghost town called Leadville. If you like mountains, snow, jokes, running, hiking, breathing, not working, etc., then you and I have a lot in common. Thanks for stopping by, and have a lovely day!

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Colorado..are you travelling by any chance? Which direction? I only ask because I'm heading that way, sort of, in a few months. Which is to say that I'm leaving New York and going west on vacation lollll, I really hope to see the Rockies on our trip back, though beyond heading to @therealpaul in the Ozarks, @quinneaker and @everlove in the Garden of Eden, Texas, and making our way to California then into the...Oh God here is where I lose it because I havealwayswantedtogototheredwoodswherethegiantsroamed, lol...what was I saying? Oh yeah! Terrible Joke!! Worse pictures! You should quit..wait, regular linky stuff that's hilarious, don't quit!

I am not currently traveling, but in a few months I might be. Or I might not. Who knows. I'm kinda spontaneous when it comes to travel stuff. The Ozarks are cool. So are the redwoods. Never been to the Garden of Eden, though, isn't that technically in Mesopotamia? lol. If you make it to the Rockies, do let me know.

I'm glad you liked my terrible joke and pictures! I've actually been thinking about quitting. I've tried to quit many times, in fact, but I guess I'm addicted. I just keep coming back and writing more nonsense. I can't help myself.

I think your joke scared everyone away. Next time, tell them it's only 500 words, but write 5000 words. That should learn em.

Do you ever fall off these mountains?

You're right. I'm doing this wrong. I need to tell more lies. I'll do better next time.

So far I haven't had any falls. If I ever do fall, it'll probably take them a few hours to find all the pieces. Assuming they even find me at all. But hey, might as well go out doing something you're passionate about, right?

That's why I jump as high as I can on the dirt bike every time I see something that almost looks like a ramp. Highways for instance. If I die, at least I was high.

You're gonna go far, kid.

Hey as long as nobody gets hurt we are all having fun! Thanks for the pics, Brings back fond memories and again, i say, please tell me this is not recent. the lack of snow is distressing :-0

Be not distressed, these photos are from October 2017. We have much more snow now. :)

Whew! Good! Did Elbert looooooong ago!

LOL..Stunning view! Thanks for sharing the photos.

You're welcome! The views are really amazing around here. The jokes are pretty terrible, though.

beautiful .. please check out my blog as well.. thank you

Nice one, thank you

fuck you robus.png