How to understand a woman?

in joke •  7 years ago 

Communication with women would be wandering in a foggy yard full of rakes, if they did not say the same things in similar situations.

Women do not always mean what they say.

Before you are cultic female phrases. We have added answers to them that will help strengthen your understanding. After all, mutual understanding is exactly what we primarily want from women. Apart from everything else.

No. 1 Do you love me?

This means: that you were a scoundrel and several times overlooked the everyday ritual of ascertaining our love.

The correct answer is: "My love for you is great, as the volume of the World Ocean in comparison with a bag of orange juice!"

Wrong answer: "I already told you everything on this topic, when we met, why are you asking again?"

№2 Hello, where are you?

This means: "I decided to check your schedule with the planned and at the same time listen to whether there are no unfamiliar female voices in the background." Mobile communication has changed our lives, it is to us that we are obliged to enter into the usage of this new kind of female greeting.

The correct answer is: "Hi, I came to the store to see presents to your parents, and then there are so many holidays ahead ..."

Wrong answer: "What?"

No. I'm not fat?

It means: "Urgently tell me how beautiful I am." Men's assessment of their own appearance rests on the first heard opinion and remains fairly stable until a clinically proven refutation. That is, before the age of forty, a man considers himself slender and curly (as his cousin aunt attaches to the graduation photo) and begins to position himself thick and bald, only when the treating doctor writes in black and white "obesity" and "alopecia" in the map. Female self-evaluation changes two or three times a day and depends on regular injections of compliments.

The correct answer is: "Ha-ha-ha! You are a reed, you must be forcibly fattened, like dystrophy. "

Wrong answer: "Of course, it's hard to call you skinny, but in general it's not the main thing."

№ 4 I can not ...

It means: "I'm not going to have sex with you right now." Which is understandable and without words - she sadly buttoned, kind of slightly guilty. You remain in overexcited perplexity: so - how is it? How exactly can she not? You feel yourself a little developed lascivious animal, unable to understand the subtle mechanisms of female psychology. In fact, the meaning "I can not do this" varies very widely. From "on the first date" and "I'm married (you're married, after all)" to "under the crotch of your friends from the next room" and "I have these days." You've got a subtle nature, giving such a thing as sex with you, very important. Do not extinguish, go to the end, and, perhaps, she can unexpectedly for herself and so. Not this time, so the next.

The correct answer is: "I understand you. Just feelings sometimes are stronger than logic "

Wrong answer: "It's normal! And what do I do now - this is how I walk? "

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