Jokes farewell to the henchmen: evil ideas and games for the future bride!

in jokes •  7 years ago 

Will you make your best friend entertain you and get married? Here are some ideas for goodbye jokes to the stab that you will remember forever!

Jokes goodbye to the stab

Hi girls!

Today we're back to talk about goodbye, in particular, a list of beautiful and treacherous jokes to do to your friend who gets married!

Obviously we talk about jokes always "reasonable" and that should not spoil the party or the memory of this wonderful evening among friends. So here are those I propose for a fun and original party.

Jokes goodbye to stabbing | Confidentiality pact

Before the feast begins, don't forget to have the bride sign a pact of secrecy to your bride friend. What you do at the henbacking farewell will stay at the henbacking farewell! You can find a model here!

Jokes for goodbye to the stab

Jokes goodbye to stabbing | the best jokes

Bridal kidnapping

One of the funniest jokes begins with leaving the future bride in the dark on the day the henbacking farewell will take place. What you need is an accomplice who makes sure that the day you decided that the wedding party will be held the bride is at home and maybe in slippers! So surprise her and kidnap her. After telling him about the beginning of his farewell party, beat her and don't let her understand absolutely where you are taking her.

The joke of the short blanket

This is a joke to be made to the neo-sposa only in case, after the night of stab farewell, the friends expect to sleep all together. Imagine the future bride, tired after a night good enough to have fun with her friends.... she can't wait to get to sleep. But when she arrives in the room and sees her bed, she realizes that the blankets in her bed have suddenly shortened, reaching only a third of its length....

The joke of toothpaste

You'll simply have to sprinkle some of the objects that will touch it with toothpaste. For example, the toilet palette, brushes, mobile phone....

The borotalco's joke in the phon

What's more fun than seeing a girl get out of the shower, take the hairdryer to dry her hair and see a mothalco cloud hit her in full face? You just have to take some talcum powder and put a little bit of it inside the hairdryer!

The joke of soap that does not make foam

Another of the tricks you can play at the celebration is to give it the chance to use only one soap to wash itself, but it won't make foam by rubbing it under the water. Just take a normal soap and colour it entirely with nail polish.

The joke of the water puzzle

This is a joke to make as soon as the celebration is celebrated you will fall asleep. You will need water and many plastic glasses. When the newlywife sleeps in the bed, you just have to reach her and surround her with glasses of water full to the bride.

The joke of the fountain

One evergreen joke is that of the fountain, which we recommend when the future bride is already a bit shining: after suggesting she dressed up for a special evening with her friends, push her into the first fountain you find!

The joke of fake tattoos

Another very famous joke is to apply fake tattoos on the body of the future bridal asle asleep at the end of the party: when you wake up, get ready to immortalize the face that will do!

Improvised karaoke jokes

One of the tricks for a perfect henbacking farewell for the shyest brides is to take them to a karaoke club without their knowledge and to sing them a song in front of the audience of people who will be present that evening....

The joke of colored ice

Use colored ice powder to sprinkle the sheets before your friend gets drunk from the party organized for her. When you wake up, the dust will have colored your skin and its expression when you look at the mirror will be unparalleled.

The joke of making up from clowns

Another joke for the sleeping bride is to make her up by making a clown make up: a mandatory photo of course.

Jokes to the bride's lingerie

If you have access to the bride's suitcase before the stab farewell trip, replace the items of underwear you put in with much more succinct lingerie. Or leave her laundry in the freezer all night long!

Hailing farewell games

Jokes goodbye to stabbing | Games to do with friends

Find the object

This is a game that has all the potential to make you laugh, the bride and all your friends.

You just need to have it:

One dish

White flour

A bandage

First of all, you'll have to blindfold the bride and make her sit in front of a table. Place a plate on the table and fill it with a large heap of flour, then hide it inside a small object. The bride is blindfolded and her task is to find the hidden object without using her hands, but only her mouth and tongue. The most complicated thing is that lucky people will also have to understand what the object is.

The crossword puzzle

It will suffice to create a crossword puzzle with definitions regarding the past of the bride who will have to guess the solutions to complete the crossword puzzle.

Who are they?

Distribute to each invited person a sheet of paper where they will have to describe briefly, giving some clues, a description of an adventure experienced by the bride. When fishing the sheets one by one, the future bride will have to find the author in a very short time. Fun will be guaranteed!

Treasure hunt

Hide a small gift that you want to give the bride (the garter to wear on the wedding day, a piece of lingerie or a photo of all of you together) and through clues and riddles start the hunt.

The galley cartel

More than just a game, the gallows sign is an original idea for photographs to be taken in memory of the day. Just use a sheet of paper and paste it onto a cardboard rather often to make it more rigid, then create one for each friend of the bride who will participate in the farewell party to the stab.

On each sheet of paper there will be written: the girl's name, how many years she knows the bride, the police department she comes from (the country from which she comes), the crime she has committed and the years of punishment she will have to serve.

Once made, each girl will have to take a photograph with her own personal gallows sign.

Clothing and party accessories

Jokes goodbye to stabbing | Clothing and accessories for the party

Speaking of clothing to stay on the theme jokes you have to find something to put on the head of the bride: the bridal headband with wedding veil in can not miss. White or color? Just that it is showy with sequins and rhinestones.

Another original idea is always the henbag T-shirts!

On the Internet, however, you can find everything, just know how to search. On Amazon you will find a wide range of disguises for both friends and bride, as well as many accessories to make the evening really fun. Also on Funidelia you will find many costumes designed especially for these occasions.

If what you are looking for are mainly gadgets and accessories for farewell to the location, then you should contact Divertilandia, a website created specifically for the sale of masks, accessories and gadgets for occasions like this one.

Do you want to strip it or not?

Jokes goodbye to the hulls | Do you or don't?

Obviously not, unless strictly requested by the bride. But if you want to have fun, be complicit groom and friends of the groom for a funny and very naïf striptease. Maybe, everyone will end up in costume for a dip in a swimming pool or by the sea!

I hope that I have offered you some interesting ideas and ideas to make your friend (and all of you of course) live a goodbye party with bows. The important thing is to live it serenely, without exaggerating and without discomforting the future bride. For more tips please read our post here!

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the crossword puzzle it will suffice to create a crossword puzzle with definitions regarding the past of the bride who will have to guess the solutions to complete the crossword puzzle.