Jordan Peterson on the psychological significance of the biblical stories (part 4)

in jordan-peterson •  7 years ago  (edited)


What did it mean when Adam & Eve got kicked out of paradise? Jordan Peterson explains the psycological aspects of what the story means to mankind. Even atheists will get much useful knowlegde out of these lectures.

Biblical Series 4 - Adam & Eve: Self-conscientious, Evil & Death

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There is no psychological significance. They're real events from the Bible. There's nothing to indicate that they're allegorical. In fact, the Apostle Paul refers to those events:

(1 Timothy 2:13-14 NIV) For Adam was formed first, then Eve. {14} And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.

How does showing that they align perfectly with our psychology/biology dilute from the belief that they're real? Im a Christian and i believe myself but these lectures also show 'why' the West became freer and more advanced than the East. In having governments that align with Christianity's value (as opposed to say Sharia Law thats opposed) it shows how even athiests ought to protect America's Republic.