Jordan Peterson, the voice of outrage.

in jordan •  3 years ago 


RT reports: Jordan Peterson hammers ‘totalitarian’ Covid rules — RT World News

I’m a big fan of Jordan Peterson so I’m glad to see he is recovered from his severe health problems and appears in top old form. He says he got the C-19 vaccination, “But here’s the deal, guys, I got the vaccination so now you guys leave me the fuck alone! Did they leave me alone? No. I still have to get tested whenever I leave the country and masked in interior spaces. The restrictions when I come back to Canada are even stricter. So what did I get the vaccination for if you aren’t going to leave me alone? Stupid me! That’s how I feel about it.”

There are cynical comments from people who refuse the jab and could have told Jordan that getting jabbed would not result in freedom. I don’t think that attitude is helpful.

In effect Jordan Peterson has put himself in the role of Everyman. Most people here in Canada are getting the jabs, 80% if our Health Authority dictators can be believed (another serious issue of course). So Jordan Peterson has been in the majority and his reasons for taking the jabs are those of the majority, that is, the desire to get back freedom and normality, to be left alone.

Thus Peterson has the right to speak for Canada’s majority and voice the outrage which is inevitable because we were all promised in one way or another that “consenting” to the jabs would give us our freedom back. But the government does not change its approach to us after we “consent”. We are all still subject to the identical restrictions. The social contract has been broken.

The social contract? This phrase is a description of the natural and inevitable relationship between any government – democratic, autocratic, it doesn’t matter – and the subjects of that government. Here’s the deal, as Jordan puts it so plainly and honestly: we obey government rules and in return government rewards us for our obedience by giving us the right to pursue a normal life so we can work, live, produce, care for each other without being harassed. We obedient citizens don’t get harassed, only disobedient criminals get harassed. That’s the deal. It’s a two way street. We obey and in return the government gives us what is implicitly promised. That is what written law means – from Hammurabi to Magna Carta to the constitution and Charter and Criminal Code of today – it’s a contract between ruler and subject with obligations and rewards for both parties. As long as both parties adhere to the contractual obligations.

So what happens when one or the other party breaks a contract? The contract is null and void. It sounds apocalyptic and exaggerated but in essence this is the state of reality. Our government is taking our obedience and giving us nothing in return. The government is cheating us and expecting us all to lie down and take it. Obeying the rules gets us nothing but more of the same repression, harassment and instability. We Canadians are a mild folk. Too mild, that’s plain to see. But under the appearance of normality there is the cold hard reality that the law, which is the ground state of our society, has been violated by the government and the government’s actions and continued threats tell us by actions rather than words that the government has contempt for the law, for our constitution and our rights.

If anybody, government people or anybody, thinks the stability and civil peace of any society can be taken for granted they are greatly mistaken. That stability depends on laws being respected. It can dissolve in matter of days when society has become a house of cards because the law has not been upheld.

The Australian government is debating, right now, imposing lockdown, house arrest, for the 3 million Australians they say are unvaccinated. The scenes of the solid crowd of protesters in the street, wall to wall with not a cop in sight, against the Vaccination Mandate seen in Melbourne just days ago would indicate that the “unvaccinated” in Australia are a lot more than 3 million. But Australia has been the proving ground for the harshest Covid lockdowns and repression in the world. Canada is obviously next in line for anything the Australian government does. Would imposing prison on the unvaccinated mean that Australians, or Canadians, who have been jabbed will get normality back? When already Booster shots are looming on the horizon? You’d have to be pretty dumb to believe that.

Since our government is so contemptuous of the law as they have been, we have no way to believe that our ‘authorities’ will not take more liberties to themselves and remove more liberties from us whether we are nice and obedient or not. This is becoming an increasingly strange country to this born and bred Canadian.

What sort of a country is it when our law abiding citizens are so meek and silent that Jordan Peterson is “controversial” and “offensive” for talking like a good old fashioned hockey fan and saying in plain and common language what every Canadian who obeyed our government’s mandates has the perfect right to say. You promised and you broke your promise. You treated me like a fool and a punk. Fuck you. The deal is OFF!

Because here’s the deal: there is either law respected by both the citizens and the lawmakers or there is not. If there is no law there is nothing but force. Maybe the government thinks it has all the force on its side, as the arrogant actions of the government seem to demonstrate. The government of Australia has thrown law aside and now is depending on force alone. Is that what we can expect from our government? Why not? It’s already happening. In hockey parlance they have taken the gloves off. Are we going to keep our gloves on while they beat us down with no payback? That’s just not a natural human response. The law had better be re-established, starting with the government cancelling “emergency” tyranny and returning to honouring our laws. That had better happen right soon.

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