The Tribulation Timeline | Voice of God with Joseph Z

in josephz •  4 months ago 

Joseph Z explains the tribulation through a biblical timeline of events and provides revelatory insight into the believers’ response at this time.
He references Matthew 24:3- 8 to remind us of Christ’s warning about being deceived during the last days when many will come in Christ’s name to deceive many. This verse further outlines what to expect during the last days while informing us that all the difficulties outlined are just the beginning of what is to come. He reveals that we will experience even more difficulties as we get closer to the end of the days; urging us to keep our hopes alive to survive these trying times.

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Joseph also analyzes the concept of eternity's past and future; discussing the different timeframes that make up the age of grace, the church age, and the last days. He explains that although we are currently in the last days, this period will eventually come to an end, leading to a segment of time divided into two halves of three and a half years, known as the Great Tribulation. He clarifies that the tribulation will begin during the end times, and when Jesus returns, the saints will be caught away or raptured, meeting the Lord in the air. This will be followed by the Bema judgment, the marriage supper of the Lamb, and the battle of Armageddon.

Furthermore, Joseph points out the timeframe for the millennium reign of Jesus, revealing that there will be one more deception from the devil after the Lord’s reign, prompting his final destruction by God after he sends fire from heaven to destroy him and his cohorts. This will be followed by the great white throne judgment, the new heaven and earth after everyone receives their due reward from God. The video:

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