I've seen you peer

in joshuahoffine •  4 years ago  (edited)

and peer and peek and peer


at this, with the eyes of a 1960s fed-shrink ...

Took me four googles to get the man's name back ...


Joshua Hoffine

from site :

Joshua Hoffine is one of the most recognized photographers in the world. He is a pioneer in the subgenre of Horror photography.

“My role as a Horror photographer is to show you what you don’t want to see.

I stage my photo-shoots like small movies, with sets, costumes, elaborate props, fog machines, and SPFX make-up. Everything is acted out live in front of the camera.

the girl in that picture is his daughter ...

to me he's right up there with Miwa Yanagi (fairy tale ) among very , very few others ...

its ART, ... lurker ..

(from "the annals of 'to live in Salems Lot , Hellgium, soviet era ...")

no i was doing research :




yea i came out there via somewhere i was looking into ...

and interesting too :

(1) A person commits an offense who possesses a deadly weapon other than a firearm with the intent to employ it during the commission of, attempt to commit, or escape from a dangerous offense as defined in § 39-17-1324.

(2) A person commits an offense who possesses any deadly weapon with the intent to employ it during the commission of, attempt to commit, or escape from any offense not defined as a dangerous offense by § 39-17-1324.

what i gather a knocker is illegal on the forbidden weapons list but a sidearm is not - i might get it wrong thought BUT THE INTERESTING BIT

the definition of "dangerous offense"

T.C.A. § 39-17-1307(d). (Emphasis added.) The term “dangerous offense” in the foregoing statute means dangerous felonies such as murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, burglary,


, and drug dealing and manufacturing. T.C.A. § 39-17-1324. Also, it is important to note that, while switchblades are legal in Tennessee, a person who possesses a switchblade during the commission of a dangerous offense is subject to an enhanced sentence and a hefty fine.

... no comment i think i might like the place ...

yagh ... it gets kinda funny on knives, especially switchblades ... leads me to think there must have been some kind of era with some kind of tradition that lead to extra clauses in the codex

sed lex dura lex but i wasnt looking for american legalism ...

mhhh, well once, i asked the cops wether

if someone keeps following me and i keep saying KEEP YOUR DISTANCE , and they just keep following like "im gonna bust you up and knock you and all that television crap" , if i'm at least allowed to PUSH THEM back in soviet hellgium

(a purely hypothetical situation ofcourse, i mean, imagine that ...)

so they didnt answer ... and my guess is : they dont have the answer

they're limited to either patrolling in prevention (or letting it slide until the community begs) or else wait until someone calls (in a hypothetical situation you would with a reasonable probability be scathed or unable - have you ever tried picking a phone while someone is knocking your teeth out ? to call your 100 friends ? you should - hypothetically - try it , get some sense of realism ...) and then they can like euh , i dont know the english word, vaststellen ... "determine" (?) thats not really correct , file a report and wait months or longer for some judge who was never there to judge wether its something or nothing , thats what i understand from the situation ...

which doesnt make this #mylifematters better currently ...

yea ... last election the far right went from what 6% to 18% in ONE election , ... i have never heard of a rise like that in hellgium (but that doesnt mean it never happened, i dont really follow local history and propagandics)

and so, i was looking :)

and i ended up in Tennessee, small world after all ... defend yourself for stalking is legal there huh ? and not hypothetical

i'll be damned ...

heh ...

i tink it's called pre-occupation in your proverbial local language ... and when your head is full of that theres no room for anytyhing else ... when forced to sit under a waterfall with vermin and hyena's on all side its really hard to hear the birds singing,

dearie ...

yea, i can get an idea of what the world looks like to YOU ... but ofcourse i can not be exactly IN your head and be you ... so , it leaves me with a lot of margin to wonder

your perception of reality ... does it feel fuzzy ? or pink maybe ? plush ?

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