Lighting For Everyone The STEEMIT Way

in joulesteem •  7 years ago 

Day 8 Run: JOULESTEEM Circuit With Cold Current Charger and Non-Grid DC Augmentation - Post #78

This is our latest JOULESTEEM circuit as arranged with a non-grid DC augmentation and a way to loopback to the source by augmenting the current that fills up the charge batteries:


The second big capacity battery as charged and as another example have attained 13.71 volts, up from 13.40 volts yesterday.

The weakest source battery among the 3x source battery had depleted down to 10.6 volts, this is a very high voltage for this weak battery even after running as source battery for 24 hours, for the record the last time this weak battery as the source had depleted to as about 9.5 volts.

It is also worth mentioning in this blog that I had this initial assumption: “this latest circuit seemingly will find itself a certain voltage level and will stay there for almost forever”. The weak source battery at about 10.6 volts after 24 hours of run is a very good indication of such phenomena because its previous low after 24 hours of running as source battery is about 9.5 volts.

In this blog’s report after 8 days of runs, both the source and charge batteries are all gaining in strength and charge as we swap it daily. All other parameters and circuit behaviors stayed the same except on these mentioned voltage differences.

Yesterday, I had expected for this second big capacity battery to reach 14 volts as charged but it seems it only wants to go 13.71 volts today. We will proceed thru the day 9 run as long as the charge battery is increasing in charge as compared to the previous day, we will see for ourselves if it will reach the 14 volt charging mark the same as the previous big capacity as charged.

We need to ride this battery to its MAXIMUM to see for ourselves the limits of this circuit!

Keep supporting these JOULESTEEM blogs and start replicating with the help of electrical professionals and enthusiasts in your locality.

“How Can A Small Piece Of Metal Replace The Beauty And Splendor Of Unexplored Lands? It Does Not Make Sense……...”

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I will be going back to look at the beginning of this experiment. From first glance it appears as though perpetual motion is possible. I'm a layman and know nothing, and oftentimes think ignorance is bliss. As you say, a little knowledge can be dangerous

Im interested too. There's mo such thing as perpetual motion, there's always loss, even if only at the atomic level. However, systems like this can really improve the effectiveness and efficiency of current systems, thats why I love them!

Thank you @ligayagardener; I am always encouraged by the interests of people, may this circuit be used for the good of lots of people in your locality. Just do not forget to bring this pieces of writing including the schematics to experts who knew electricity and electronics.

I will be the happiest person in the world to know if people start replicating the JOULESTEEM circuit, possibly form a sort of a community movement to change for the better. I always agree on the concept of HIGH EFFICIENCY, I do not have to replace ALL, I just need to AUGMENT, if you can see what I mean.


P.S. Even if I can REPLACE ALL, I do not have to.... hihi

Thank you so much for the encouraging words my friend. No amount of "zero knowledge" can stop anybody who is willing, that is why I always state in my blogs to bring this circuit to pros and enthusiasts who knew much about circuits and start a small movement of sorts in their locality.

Little knowledge is always dangerous if "used to tower over others", in fact and as observed over the years, almost always the most number of complainers are people WHO KNEW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT THEY SAY.

Please do help in this initiative, it may save lots of people in your locality one day.

SO well said:

“How Can A Small Piece Of Metal Replace The Beauty And Splendor Of Unexplored Lands?

Has never made sense to me ~ And millions of other people. So why is our earth still being raped, when there are alternative and viable sources of power? 🦋

Thank you @allyinspirit; in fact, what I am trying to point out in that end saying is for MONEY to replace serene, peaceful and beautiful lands, all in the guise of development. That small piece of metal is MONEY, in the form of a coin, minted from some metal taken elsewhere, "assigned a value by someone".

The more you know about this world we live in @allyinspirit, the more you will seek the very depths of your existence, as to WHY we are even here in the first place.


I didn't realize you meant money. I thought you meant all the resources we are taking from the earth. All the more reason to support cryptocurrencies too.

The question as to why we are here is one that I do give a lot of thought to as well. 🙏