I meant to followup with my Day 1 post yesterday, but life got the best of me and I was sick as a dog all day. I could barely get any work done and spent the majority of the day sleeping.
Luckily I am feeling better today and was able to take some time to create some goals I'd like to accomplish to help live my Level 10 life.
Physical Environment
- Don't let chores pile up - make sure the minimum gets done each day
- Declutter - it's time to let go of the things that no longer serve a place in the house
- Develop and stick to a cleaning schedule
- Deep clean and organize kid's shared room - help them develop habits so it doesn't get so messy
- Fix up minor annoyances in the house - tighten all knobs, patch small holes, fix broken drawers, etc.
- Reach out to old friends more frequently
- Participate in family conversations online more frequently
- Text with my sisters more
- Setup a family game night each week
- Spend one-on-one time with each child at least once a month
- Implement a date night at least 1x per month
- Spend more quality time together on a daily basis
- Compliment my husband more so he knows he is appreciated
- Find different ways to make him feel more like he is loved
Personal Growth & Development
- Spend 30 min reading each day
- Start a miracle morning practice
- Learn better time management skills
Health & Fitness
- Lose 5 more pounds
- Increase flexibility - On this one, I'd like to be able to do the splits. I've never been able to in the past and it's always been a physical goal of mine.
- Successfully do 1 push up - My arm strength is super weak. I've never been able to do a non-modified pushup fully. I think it's time to change that.
- Increase water consumpton
- Limit soda to no more than 2 days per week
- Exercise 3-4 times per week
Fun & Recreation
- Set aside time to work on a hobby each week or at minimum 1x per month
- Pick a hobby that I won't feel pressured to try to monetize
- Give myself at least 30 min of down time each day for something fun
Career & Business
- Set time aside each week to focus on writing
- Read through stack of books related to writing to improve methods and skill
- Publish at least 1 short story per month
- Finish novella
- Always have at least 1 month of Pinterest content scheduled
- Post to Steemit at least 1x per day
*Learn how to better interact on Steemit
- Develop a better budget and stick with it
- Limit careless spending
- Build savings fund back to $1000
- Pay off all credit card debt
Contribution & Giving and Spirituality
- Start the morning with a short mediation session
- Clearly define just what spirituality means to me
- Create a daily journal
- Start practicing gratitude
- Contribute more to groups that I am a part of
Okay, so there are my goals. Some categories have more than others, but I think that is okay. As I continue to grow and improve I am sure that others will come up.
Now the fun part begins as I get to start creating schedules and plans to start implementing the actions needed to meet these goals.
I'll check back in with an update tomorrow. I've also decided to tag these posts with lvl10life to make it easier to track