Thinking about the technology behind Steem, I've been wondering what would give my contributions the most value. Who do I want to write to? Would this add value to a new generation? I welcome your advice.
Steem uses a blockchain, which acts as a transaction ledger. The nature of a blockchain is that it is immutable, in principle. Immutability means that once a transaction is recorded, the record is permanent. At least for the lifespan of the blockchain.
I'm going to assume that Steem will exist for a long time, as without that assumption it is hardly worth contributing to. I've been thinking what direction to take with writing, given that it will be a permanent record. It might not be wise to thoughtlessly put some things on public record without considering any consequences. Ideally they should be adding value. What aspect of myself would I like to dedicate to posterity? What areas of my experience can bring value to others?
A few idea that come to mind are;
- Pick an area of expertise. Detail all my knowledge and advice on that subject.
- Collect information on a specific subjects that can be used as a resource.
- A personal blog.
- A personal journal.
- Humorous content.
The list of possibilities is as long as the imagination. Which choice would give me the greatest incentive to produce content?
About four years ago, I began to develop the habit of daily journaling. Initially, it started as a gratitude journal. I would write down the most positive aspects of my day. This was a tool to invigorate my mood. It has great utility. That type of journal probably doesn't translate well to a public space. A narrative journal, perhaps with a humorous element might be a better choice.
I could experiment with the archetypal masculine/feminine aspects of relation. The seduction of the feminine by the masculine. The ability to invoke emotional responses in other people is fundamental to the art of seduction. Or so I'm told. I make no claim to being and expert. I have within me the desire to explore the power of seduction through the written word. Finding the words and stories that provoke strong emotion in others is the key.
Something that adds to this line of thinking is my attendance at a Toastmasters club. I've been developing my public speaking to see if I have some hidden talent in this area. If I combine my thoughts on narrative journals with my experience of public speaking, it would tell me that the best subjects to choose are the ones that come from personal experience. It is these experiences which are most likely to convey our personal feelings with authenticity to our audience.
Finally, I would like to begin to master the elements of story telling. Something that my father was very skilled in, and I would like to emulate his success in communicating to others in this manner. A good friend of mine once said, "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story!". He was a master story teller too. A little embellishment here and there can go a long way to making the mundane seem exciting.
So much to learn and now the journey has begun. I'm excited to contribute to Steem. As I wrote in my own personal journals, by hand, I often felt that I should leave these as a record for my family and friends, after I move on the journey into the hereafter. Steem seems to offer another possibility of creating a personal memoir for posterity. It may live on for many more generations than my paper journals or hosted websites at least.
My question for any readers would be, is it a smart use of the technology? What do you see as the best use of Steem, as a platform for blogging?