The Start of a Young Journalist's Journey

in journalism •  6 months ago 

It wouldn't be truly honest if I told you this were my first attempt at pursuing a full time career in writing.
A few years ago I took the journalism course at Algonquin College in Ottawa Ontario. I loved everything about this course, from the teachers to the subject being learned. There was a very specific plan I had in mind and that plan was to start my own magazine. The course guided us towards writing newspaper articles. Writing is a passion I'll always have. However writing about current events and politics is just about as entertaining as watching paint dry. That is just my personal opinion on that matter. Coming up with the perfect hook was giving me a regular headache, and figuring out what you want to do in life is a proper migraine. So I took a break. I contemplated for a while, tried new hobbies, new courses and career paths. And as of today I've come to a realization that putting words onto paper via a keyboard is an activity that makes me feel fulfilled.
So here I am. Starting back up the blog. Who's to say if the blog will go anywhere but I'm content with keeping up with this account on a regular basis.
If you like to take part in reading about small town exploration, and activities to do in Ottawa, you may find some comfort in following this blog. Me and my partner are also putting a cross country roadtrip into the works so I will be blogging about that regularly.

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