Traveling to live — a dream or reality?

in journey •  9 years ago 

 28 calendar days of paid vacation, the week of the Christmas holidays, a few may weekend — this is the maximum time that the majority of modern urban dwellers can pay the rest and exploring new places. And part home away from home and then flies away on household chores, on family issues, on a country-barbecue get-togethers. It turns out that just out of town is brought to conduct in the sum of only three weeks per year — 52 two. Not so much, given the fact that there are 255 countries and countless places that are so eager to visit... 

 A certain range of professions, of course, allows you to travel outside of his native city quite often, and also get paid for it. Workers in the tourist industry, journalists, artists... But "working" trip, although perfectly dilutes the usual routine, is perceived somewhat differently than voluntary trip: last but not least, due to the fact, the days of the painted-out Affairs. And choose the direction by yourself hardly able to go where you want, and wherever requires profession.

 But special fans wandering go ahead and choose a different path in life: a permanent life in the journey. How is it so?.. 

 Learn English: Downshifting, Career break, Travelliving 

 The term "downshifting" (from the English "downshift" - "reset") broke into modern dictionaries recently, but already managed to hold a strong niche. The "reset" of the career achievements, to forget about boring daily life and sit in the sunshine, away from the bustle of big cities — is not happiness? Many jobs allow you to work on deleting, you would be the Internet – and the owner of a property on nine and you can not worry: donating Moscow or St. Petersburg apartment can provide a quite comfortable existence somewhere in Thailand or Goa. 

 However, the "downshifting" implies not so much a nomadic lifestyle for a particular period as the complete rejection of career in favor of spiritual harmony (and, as a rule, for an unlimited period). Many active travelers are less radical, although still the same decisive step, which in English terminology is called a career break (literally - "career break") the movement of the career break does not enter into the rejection of consumer values forever. Many perceive it as a long (half a year or more) unpaid leave, during which you can relish otmechaetsya on the world map. And on the return journey, in principle, it is possible to return to the previous... Well, unless, of course, they do want to come back — it is likely that during his travels before the eyes of the traveler opens new horizons.

 In Western countries the movement very seriously and organize a huge community and large-scale information resources to help prepare for your traveling life. One of the most famous English-speaking communities of this type relates a resource to "Meet, Plan, Go", founded by American traveler sherry Ott. In addition to General advice on the topic of travel, you can apply for the volunteer program in any point of light: for example, to participate in an ethnographic study of Indian villages, to help teach literacy to African children, or to save from extinction rare species of animals on some Islands.

 For many, participation in such programs is the most easy way to leave their four walls, because volunteers provided at least a roof over her head and peers around, but can also feel in the business, which is important for owners of active life position. 

 But perhaps the term that best characterises an itinerant life marked Russian travelers Mary and Ajay, who envisioned the simple word "travelling" (in English, travel living – "life journey"). This way of life uncomplicated, and able to charm any avid romance: live on the remote work and income from renting apartments, to change the country of residence at the slightest desire, continuously to discover new... 

Starts care in this way of life is quite simple: accumulate the initial capital (depending on the thoroughness of the traveler, the amount of this starts from about five hundred dollars, and ends the tens of thousands) purchased one-way tickets, carefully studied the country of destination... And, basically, everything. It seems simple, isn't it? Most of the beginners in this field there's only one question... 

 The issue of financial 

 If the budget for a week-long overseas forays begins from 30 thousand roubles on the person, how much money can go for many months?.. In fact, on a long journey does not leave those massive amounts of money that you can imagine, multiplying the cost of a short vacation of ten times. The biggest item of expenditure — tickets — depends on the duration of the trip, but otherwise active travelers quickly learn to save wisely. Because in everyday life there is no need of any luxury hotels, gastronomic delights (a Michelin-starred restaurants give way to local cafes and food shopping).

 Housing for rent for long term rent is cheaper than short; monthly rent a car or moped in some countries is cheaper than public transport, and, especially, taxi. And yet for the duration of the journey disappear all the necessary routine costs: utilities, household chemicals, and Internet payments, as well as endless shopping "status" of things needed for the citizen.

 It turns out that life can leave even less money than the usual accommodation in the city — depending, of course, with the high cost of specific countries and the needs of the traveler. However, if we are talking about travel is not friendly to third world countries and the advanced Western Europe or the United States, such a lifestyle will cost: impact and rental housing, and expensive gasoline, and the price of entertainment. So go have still not where the wind blows and where the purse will allow. 

But, fortunately, the choice of the budget is quite large countries: India, Sri Lanka, nearly all South-East Asia, Latin America... Less popular in the Arab world (Egypt, Morocco) due to the specific European flavour. However, there can be found a happy tumbleweed, who found on a Sunny and desert lands. 

 Choosing for himself the life in the way, it is possible to carry out a number of common dreams. You can permanently hide from the bad seasons, choosing a hot country in the winter and farther North in summer. By examining a number of countries, learn a new profession and be realized in it, whether it be photography, writing books and articles or conducting tours. You can go around in one fell swoop the entire globe, making the most iconic places on the planet. But obstacles on the path to eternal vacation still a lot: it will have to overcome all the fears associated with the loss of stability, loneliness and longing for loved ones. It will be necessary to weigh up all the doubts — and suddenly life on the shores of the warm sea, get bored as well as at the time, tired of traffic jams and office Desk. In the end, many find it hard to get rid of opinions, the eternal adventure is just a romantic whim, and that life's happiness lies in a permanent home and career development. And the dispute between Amateurs stability and tireless adventurers is not going to subside... 

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