Quote of the Day/ Zitat des Tages #181 ENG/DEU

in joy •  6 years ago 

The greatest gift is given by the one who gives joy.
Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was an Indian missionary and nun of Albanian descent. She became known worldwide for her work with the homeless, the poor, the sick and the dying.
In 1979 she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her work. Within the Catholic Church, she is venerated as a saint.
Because of the hygienic conditions in the dying houses initiated by her and her missionary zeal, criticism was also levelled at her.
Mother Teresa decided to become a religious at the age of twelve. Already at the age of eighteen, she asked for admission to the novitiate of the Loreosisters.

pixabay and wikipedia

Am meisten schenkt, wer Freude schenkt.
Mutter Teresa

Mutter Teresa war eine indische Missionarin und Ordensschwester albanischer Abstammung. Sie wurde weltweit bekannt durch ihre Arbeit mit Obdachlosen, Armen, Kranken und Sterbenden.
1979 erhielt sie dafür den Friedensnobelpreis. Innerhalb der katholischen Kirche wird sie als Heilige verehrt.
Wegen der hygienischen Zustände in den von ihr iniziierten Sterbehäusern und ihrem missionarischen Eifer wurde auch Kritik an ihr geübt.
Mutter Teresa entschied sich bereits mit zwölf Jahren dafür, Ordensfrau zu werden. Bereits mit achtzehn Jahren bat sie um Aufnahme ins Noviziat der Loreoschwestern.

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Wonderful life story...my dear friend @positiveetag


the beautiful flower friend,photography is very amazing @positivertag


Wow fantastic flower photography 💞


Excellent blog post friend thank you so much.


  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment


Very nice flower photography 💞. thanks for sharing this post.i appreciate your valuable post..


Great post 👍 thanks for sharing this post.i like it this post


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Great post 📪 i like it


Good story! Thanks for the nice post.

Thank you for reading it.



Mother Teresa is a wonderful personality! I have read a lot of books in school, even after that I have learned a lot about Google and many other things about him. He really is amazing. Everyone will always appreciate his and I do. Nice quote.


Good quote from Mother Theresa.


Mother Teresa love you her every step. Good post

Thank you very much.

Beautiful lines by Mother Teresa...
She was the great and very kind person. i respect her..
Beautiful post my friend...


Wow..Very good post and lovely quote.


Nice post about Mother Teresa. Good quote.


Quote of the day. I liked it. Have a greet day.
