Joy Behar and her Cohesive, Concerted, Conspiring Ilk have taken a, decidedly, negative VIEW about Christians and those who have Certain faith that the Son of God, himself, may, indeed, "Speak" to believers on him.

in joy •  7 years ago 

Joy Sounds Off.jpg

Joy Behar and her Cohesive, Concerted, Conspiring Ilk have taken a, decidedly, negative VIEW about Christians and those who have Certain faith that the Son of God, himself, may, indeed, "Speak" to believers on him.

Vice President Mike Pence is one of our American leaders who has accepted high office in a Nation that has Built Itself on the tenants of Religious Tolerance.

Pence has openly Professed His faith in God and the Owner of Empress Signs LLC is Grateful to God and his willing Saints on earth who lead us among less than Godly Powers and Principalities who strive to sew kayos, Other Gods, and Godlessness on earth from their High Places, daily.

Our bible reads, empirically, about the Works and Deeds of the Synogog of Satan there in the book of Revelations, chapter 3 verse 9, and the Works Made openly evidence by these shall not be Ignored by God's Faithful Saints any loner!

In the Name of God, we will Not Be Shamed or Intimidated against Speaking UP on TRUTH, as TRUTH is Light for our Nation now being, openly, lead Head-First into Darkness by those Media-Owning and, thereby, those Owned Hollywood "types".


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